Just found Brit Lung Foundation on twitter, following there too x
Twitter: Just found Brit Lung... - Lung Conditions C...

They are also on Facebook, Instagram, and Google +
although i google a lot i dont know about google + x
Ive just found google+ and i have to say that looks great. even found and old friends email address in the 100s of emails that id never seen, Not been in that mail account since 2010!
Also Face Book is very good ,interesting.
I've seen the Facebook page but i do want to like the page yet till I've told my son about the condition. he would only worry and fly up from london x
Hi Jjude, have read your posts and I understand your predicament over telling our families and putting that worry upon them, it is a tough call! I dare not tell my kids or Mum.. Especially until I get 100% clarification of what is going on with me, led to believe COPD/ more emphysema 😮 anyway, I wish you well and thank goodness for forums like this 😀
A God send indeed x I now know panic and worry over symptoms can make matters worse! x I reading about positive thinking 👍

My 3 girls know, because the elder one came with me, she told the younger 2 girls, then i swore them all to secrecy. girls live near me but only son is darn sarf, and he would just want to wrap me in cotton wool if i let him x
Im more stay positive and deal with what life throws calmly x
nice to meet you Vicki x
Ahhh, you awesome lady! I'm reading "You are the placebo" by Dt. Joe Dispenza.,, all about getting more positive on facing ill health and how positive chemicals from brain have positive impact on inner body! It's blown me away so far 😀 lovely that you have support of your daughters! x
Ps. Nice to meet you also

Ill put that on my to get list x