HELP - can't get her to go out for a meal (Black Dog strikes again) ALL ADVICE APPRECIATED.
'er indoors Birthday Today. - Lung Conditions C...
'er indoors Birthday Today.

No point in pushing it if she feels down.
Say you understand if she doesn't feel like going at the moment, and perhaps suggest a special meal out another day when she feels up to it.
Meanwhile show you care, and you wait on her for the day...Do the Chores, cook a meal, or a nice take away, buy some flowers or her favourite treat. Ask if there is anything else she would like to do today...a drive to the garden centre...a walk...the cinema.
Print off that sign and give it to's lovely.
Make her laugh 😂
Good luck 😂
I don't think anyone else could give you better advice than velvet. Everyone wants to feel treasured, even if they are so down.
All the best.
You are quite nice at heart aren't you velvet? ha ha. xx
Spot on Velvet you could do this for a living Velvet. How are you, feeling better O hope by
Hi nanaeal
Much better thank you, just feel washed out and tired now 😂
Oh yes I can relate to that, give yourself a few treats & a lot of pampering. ☺. I think I'm getting another bug 😕. Cold one minute, then roasting, sore throat, headache 😱 not good.
Hate to tell you, but that's how l started off.
Look after yourself. 🌷
Happy Birthday to your lovely one and only!🎈🎂🎈🎂🎈🎂 time you got busy, Velvets idea is perfect.....maybe a new movie to watch while you chill out later, hope she enjoys her special day! 💜💚💙 love huff xxx
Excellent advice Eric. She doesn't want to go out, bring it to her! Don't feel like cooking, order take out, to bring home. It can be a special day, right there at home. Make it happen Eric! 😀😀😀😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 Happy Birthday to your lovely lady. Rubyxx
ah , just read this eric , but I wouldn't fuss too much ,
why not make a plan for a day when she feels up to it instead ?
plan it together and give both yourseves something to look forward to !
that is what my lot do for when I am feeling like that , and do you know , it works !
x x x x x x
Velvet has the right idea!
No more to add Eric, do wish your dear wife happy Birthday from us. Hope your enjoying your day Nan
Ah that sign is lovely I know if I'm not up to going out nothing better than a takeaway and a good film, good luck and happy birthday to your only one xx