Hi, I am 49 years old, with moderate emphysema and am a CO2 retainer! I would be interested to hear how other people cope with being a "co2 retainer", and how often do you have ABG's etc. Any information/advice would be appreciated thanks!
CO2 Retainer: Hi, I am 49 years old... - Lung Conditions C...
CO2 Retainer

Hello Dill and welcome to the Community. Ouch those ABG's are amongst the worse. I am very grateful that I have mine done at home and so can get away with the pain free method of them using my ears.
I am not a CO2 retainer. The weekends are always a little more quiet here. I am sure our regular Retainers will be along before long to swap tips and wisdom.
Regards Rib
Good Morning - My husband has severe COPD but is not a CO2 retainer so I cant offer you any useful advise! But perhaps the BLF helpline could help ...You can call the helpline on 03000 030 555 Lines are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Take good care, TAD xxx

Thank you Tadaw....I will phone them!
Hi Dill,I have very severe emphysema,Fev 20%. I learnt early on to breathe out at least 3 times longer than breathing in.It,s amazing how if we get our bodies into ( good) habits it makes life so much easier.Last time they did blood gases at hospital ,in my ear,it just kept on bleeding,so I prefer the wrist.Pain does,nt bother me so much these days after the feeling of not being able to breathe.Stay off the smokes,eat well and keep fit and you will stave off the severe stages,good luck.D.
Hi, I have COPD, diagnosed early in 2008 and I'm a CO2 retainer. Since January 2009 I've been using a BiPap every night to get the CO2 levels down and it works a treat. I'm now on just 1 litre oxygen during the day, but don’t need any overnight any more. I’m also able to come off the oxygen for a few hours at a time, which is great for evenings out when I’m not doing anything more strenuous than sitting around socialising, although the oxygen concentrator is always on hand. Initially my visits to Southampton Respiratory Unit where they issued the BiPap were 4 monthly, then 6 monthly, and now they are just yearly, and that’s when I have the ABG, always from the wrist - I've never had it in the ear. Sometimes they are excruciating, as you know, but sometimes hardly any pain - and usually somewhere in between. But I can cope with it because I like to know my levels are still coming down.
I don’t find being a retainer any more of a problem than having COPD and needing oxygen. The BiPap for me was a life changer as I had been going steadily downhill during 2008 (these dates are imprinted on my mind) until they diagnosed the CO2 problem and started treating it.
If you wanted to read more thoughts on CO2 retention, typing ‘CO2 retainer’ in the search box above right will bring up older threads where it’s been mentioned and will give you lots more information.
I hope this is some help. Best wishes Jan
Hi I am a CO2 retainer & on oxygen 15 hours daily min. I have only had my blood gasses checked when I was hospitalised twice within a month with a bed chest infection . I wore a bipap mask just twice during my total 27 day hospital stay. From info I was given. because I retain CO2 I cannot use more than a litre of oxygen. Forgive my ignorance but what are ABG'S?
Of course, silly me. I think the clue was in the initials! When I had an appointment at the Brompton, I did ask about follow up ABGS but I was told they weren't necessary. I am waiting on results for pulmonary hypertension. As if severe COPD is not enough! Oh well, in the immortal words of Elton John' I'm still standing.'
All the best.
I dont need oxygen yet at home but I get short of breath on exertion.....then I worry im getting hypercapnic again! Have second round of pulmonary rehab soon plus a follow up appt with consultant at hosp plus appt with copd nurse at gp surgery....I shall raise my concerns with them too. Best wishes to you too
My husband was diagnosed with COPD about 2008 and has always been told he is a CO2 retainer and cant have ambulant O2 prescribed. However recently after several months of flare ups his lung function dropped to 16%. He asked to be re-assessed for 02 again as he could hardly do anything without his SATS dropping and strangely enough he is not a CO2 retainer now and been prescribed ambulant 02 which is helping him a lot. Don't know why he is suddenly not a C02 retainer.
Thank you to all who have responded to my post......it is lovely to hear from people in the same boat so to speak. I wish you all the best