Need some advice,Just had a Right Lun... - Lung Conditions C...
Need some advice,Just had a Right Lung Lobectomy.Feel like I should feel better than I do. 2 weeks since the Op, tired and in a lot of pain

HiPiddy sorry to know you still suffering ....don't know tooooo much about what they did to you but I do understand that its normally cancer they use this operation on , But there Is a Dr on you tube who has great insight in lung issues .... His name is Dr Tullio Simoncini , maybe you can have a look if nothing else see what you think ....sorry cant be much more help than this ...bless you
Thankyou for your reply.... will look up this Doc & see what he says. Thanks again
Hope you start to feel better soon. Two weeks isn't that long a time and I would think it would take a month or more to get back on your feet after any surgery. Make sure to get plenty of painkillers and speak to your doctors about your concerns .
I'm not sure either. But I have a friend who had half a lung removed due to scarring. She took at least 6 weeks to stop feeling knackered and in pain. Don't forget you have had a major op so you are not going to bounce back quickly. If you are in doubt then the best thing is to go see your doctor. x
Took me about a month to start feeling better after bullectomy and pluerectomy, 1/3 RL removed. Will depend heavily on your age and fitness and the levels of pain killers you are on I guess. Trust me though it does get better. 13 wks since my op and feeling almost normal now. Good luck. You didn't mention if it was VATS or open surgery? Mine was VATS on top of 2 chest drains, one of which was botched.
If they went in through your ribs at the back it is going to take a while for your ribs to nit back together, at least 4 weeks until you can cut down on the pain killers and 3 months until you are really over the op, it took 20 months until I could wipe my bum normally as I just couldn’t twist round to the right. Hopefully your lung heals up well nd you will start finding an improvement in your breathing soon,
I can't help much, only my experience of appendix op was painful for many weeks afterwards. Wounds healing inside take longer than any healing on the outside.
Just take care and speak to your doctors of BLF of your worries.
Best, Peeg
Hi piddy
Sorry you are feeling rough after your surgery. I had mine in 1963 open surgery and it took a long time to recover. However I know of someone who had this surgery recently through keyhole, and the recovery time was much quicker. Probably a bit optimistic to feel fully recovered after only two weeks, but if the pain is severe and you are clearly concerned maybe best to contact GP or Con.
Good luck - hope you feel better very soon and your op proves very beneficial.
love cx
I had a different but major op in August. Went to GP after 2 weeks complaining still in pain and feeling unwell. She fell about laughing and pointed out I had JUST had major surgery!
Hope you feel better soon. Give yourself time.
Hi Piddy,Dont run hunny before you can walk..I am told it takes longer for the insides to heal,so try and take things easy..Hopefully you have strong painkillers as pain in itself wears you down..I hope you are feeling pretty well soon..You are very brave..Just remember hun you have had major surgery,Keep resting Kindest regards Laura
Thank you everybody for your replies..... That has helped me a great deal. Not used to just doing nothing and sleeping lots. It's going to be a long job I realise that now. On the right road I think. Piddy