Visit with ENT Doctor Friday the 13th - Lung Conditions C...

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Visit with ENT Doctor Friday the 13th

Aurorastar_ profile image
6 Replies

Visit with ENT Doctor Friday the 13th went well.. Or so I think? He's claiming that he had me "diagnosed" just from reading letters from my other docs, and my symptoms. /laryngopharyngeal -reflux -(silent-reflux) was what I came home being told I have. And that he also feels it's causing a lot of my breathing issues. I'm trying to read up on it, and I don't know how this is all adding up.. I know I fit the symptoms for LPR, but I am also still seeing in my chart my pulmonary Doctor indeed does have me down for restrictive lung diease. Which is upsetting to me, because I don't know why I'm not on a treatment plan if restrictive lung diease, is indeed what they're claiming I have.. I never wanted to fall in the cracks of being told I have "something" just to fill that line on my chart. This is all getting frustrating :/

Was sent home with 40 mg (1Xday) of Prilosec

Anyone know anything about this medication? Not looking for more, but am also wondering how 1 pill can make everything I have going on, go away?

Hope everyone had a beautiful Sunday! Very chilly here, and most of us know, cold weather and breathing issues don't mix!

Next weekend is looking up though! ☀️

God Bless!!!

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Aurorastar_ profile image
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6 Replies
barst1950 profile image

Hi. My husband as also been diagnosed with LPR as well as copd. He is on nexium domperidine rantinidine and gaviscon advanced. This disease is causing him more bother than the copd. The doctors are at a loss as to what to try next. Been referred back to copd specialist. Fingers crossed he knows more than them. These two illnesses do seem to come hand in hand. Take care

Aurorastar_ profile image
Aurorastar_ in reply to barst1950

I'm hearing a lot of this gaviscon advanced, although I don't have any heart burn or feeling when laying flat, I'm wondering if it may help with stomach acid.. Thank you for your advice. LPR seems to be something I had never even heard of .. And as I don't have COPD, I possibly have the oppisit of it (restrictive lung diease) and I'm wondering if it would also come hand and hand..

Good luck to your husband, it's great he has such a caring spouse :)

barst1950 profile image
barst1950 in reply to Aurorastar_

Hi. Just like you Alan as never had heart burn and can lay down without it coming into his throat. Its as soon as he sits up in bed the acid hits is throat and irritates it. The gaviscon advance is supposed to form a raft across the top of the stomach to stop acid rising into the throat. But we are still struggling with it. Type LPR in the help box above and other people have written about it, Regards.

barst1950 profile image

Hi. Just wondering if the tablet ent gave you worked. Were due to see ent Consultant on Monday for the first time. Sure Alan as tried that tablet and it didn't work for him. Thanks

Aurorastar_ profile image
Aurorastar_ in reply to barst1950

Hi! Sorry it's taken me so long to answer, I've been very busy with my job.

The pill didn't work much for me, as all it seemed to do what dry me up. I stopped taking it.

How did his appointment go? Any news?

God Bless

barst1950 profile image

Hi sorry I didn't see your post. We went to see ent specialist. She put a scope down confirmed Lpr Hiatus hernia and top sphinctre not working. So the hernia and the sphincter are keeping the stomach open to let the acid.through. Copd too bad for operation. Now waiting to see Professor at a Hull. Quite a way .We live in Mirfield. West Yorkshire Still advised to take all the same medication. Regards.

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