Surely May Is The Very Best Month Of ... - Lung Conditions C...

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Surely May Is The Very Best Month Of The Year...

13 Replies

Haven't put the Very Expensive Fablon on the kitchen shelves yet...Himself was puttering about the electricity bill so I thought it might be much better if I was outside...

I know having pots and containers is supposed to make up for not being able to garden in the actual earth...I do know that...but cleaning out the remains of last year's shrivelled up annuals is quite soul destroying when I used to be sowing long rows of veggies and tying in the sweet peas and runner beans...

And the paint I put on the horrible plastic pots has mostly peeled was special paint intended for plastic plant'd have thought it would have lasted longer than a year.

Then I began to find the dreaded cut worms...something else on my growing list of creatures which apparently serve no good purpose...dozens of the little sods in every container I tackled...the last straw was as I was digging deep into a container which had held pansies and up comes the trowel with three fat and lethargic green slugs clinging on...purely out of spite, I tossed them into the water-filled ditch.

Father had a Toad...that Toad came with us every time we moved house...he lived under a flower-pot in the greenhouse and ate up all the bugs and other nasties...wonder if he'd have eaten green mottled slugs...

I'd quite like a tortoise...they seem perfectly happy to eat a slug along with a lettuce leaf...don't think you can buy one now though. Mum's ancient tortoise was partial to grapes actually...he'd open his mouth ready for you to pop it in...then he'd squelch it up with a look of utter bliss on his face. My ex-husband used to try to feed him with leaves from the cannabis plants that grew by the compost heap...he thought a tortoise would benefit from a bit of herbal.

The plants grew from the seeds thrown out when the parrot was cleaned out...just in case you were wondering.

Not much head way was made with the various pots and planters I have...a trip to the garden centre would seem to be appropriate...all those pretty colours are so enticing, they practically shout out to be bought...a tray of this and two of those and if you buy two there's one for free...someone asks if this comes back next year and I squint and say it does surely and those colours are wonderful and they agree and push their trolley round to the roses...

Must get a packet of night-scented stock...whatever else is forgotten, that is an essential...

Love, love this time of year...

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13 Replies
Billiejean_2 profile image

I agree Vashti, May is my favourite month of the year too. Mind you, it's been raining since Saturday here but that hasn't stopped the birds singing or the flowers growing or all that gorgeous greenery getting greener every day.

knitter profile image

I know what you mean Vashti about missing the rows of beans ....I have paid the rent for my half allotment but I am not fit enough to go. I am trying beans, courgettes and sweet peas in pots now near to the house, easier to water and no digging.

I have bought some violas , lavender and sempervivums for my flower pots ...easy to care for. 

May is full of promise....strange weather too, hot and sunny now grey and rainy. Take care

mmzetor profile image

im sure my mum if she was alive would  agreed with the title as it was the month she had me  , its very easy to get carried away at the garden centres / nurseries  can be a bit of a shock when you get to the till to pay , I find Aldi and Lidl have some very cheap plants and good quality too I bought my hanging baskets from aldi last year I think they was £4.00 each and full of plants that lasted all summer didn't think it was a bad price really ,

onamission profile image

I agree with Mr M we went to Lidle they had buxum ? like a hedge in the shape of a ball £4.99 my mate paid £25.00 for hers last year and they have some really nice bedding plants.

Not so sure I agree its the best month Mr M but I think you share the same birthday as the lion king lol so what day is your birthday

Ohtwo profile image
Ohtwo in reply to onamission

Got to be before 22nd, sounds more like a Taurus than a Gemini 

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to Ohtwo

ohtwo he might even have 2 birthdays like the queen not because he is royal but because he is tight 😃

Ohtwo profile image
Ohtwo in reply to onamission

Taurian's do like money and weatlth

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to Ohtwo

lol what about Capricorns

Ohtwo profile image
Ohtwo in reply to onamission

Nothing more important to a Capricorn than family.

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to Ohtwo

I agree my families health and safety means a lot do you study the signs  

Ohtwo profile image
Ohtwo in reply to onamission

No just interested in them, going to a psychic in June

brightside57 profile image

Thank you Vashti. I really enjoyed reading your post. The style of writing that I personally like. Look forward to your book. x

You are a woman after my own heart.   I think you are a White Witch for you seem to be by my side whatever I do in the garden or in the natural world.....apart from the parrot seed that is......... Thankyou vashti.

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