Does anyone else suffer from terrible... - Lung Conditions C...
Does anyone else suffer from terrible ache legs. Is this normal

Depends on what drug ur on. As some steriods, can give u foot,leg or even fingers that either ache or cramp. If not on drugs, then a visit to ur doc may be needed. I have cramps but my paperwork which comes with my steriods say it may happen.

Thank you

Thank you
I do get a lot of cramps in my legs & feet etc. particularly after being on Seretide for my asthma.
This is also caused by lack of oxygen reaching your legs. The more breathless you are the worse this will be x

Thank you explain why cramps have been bad for a while
It could be the result of quite a few things from your medication, cramps etc, or a different medical condition? I would discuss this with your GP just to rule anything else out and help put your mind at ease.
Take care
Recently on here I was recommended to drink tonic water (for the quinine) and it really works. I get low cal obviously!
When I told my respiratory nurse that I had bought an exercise bike she said that was a very good thing, as, because I have severe emphysema, I don't walk as much as I used to so have some muscle wastage in my legs which causes them to ache. The bike is good exercise as the legs are being used without putting weight on them therefore it doesn't make you sob. I can do quite a lot without getting breathless. Keep smiling
Carole x
I get a lot of pain in my calf's which will turn to cramp. I was told at PR that it could be the fact that my body is trying to get more O2 and it will draw it from my legs to keep my organs supplied?
Be Well
Drinking 10 oz. of water at bed time helps, especially if you're a coffee drinker. People with copd are inclined to be dehydrated so it is imperative to drink a min. of 2 qts of water daily. Just my experience.