Would like help finding information on alternatives medicine for adenocarcinoma.
Helping people who are poor that need... - Lung Conditions C...
Helping people who are poor that need care. Why does it always have to be about the money to save a life. I'm so so sad.

This no miracals majic potions only hope people have is the bodies and or imunthrepy.
This loads out there beating the drum about these miracal cures BUT like i say best hope people have is the own bodies.
Myself i had nasty lung nodule on granuloma my lung doctor was not hopfull about.
Anyway it turned out to be nout and had gone.
Doctors tell cancer patients to eat mixed nuts MYSELF i cut them out and been having a swig of almond milk one with added vitamins.
I could say it was that .. that bosted my immune system Resolved it BUT as with life cure one thing .. and other issue pops its head up.
One thing for sure almond milk might do nout for hypertension but i think al stick with it for now
What country are you in Wandadm? I see you have been given a diagnosis, have you googled the treatment needed? Hope someone will be able to help.
Hi welcome to the site. I can't help I'm afraid but just wanted to say hi. Most of us are in the UK though there are some Americans here. I thought everyone in the USA was either on Medicaid or the Obama Health Plan. Aren't you on those? x

If if make a certain amount above the states requirements then you don't qualify. If you don't make the requirements for the affordable care act you don't get covered by them either. Don't believe everything you hear about the USA Healthcare. It is very substandard.
Yes I had heard USA healthcare is patchy and very inadequate unless you can afford to pay privately. I thank God for our wonderful NHS.
Have you tried going on the American Lung Association site? They might be able to help as I have seen links on there for federal assistance and where to apply. x
Hello wandadm . It is very unfair that people who can't afford it cannot get treatment. I am so sorry for your predicament. Like coughalot suggested maybe there is information on the American lung Association site? This is a good place for moral support too.
Take care.
Cas xx 🌸
Hello and welcome here. I'm sorry, I can't help you about treatments either. In this country we're offered treatment through the NHS and tend not to look for alternatives, except for complimentary therapies.
I only know what we're told, in the media, about healthcare provision in USA. I can't imagine what it must be like to have a diagnosis and not to be able to afford the treatment you need. I feel so sad that you say "I'm so sad".
Please keep in touch with us, Sue x