Hi I've got curvature of the spine which restricts my lungs I've been on a nippy ventilator machine overnight + oxygen but now they want me to go on long term oxygen as my oxygen levels are low has anyone else had this and how do you cope cos I really don't want oxygen all the time
Oxygen: Hi I've got curvature of the... - Lung Conditions C...

Welcome to the forum. We are a helpful bunch of people who either suffer from or support others who suffer from lung conditions.
We are not medically trained but a support group.
It would be nice to hear a little more about your situation before anyone can comment.
If you can provide a little more detail I am sure the good members of this site will only be too happy to help out where they can
Looking forward to hearing more about your concern so we can help where we can
Hi spacerjackie. I know nothing about oxygen, but, there are many on here that do. I just wanted to welcome you to the forum. x
Hello spacerjackie.
I'm on oxygen and to be honest I don't take any notice anymore. Nor do my neighbours or anyone else. Its just become a part of who I am.
Hi Spacerjackie, I'm the same I really don't notice I'm on oxygen nowadays. You get accustomed to it so quickly. It becomes no big deal. M x
Hello Spacerjackie, welcome to the site, I hope you find the answers, I am only on ambulatory oxy at the moment.
huff xxxx
Hi Spacerjackie
Welcome to the forum.
My mum was on oxygen 24/7, and had it piped through the house. It means the oxygen converter machine (rather than bottles) can be in hallway or kitchen, and you flick a switch to change it to upstairs/bedroom. It's unobtrusive, and, aside from using a little Vaseline in your nostrils to stop them drying up too much, it's very quickly second nature. If Mum was leaving the house she had small cylinders she took, and had nose prongs and piping that fitted them. We put the cylinder in the scooter basket, or beside her if she was in her wheelchair. You can get rucksacks that carry the bottles too, if you are able to walk about, and the nose cable just comes over the shoulder into your nose.
The other thing is - if you drive, you need a sign to carry in your car, easily visible, that you have oxygen in the car.
I hope this helps. It is something you won't notice after a while.
Wendy x
Hi, I also have a curvature of the spine and I believe it has some affect on my breathing by compressing my chest although none of the medical people have ever mentioned it.
I am on oxygen it was 24/7 but only on for 8 hours at night now and ambulatory, I wouldn't be able to function without it, it is a godsend, it has changed my life so much I am able to go out and about on my own again and do so many things I couldn't manage before.
Give it a go, you have nothing to loose and lots to gain.
take care
polly xx
Hello, I have recently been diagnosed with v.severe COPD and have been put on oxygen for 15 plus hours per day. I also have problems in my spine and think it may have some thing to do with my SOB, however since I'm an ex-heavy smoker everybody assumes that this is why I have COPD. I don't have any symptoms other than the SOB, no cough or chest infections. As there's not much they an do about the back problems I don't suppose it makes much difference about what treatment we can be given.
I'm getting used to the oxygen, it is a bit tying but anything that prolongs life can only be good, so try and stay positive. This is a great place to find support and information. Best wishes VickiP