Hi all this is my second post of the day, has anyone else on this site had a chest x ray in which the radiologist recommended a referrel to a consultant, and if so do you have any idea why?
Question re chest x ray: Hi all this is... - Lung Conditions C...
Question re chest x ray

I am sorry I can't help perhaps the helpline could in the morning click on the red balloon - good luck TAD xx
Thanks Tad
I would expect that they want you to now have a CT scan as that is far more detailed than xray.
Radiologists do not make diagnosis or decisions...the results of your x ray or scan will always go to a doctor or consultant...usually the one that sent you there in the first place but it will be looked at by the doctors at the hospital or health centre first.
I agree with CornishBrian. I recently had an x-ray shortly after a flair-up and a course of Ciprofloxacin. When I saw the Consultant she said I hadn't quite got over my flair-up, Two weeks later she rang me to say that she now had the report on my x-ray and I still had an area of infection in my right middle lobe and to start another course of antibiotics. My x-ray was on the screen during my consultation but obviously someone else looks more intensely at the x-ray and reports to the Consultant. The Radiologist didn't say anything about my chest. Hope this helps. Take care. Lizzy
Lynisa......I do think though that some radiologists are more experienced than others, and although they would be very careful not to say too much as its not their place to, they sometimes do make helpful comments
Often someone doing an ultra sound will say to someone, it all looks OK to me or something similar, when they know that someone is worrying that they may have a growth or something like that. They NEVER make diagnoses,
To be honest I must have had many many hundreds of chest xrays over the years , and I have never had a radiologist make any comment about them, but it is just possible that your radiologist may have seen something on your x-ray that she knows requires some attention.....but I doubt it would be anything like a growth as in those cases she would not mention anything to you, but just perhaps mark the xray for urgent attention by a doctor
So I would take her advice and make sure you see a consultant, if your were referred by you GP to have the x ray done, but I repeat I doubt its anything really serious as she would not mention that to you, but alert the doctor
Love Sohara
I may be mistaken but I think radiologists are doctors who are specialists in interpreting X-rays and other images. The people that you actually meet (who do the imaging) are radiographers and they do not normally make any diagnosis (though I think, behind the scenes, they may flag up images which need urgent attention).
Hi all thanks for your replies, the radiologist did not speak to me the consultant radiologist put a note saying refferal to respiratory consultant.
HI I just had a chest x-ray and now they want me to have a CT scan. It all started with shortness of breath and water on the lungs. Will let you know what they're looking for when I've had it, meanwhile I suppose we're supposed to remain calm, haha! Good luck.
I wrote that six years ago my results came back large lung bulla no Empysema and they check the size every three years my fingers are crossed that your news is good
Hi Redbox I had a bad chest infection that just would not go despite three lots of antibiotics so G.P sent me for X Ray which came back with bulla and referral to consultant who sent me for ct and lung function test, lung function gave FVC 128% and I’ve never been a smoker Dad was and we had coal fired