I just wondered if any one k nows if ther is any help out there to keep my garden tidy ...i just cant manage it any more and its getting too much for hubby. He nearly 80 and lloojing aafter me. ! Any ideas. ....apart from tarmacking tthe whole lot. .i love my litttle garden but needs a tidy up. !!
Gardening.: I just wondered if any one... - Lung Conditions C...

I used to love gardening at one time I would out there all day until the sun went down but its more of a chore now and I don`t have as much interest in it anymore.. I can manage to weed the borders by turning one of my recycling boxes over so I can sit on it with my trowel. You adapt and do what you can. Luckily I have a fit sister who comes and does the hard work like digging and cutting the grass. If I had the money I would have it all redesigned for easy maintainence. A ground floor easy to run flat beckons me!
Can i borrow your sister then ????? Sue x
She is certainly a treasure and my garden would be an overgrown wilderness without her. She is 70 next month, fit as a fiddle with boundless energy. I sometimes wonder if we had the same mother, lol! Without her I would have to pay a gardener to do it which I cannot afford. I`ve got a son and a daughter who have no interest in gardening, I know they would drag their heals or make some excuse up if I asked them to do any although they are good in other ways.
Hello,you can always ring age concern,they recommend,people you can thrust,and who are reliable.x
You sound like my family. ! My mum is 97. Does all her own housework and garden too. She just pays "a little man " tmo mow her 4 lawwns. !! If trouth. Be told he probably older than her. ! Shhe only stopped driving last year. ! My hubby allways saying how can someone so fit and never bin in hospital have a daughter like me . I thought of asking her to help out but then thoughht too much for woman of 97. !!!! Kids aare. All same arent they. ....buisy. buisy. Buisy. ..my grandson good. But he only 14 so still at school. Oh well. Hey ho. I cou,d have done bit of weeding but its gone dull now ...Bugger it. !!
Ones given community service do gardens here but I wont have criminals at the house because they ll come back and rob the house. Paying a gardener from yellow pages love your garden without doing hubby in.
hi sue like your selfs we only have a small garden about 25ft x 25ft but it still took to much effort to mow & tend the borders etc,etc, so we had to spent a few quid ( a heck of a lot more ) getting it all paved over etc, you can see a little bit of it on my profile picture, to make it as maintenance free as possible, maybe speak to a neighbour if thats practical if anyone might be green fingered to help out, or place an ad in the local corner shop, think i saw that some charity did offer it but cannot remember which one it called, maybe if you rang the b.f.L on here they might know of something good luck diane & tom
It might an idea if you could approach a local voluntary organisation - have you heard of Time Bank. Do you have Street Life. I dont know where you live, but watch out in your local paper. Google the names I have mentioned. Good luck.
Your local county council will probably have a department for Adult Care. It's intention is to help us not so young fellows live in our own homes even if we need a little help. They will come, have a chat and then put something in place to support you. I live in Derbyshire and they are very good at Adult Care...mainly I think because they want to close their care homes.
try having a farm .... I don't even know if I've got gypsies in some of my fields.
I let a local lad use some of them for his sheep - he's handy, but the whole place has just got out of hand. Strange thing though, our local Wildlife Trust absolutely love it - They've offered to cut & lift the hay in the Autumn free of charge.
As for the garden ..... it's a case of life's priorities, & at this stage of my life, the garden isn't even on the list. Mind you, it's become an absolute haven for birds & all things wildlife over the past few years - even hedgehogs.
People get community service for very minor offences - driving without insurance or that sort of thing; you're not likely to get landed with Jack the Ripper or the local branch of BurglarsRus - they get custodial sentences. One of the secrets of existence in old age is compromise.
ring your local probation service they have people on community service also contact you local council