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22 Replies

registered patient but it is a walk in practise. No help really. Never see the same G.P. Fedup with it.

22 Replies

brooke why havnt you got numbers at hand to ring

surely your m health team provided an after care plan

in reply to

No don't have after care team. Waiting list far to long. Don't know what next.

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No numbers to ring. Don't know what to do next.

jenss profile image
jenss in reply to

Hi dear Brooke could you ring the hospital where you were recently treated? or ring 111 or go to A&E as Toci suggested? I wish you well hun, please try to get help. Take care my lovelyxxx

in reply to

ageuk.org.uk/Documents/EN-G... hi brooke theres sheets on the link luv, look at 13s page,, hope it will help,, its a mix of all sorts in the link, some wont apply to you but some will luv,xxx

Toci profile image

Brooke you can present at A & E or dial 111 and talk to someone. Sending ((((HUGS)))). xx

in reply to Toci

Toci remember you from your posts. Some one told me once some problems are so deep rooted there is no help. I Feel this is true in my case. xxx

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to

I remember you too. I remeber how ill you were and the turn around when you got the help you needed. You can climb out of the pit again. You should have been given a contact number after your last illness. Try the social services emergency number and ask for the outreach team to contact you. Don't struggle on alone. Or camp out in your GP surgery until he contacts somebody for you. Don't give in. xxx

sassy59 profile image

You have had some great advice brooke so I hope you have managed to speak to somebody. Take heart my friend and get whatever help you can. Thinking of you as always and sending you love and hugs. xxxx

Bevvy profile image

When you are feeling a bit better I DO think you should look for a different gp surgery. Ask around for a recommendation. My GP has a specialist interest in mental health and I have found her a great support. I see her every 2-3 weeks on a regular basis. She was also doctor who suggested COPD when I had travelled around country trying to find answers from specialists.

My problem is that I have moved and really have to change gp but am very nervous about doing this. Have strong recommendation for new surgery and they agreed to take me despite being out of catchment area by a few meters! On paper new gp very similar to current one but still nervous about changing.

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to Bevvy

There used to be a place where you could enquire about your GP in your area. especially if you wanted to change. They didn't mind if you needed to change. I wonder if you couldn't find this on the internet. I'm sorry, it's such a long time that I've used this. But you could also ask how to do this at your surgery at reception, they are non committal. Take care and hoe you get somewhere both of you.

Hi Brooke, glad ur trying to sort this out which means deep down ur willing to try sort things out, there isn't nothing that can't be sorted some things just take longer than others to fix or resolve , but u've took the 1st first which is always the hardest so well done u keep trying u will get there. Take care x Sonia x

Suzy6 profile image

Hi Brooke, I remember you too. You were very brave last time and climbed the long road back. Everyone has given you very good and sound advise. Be firm get the support you need behind you Brooke. We all need support and help at times in our lives. Stay in there fighting. xx

Toci profile image

Thinking of you, Brooke. xxx

Toci profile image

How are you this morning, Brooke? Thinking of you. xx

in reply to Toci

Going back to G.P. Appointment Thursday. Thank you Toci for your concern.

ermintrudexxx profile image
ermintrudexxx in reply to

Hi, Brooke, glad you have Dr's. appt, be strong til then and push for the aftercare you should have been given on discharge. My sister was similar but 40 + years of mental health issues. I worked in mental health and as Toci said the outreach team are very good. My sister also connected with M I N D, they have a support group that will get you out. Good luck and take care



in reply to ermintrudexxx

Thanks for your concern ermi.

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to

If you need help earlier then get yourself to A & E or ring 111. Also, ask your GP about a contact number for the outreach team. Good luck, Brooke. xxx

in reply to

mind.org.uk/information-sup... brooke luv hears the mind org,, and the number,,xx take care ye,,

helingmic profile image

My surgery has changed its appointment system. We can now walk in, until 11 in the morning, but you won't get your own GP. Mind you it's very difficult for me to see my own GP, she is either already booked or on holiday. I haven't seen her for ages, and I like her sensitive approach, but am denied of it. Not good.

Toci profile image

How did it go Brooke?

Not what you're looking for?