hi all, just back from gp, she,s give... - Lung Conditions C...

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hi all, just back from gp, she,s given me citalopram, anybody else taking these. Phil

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14 Replies
huggs profile image

Hi Phil, glad you went to see your GP. I have not any direct experience of citalopram, but I know someone who was on it. It is an antidepressant which also deals with anxiety. You are suppose to take it at the same time of day so that it is dispersed evenly through your system. I am assuming that your GP told you that it will probably take 1 or 2 weeks to work. With your anxiety rating going up and down like a yoyo this should help you. Just give it a bit of time. At least you have done something about how you feel and that is the first step forward, and, don't be scared to get back to your GP if there is no improvement in about 2 weeks. Good luck and all the best. Be good to yourself and try and do something you enjoy or have a little treat every day. You'll be fine in a couple of weeks or so. hugs xxx

stone-UK profile image


I was taken these for anxiety, one per day. No ill/ side effects

Change now to Oramorph

in reply to stone-UK

hi stone, thanks for that. take care

hi huggs how you doing , thanks for reply, take care. Phil xx

SusieQs profile image

Yes, I`ve been on them for a couple of months. I had a bad chest infection in February which knocked me to six. Vicous circle because my breathing wasn`t good I felt so anxious. My confidence dived quite a bit and didn`t feel up to going out and thought I was going to turn into a recluse. I`m `well` again now, out and about like I used to be. I`m sure they helped me over a bad patch, I`m at docs later this week and will tell him I don`t need them now but will leave the decision about that up to him..

in reply to SusieQs

susieQ, thanks, gp told me they take a couple of weeks to kick in, so I,ll wait and see. Take care.

hopetorun profile image

Hi Philbal I have been taking them for a few years quite happily. hope they work for you best wishes Irene

Irene, hi thanks, I,m sure they will work. take care phil

Eve3066 profile image

Magic pills really help, took them for about four years and noticed the difference. Whatever you do don't just stop taking them, in all it took me about nine months to come off them slowly.

thanks, eve, take care

kirsty72 profile image


I have been taking Citalopram for 15+ years now.

They worked for most of the 15 years, but the last year, they don't seem to be doing the trick anymore. I am more anxious than I have ever been.

I think my body has now become immune to them!!

As I have been on them for so many years, I am physically dependant on them now, and the GP won't take me off of them.

I tried to quit them before, but they gave me terrible side effects.

I have been back to the doctors since this new anxiety has kicked, but she won't change my prescription for something new. Instead she has referred me for councelling again!!

They really are great though if you think you need them short term, but long term I DO NOT recommend.

I hope that helps you. If you want to know anymore info, let me know and I'll be more than happy to share my knowledge with you.

kirsty72, thanks for reply, sorry they don,t seem to be working for you now. take care.hil

Dragonmum profile image

I was prescribed it twice, both times it made me feel very strange, like it wasn't me any more; this was probably psychosomatic because I have a thing about permanent reliance on mind-altering drugs - my family is awash with them. For anxiety attacks (panic) I just take the lowest possible dose of diazepam until it's sorted then they go back in the drawer until next time.

dragonmum, they haven,t kicked in yet, so have to wait & see how I feel. thanks for reply. phil

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