The Discovery Channel have commissioned a film highlighting IPF. The film can be watched online by using the link at the bottom of this post and is 60 mins long. Good programme for those living with the condition, families, clinicians and anyone who's interested.
IPF Discovery Channel Film: The... - Lung Conditions C...
IPF Discovery Channel Film

I don't have IPF but I will definitely watch it.
Good to have an awareness out there .Lots of people think that out of breath is no big deal everybody gets out of breath some time or other ! But as a sufferer this is not true .Out of breath is not Just out of breath....Its much more than that its suffering internally panic and pain desperation a feeling of more like drowning than out of breath....So So ugly it entraps your life isolates you slowly as friends and family see you as .....Well what ...not the same
I watched it and yes, it raised my awareness of the disease but I think if I had IPF it would have been an extremely distressing and depressing experience. I didn't like the style or methods of presentation. Lots of repetition, too heavy on the scaremongering/dramatics and not well balanced in the ratio of medical/scientific data versus personal stories. The language was very emotive and unsuitable. It felt a bit like a tabloid newspaper's sensationalist reporting rather then a carefully researched and measured report. This was my personal reaction to the show - and I deliberately call it a show rather then a programme.
I was told by my consultant "There is not a magic pill for me yet and she is truly sorry!"
I do agree that it has been made as a show, but I am fine with that. People with the problem do not need to be kept informed of the affects it has, they know from experience. but for those living with their loved ones and people unaware of it, brings awareness and hopefully support.
Be Well
really good enjoyed it
HI All, There is also plenty of information on IPF available on our website at There are peoples' stories about their experiences, factual information about IPF and information on research and treatment. IPF is one of our priorities and we are carrying out a project to call for further reliable information and support as well as campaigning for better services. If you have personal experience of IPF and would like to get involved, then please get in touch with us at Thanks, Ruth, IPF Project Manager at the BLF