depression: Hi there, anybody out there... - Lung Conditions C...

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GIBBO profile image
23 Replies

Hi there, anybody out there suffering from depression due to their illness. The last few weeks I feel very down and very irritable,with mood swings.

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GIBBO profile image
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23 Replies
alanjudy profile image


I have been on antidepressants for several years now and I think you will find other people are. The main BLF website has information about depression. You must go and talk to your GP because they can help you. You can also talk to the BLF helpline.

Please get help and you can also talk on this website.

Let me know how you get on.


kimmy59 profile image


Yes I get very depressed. I've not been to bad last few weeks but I was really low last few months last year. Is it because you don't feel well.


longlungs profile image

Hi Gibbo sorry to hear that its blumming miserable.Ive suffered a long while now and on meds for it which do help me.I dont know if your on steroids but they can interfere with moods alot and give you the miseries big time.I do believe depression goes hand in hand with lung problems especially when you get to the later stages not everyone but i believe quite common,My gp practice are doing studies on this at the mo.I think you probably need to have a chat with your doc and see how he can help you Gibbo. Takecare :) Janexx

Oh Gibbo,that is such a soul destroying feeling!

Take the good advice above & do chat to your GP,it's important for him to know how you're feeling,are you on anti depressants,if not maybe its time to give them a go?

Keep smiling,love Wendells xx

knitter profile image

Hi gibbo, quite a few of the members of my Breathe Easy group take antidepressants...anxiety and depression often seem to go together with lung problems for some people. Winter is the worst season for me...I was looking at light boxes on eBay to see if one would make a difference, but they are expensive.

Best wishes

Chassa profile image

Hi Gibbo,

Can empathise completely. I suffer from severe depression most of the time, despite medication. In my case a lot to do with trying to cope and living alone. Have been told I can go on transplant list, subject to losing a bit of weight. Trouble is, I really cannot decide whether I can cope psychologically with the operation. Plenty of advice on statistics and possible outcomes, but at end of day only I can decide. Only mention that, because anxiety of that leads to further depression and all a vicious circle. That leads to mood swings and terrible irritability, usually directed to those few people most important to me, leaving me more and more isolated. Please, and I know it is not easy, try and avoid that. Agree with all the advice given by others, seek help from GP and any other organisation that may be able to help you. Most of all, do not feel guilt at this unfortunate but very real by product of your illness. They go hand in hand and the medical professionals recognise this only too well, but there is help out there as many of those on this site will confirm and will always be here for you to vent off your feelings.

Sorry. I have gone on far too long, another thing I have found I do these days - again a symptom of my own feelings of isolation and frustration.

I wish you well. I feel for you. I am sorry to have kept on. We're all here for you, at any time.

Catnip profile image

Sorry to hear that you are depressed, Gibbo. Sadly, it seems that the majority of people with COPD end up with depression as well, as part and parcel of their condition (including me). You must go and see your GP, and if possible also see a mental health nurse who will help you to talk through the problems. Anti-depressants are just another medication and will help you to deal with what really is a long term illness.

Good luck!


cofdrop-UK profile image

Hi Gibbo

Good advice from your friends above. I hope you find yourself in a better space shortly.

Love and hugs


junespoon profile image

Yes, Gibbo, go along to your GP, Its the flustration of not being able to do, I plan in a morning what jobs need doing, by time I have showered and dressed, Burgered up, excuse but just seems to fit ,Yes def goes with the illness, you take care. x

snow54flake profile image

i agree with junespoon it is the frustration of not being able to do what i used to cleaned the downstairs windows yesterday 8 inside and out was to tired to do upstairs then was in a foul mood because i was tired and took it out on hubby when he got home from work, had a headache this morning had a few tears for no reason made myself clean the upstairs windows today tired again now wont be doing anything else for rest of day marian xx

ageing-lioness profile image

Hi there gibbo, yes depression is one of the bugbears of lung problems my OH was unbearable at times,his comfort zone got smaller and smaller,until he just wouldn't go out unless it was to the med centre.if you don't fancy yet more medication log on to brite box for a lamp they are very good if a bit pricey well worth the money, 2 weeks of 20mins a day will see a marked improvement I've had mine for 5 years,I get S.a.d during the winter months and since OH's passing it's been very useful, i turn it on and do a puzzle or two. Hope you are feeling better soon, you will get plenty of support on this site.ATB .......AL

Steph57 profile image

Hi Gibbo can't say more than what's been said just to agree for you to see your doctor. It isn't a nice way to feel but just try to do some thing each day that you like and keep coming on here to read what's going on it cheers me up. We all feel the way you do sometimes. Keep your pecker up Gibbo. X

frank65 profile image

i too suffer with copd but i don;t suffer with depression i don't go around in the dumps i run up stairs at all times and i am 70 years young . you know life sometimes throws you a curve ball but what the eck just pick yourself up and go around again . besides there is enough doom and gloom to go around without adding to it .

knitter profile image
knitter in reply to frank65

Hi frank65, you are very lucky to be so active.

frank65 profile image
frank65 in reply to knitter

yes i know

mealy172 profile image

I am on anti depresants, and have awful panick attacks

sue48 profile image

Depression is an awfull thing to have you go round in circles thinking if i could breath i eouldnt be so depressed. And if i wasnt so fed up depressed and i find i get verry angry i,d be able to breath better. !! Go and see your dr i find they verry helpfull and 1 more pill will make a difference to your mental health. I dont. Carewhat anyone says you cant fell chipper when you have this awfull illness. I have had lung and heart problems for 60 years so i take any help that is offered. !!! Hope your gp helps. Let us know how you get on. Xxx sue

mealy172 profile image

I have panick attacks also on anti derresantssorry about spelling

butter-fly profile image

sue48 is right GIBBO. You can't feel chipper when you are feeling depressed. When you are depressed you need help. Depression is very often not something you can pull yourself out of. And you don't want to fall deeper in that black hole.

So please take the advice of so many supportive replies and talk to your GP. You are important and you need to take care of yourself! Sara xx

onamission profile image

I think depression goes hand in hand with COPD we always remember what we could do we should be thinking how can we do it different. I can't get down on my hands and knees due to back problems and I can't bend over because that stops me breathing so now to clean the skirting boards I have adapted the handle on my micro fibre duster so I can get to the boards but I would give anything to be the way I was. x

poppyval profile image

Hi Gibbo, I am so sorry about your depression, Many times over the years I have had to take antidepressant's, so I know how you are feeling. I am actually on the verge of another attack presently. I have Pulmonary fibrosis, Rheumatoid and osteo arthritis, the latter of which some of it is in the spine. I have had 4 chest infections since September a flare up of the joints and now on top of all that I was told by the doc on Thursday that I have shingles. Who wouldn't be depressed. Anyway enough of me hope you get feeling better soon. I find coming onto this site helps even though I don't always post. Chin up. Cheryl

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply to poppyval

its a terrible, horrible thing, i can go by past experience, but with the right treatment,,it too shall pass, although you never think that at the time,

just one point if you are on steroids, they can play strange games with you, i,e mood swings etc, but really gibbo, best see your gp, explain everything, best of luck my friend, keep the old chin up,,,it CAN and DOES get better,,, all the very best ,,jimmy

poppyval profile image

Hi Jimmyw I was supposed to be cheering Gibbo up but it seems as if it went the other way lol. Yes I know about the steroids and all the side effects, but if they work then we have no option but to take them do we. Thank you for your help and I will visit my GP as soon as I get rid of these shingles, there are personal things going on in my life at the moment too which do not help, but I am not ready to talk about them just now. Thanks again Jimmy. Speak soon. Cheryl

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