I see carbon dioxide is rising almost as fast as the numbers attending A and E - some connection surely?
Last gasp Earth....: I see carbon... - Lung Conditions C...
Last gasp Earth....

Not sure about carbon dioxide Timberman but Pete has just had a go at a moron of a neighbour who lit a.bonfire in a very small back garden so we had smoke in our garden and could smell it indoors. He doesn't care of course because he can breathe! Idiot! Xxx
I had a neighbour like that but he lit it right next to the fence I had put up that cost several hundred pounds he had a big garden but done it 3 foot from fence leval with out back door always on a sunday afternoon in mid summer we had to shut all doors windows as use to blow our way , the stupid bloke use to try burn fresh grass cuttings when he cut his grass earlier in the day ,
Morons all of them.
Hope you are ok Malcolm. Xxx
Brains in boots.
Some people take pleasure in being a pain to everyone and their dog.
I had to get on to our Clowncil about someone near me who was burning builders rubbish and the thick black smoke was coming through the trees and killing me. They told me there was nothing they could do unless it was becoming a nuisance - I said it was and the reply was, he would have to be doing it several times before it could be called a nuisance and they could then issue a notice. Words failed me.

Nobody should be allowed to compromise another persons health and a law needs to be passed to stop it. Disgusting and ignorant. Take care Jennifer. Xxx
Hello again sassyHow very true. I have thought for a long time that a Clean Air Act was in operation - seems it is not so here anyway. There is a Clowncil Skip site, all free to use, about ten minutes away, very well manned.... with several huge skips for all types of waste and rubbish, and also a shop full of good things people have discarded.............. I had first hand experience of it the other week. The mattress on my sofa bed needed replacing, so I rolled the old one up, put it on my Garden truck and wheeled it to the skip site...... it was so busy with a big queue of cars right the way up the rise. I was relieved when, on my way out and back on to the road, some neighbours stopped their car, put the truck in the boot and gave me a lift home. My lucky day! The folk who had the bonfire have three cars in their drive most of the time ...nothing to stop them taking the stuff away, just sheer laziness.
Jennifer xx
If only we lived in a perfect world.

I did complain to our houseing officer they did talk to him and he did stop I said cant you get him to tidy the front garden and cut the hedge along the foot path she saId ideally we would like people to put flowers in but cant make them , I said no but in the tenancy it says you have to keep hedge cut and in a tidy condition should i get my tenancy agreement and show you ,she said no I wlll deal with it , next weekend he had a good tidy up and cut the hedges
Hello and good morning,
Good result then M. I can never understand , when someone is lucky enough to have a piece of land the urge to grow something is just not there. One of my pet hates - neglected gardens. I imagine that the inside of their property must look like it does outside. I do understand that many with poor health, or maybe are too aged and just haven't got the strength, in which case surely many of the clubs, organisations, even the council, could at least tidy up and keep them presentable. Imagine looking out on a mess every day when so much could be done- perhaps they don't see it.There are many shrubs etc. that don't need much upkeep...oh I could go on, and I was quite happy when I woke up.

oh the inside is really lovely , decorated and spotlessly clean ,in the front garden where every one see he was dumping rubbish up right next to my boundary fence I had put up a small picket fence to separate ours from his when people came to ours they got out there cars on our drive and all they see was next doors rubbish and it wasn't a small heap I got so fed up seeing it I build a 6 foot fence between us , the front of houses we aren't supposed to go that high but housing association never said any thing , I also fenced all the back garden and put flower beds down and all I get is nettles and thorns growing under and coming my side from his , if he was elderly or disabled I could understand it but he is a fit man in his early 30s,
it could be but lot more seem to be go to a &e for stupid things little things
Mr M did you see the Twitter rants of the non pc A and E consultant? Absolutely hilarious but so true! Was up before the Council but didn't get struck off as they said he was voicing what so many felt. Was suspended though as used bad language etc.
Hello Snodgrass
I saw that, it was funny and true, but one thing he did complain about was peoples lifestyle, ...guess that would rule a lot of us from treatment ( ex smokers ) π
If you rule out ex smokers, drinkers, obese, drug takers and the self obsessed hypochondriacs there wouldn't be much left for him to do! Lol
Hello Snodgrass
Very true...
He has even less to treat now he has been suspended.
I hope he doesn't hurt his back gardening and expect treatment ! π
Would save a lot of questions if they tattooed a dimp on our foreheads.
Hi mm
You sound like you need a Rantπ
Hi Malcom I think people have always done that so there is no change there. The Tories say that and blame the individual as always rather than their policies. Their usual spin...
I put it purely down to the lack of investment in the NHS and more and more people on our tiny little island myself. x

There is lack of investment but some of them get a little cut that only need plaster,
or they are enjoying the after effects of drink or drugs.
Yes I agree but then stupid people have always done that! Are you saying that there are more doing it than before? That doesn't make sense to me.
I think the other main reason is people unable to get a doctors appointment or being told by their surgery to go to A and E instead coz they are too busy. x

Agree second point - but first I suggest the rise in A&E may be linked to increased respiratory problems linked maybe to higher CO2 and thus less Oxygen uptake.
Hey guys and gals - the point is we don't know and need to. Yes to all the other increase factors but this one could be terminal if we do not act. Rant? Or Apocalypse Now?
It's the kids growing up I feel for what are there lungs going to be like when they are our age with all this prolusion