Very Greedy Person...Wearing Stinky P... - Lung Conditions C...

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Very Greedy Person...Wearing Stinky Perfume.

10 Replies

After we'd been to the Vets this afternoon Himself found a parking place right outside a little bookshop that I've been itching to go into for ages and ages.

It's extremely tiny...about as big as our bathroom, and crammed floor to ceiling with paperbacks on every subject under the sun.

But the owner talks...and talks and then talks for a while longer until my head was spinning and I'd almost forgotten why I was in there...she's also from the part of the country I mustn't mention anymore. With a perma tan. Sort of orange rather than brown. And stinky perfume which made my nose run...not an attractive sight when one has plastic nodules stuffed into both nostrils and the only tissue in my handbag was a bit of scrunched up kitchen roll, decorated with blue saucepans...I'd forgotten to buy little packs of dainty tissues.

I found a couple of books I wanted and asked her the price...

Silly me...

She looks the price up on the Internet...and I rather think she then doubles, if not trebles, the price suggested...for one exceedingly thin treatise on how the Cotton weaving industry in England went into a slow decline, she was asking €10...

I put it down.

It wasn't in pristine condition...many of the edges of the pages had been turned down...and there was a list of telephone numbers scribbled inside the front cover.

By being greedy, she's lost a customer, who, unbeknown to her, would have bought books on obscure subjects every week ...providing there was a parking space near by.

10 Replies
Mooskie profile image

Hahahah...good on you!

Azure_Sky profile image

Sigh I know the type you mean, you wouldn't have been feeling up to haggling either.

Lynda1952 profile image

Silly woman, she has lost out because of being greedy. Xx

Serves her right maybe you should try another day, she may realise she needs to reduce her prices to bring in some trade.

hufferpuffer profile image

One of the deadly sins ....greed. I could imagine her to be like jabba the hut with red lippy on.There are times I really don't mind being half deaf and that would have been one of them lol!

📚📒📚📙📘📖📕📓 😵

😂 I travelled a lot when I was a live in carer and I used to love finding second-hand books and antiques shops when I went out on my afternoon off.😀😄😆

💙💐💟huff xxx 🙈🙉🙊

velvet55 profile image

Hi Vashti

serves her right !

Probably she was including the cost of her next spray tan, hoping you were not savvy enough to notice....Ha Ha...silly woman !!!

I hate these 'Orange People', who are they kidding, thinking it looks good.

Velvet xx

Azure_Sky profile image

Why was the stupid woman looking on the internet, she probably found the price for a book in mint condition. They are only a guide anyway.

Amazon sell paperbacks very cheaply second hand. Only drawback is the postage cost.

sassy59 profile image

Silly woman Vashti - shot herself in the foot there didn't she? I am not fond of greedy people, wherever they may be from, so you may need to find another nice little book shop somewhere and hope the owner appreciates your custom.

Hope you find what you are looking for and Himself finds a parking space.

Take care and wishing you all well. Hope the cats are doing fine (hope the kitten finds a lovely home with you).

xxxxxxxxx :)

Oh so funny Vasthi... I do love going on journeys with you :)

Nikkers profile image

If only she knew you as we do, she'd have done everything to make sure you kept going back! XX

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