Anyway as some will know I have not been to great ... Guts squashing my lungs and that nasty infection doing the rounds.
Anyway I was at my lung doc's and it asked if she could pull up my A&E Lung X-ray from when I was in hospital with this infection doing rounds.
After telling her what trouble I have had with guts and pain and asked if she could see what ever is squashing pressing my lungs.
Anyway to her credit she did and my lungs was clear BUT underneath my left lung where my belly stomach is .. It was a white triangular white blobby mess to be polite.
Now am quite familular with how X Rays ... White being bad black being good etc
So I found my self questing her opinion not vocally but in my mind IF it was a gastric bubble air space.
But Is not black on a X-ray especially where air spaces is like lungs Bubbles not black yet this was like a sticker stuck on film IT was that obvious.
Question is would my lung doc of told me even tho guts are not her profession OR would she let GI & Liver People tell me out gut related
Anyway am going for colonscopy and contrast ct scan this weekend JUST hope it's what my lung doc say's