Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (valves... - Lung Conditions C...

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Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (valves) - One week on.

notlocal profile image
53 Replies

Wow, just wow. I've just gone up the stairs to the loo And I Wasn't Breathless At All! I've been two days indoors after braving (stupiding) gale conditions on Wednesday to visit (a)Dora my granddaughter and then being very sob. Got told off by various people here and rightly so. So I took our advice and have been housebound ever since, way boring but necessary. Too much time on the net.

Speaking of the net, I'm about to leave the copd uk FB page over censorship. There was a thread where someone asked if any members had used cannabis. 20 - 30 replies, links to medical studies, opinions for and against (healthy debate) then got deleted while I was having a snooze. When I asked why I was told by admin that as it was illegal in this country, they couldn't be seen to be 'condoning', vulnerable members etc and "you are welcome to leave this group at any time". Now, I don't go around advocating its use but as a past user (and even now I have a little nibble, but on a vapouriser, for medical purposes of course) it strikes me as something that should be out there for discussion although I'm not planning it here and I'm not on any mission. I would be interested in the attitude of the community mods here to this and similar subjects and very much hoping that such debate won't get squashed.

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notlocal profile image
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53 Replies
scrobbitty profile image

That sounds fabulous news on the breathing front. Well chuffed for you. :)

Regards discussions on cannabis, one would sincerely hope the mods would leave it alone, providing the discussions didn't become personally abusive. I have seen cannabis being mentioned on this site previously and as far as I am aware the posts were not removed. :)

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to scrobbitty

Thanks scrobbity. Like your avatar btw...

peege profile image

Amazing how bigoted people can be. Most have experimented at some time in their lives.

Just in case you get bundled off BLF, I'll wish you all the very best for the future now!!!

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to peege

You don't sound very hopeful about my future here! Honest, guv I was only trying to broach the subject :)

peege profile image
peege in reply to notlocal

haha, I think the BLF are a lot more sensible & up to date.

Great news about your breathing, you must be pleased as punch!

johnwr profile image

You're doing well, mate. Wondered where you were the last couple of days on FB. Keep up the good work, look after yourself, and do as you are told. Once the weather gets reasonable, concentrate for a bit on fitness. Pester your GP to get you on a rehab course, (after all they wouldn't want that expensive op wasted, would they?) and then on to something at the Gym. In Wales, we have something called 'The National Exercise Referral Scheme'. Done at local Sports or Recreation Centres, They have fitness instructors who are trained to monitor BP, PR, and O2 Sats. Push for it.

I am impressed with your progress.

breathe easy,


notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to johnwr

Hi John, may have unfriended you on FB when I left uk copd. Just add me again. Pretty angry at Kay and how she runs that page, in mitigation.

johnwr profile image
johnwr in reply to notlocal

I think Kay has good days and bad days. She has rapped me over the knuckles once or twice.

johnwr profile image
johnwr in reply to johnwr

Kay has announced that she is retiring from admin on copd-uk effective immediate. Too late with the 'Snickers'.

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to johnwr

Wow! I certainly found her heavy handed and intolerant yesterday. Maybe it was building to a head and I just copped flak for it? Did she give any reasons?

johnwr profile image

Look at this lot, they are a lot more tolerant:


notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to johnwr

Oooh, thanks John, request sent.

casper99 profile image

Fantastic news notlocal, you must be so chuffed. Hope you improve leaps and bounds. It's so nice to hear positive stories on here. cheers me up. x

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to casper99

Thanks casper..stay warm and dry (if you in uk) and breathe easy...

zaney profile image

Hi notlocal , Pleased to see you on here as i had been following you on f/b and saw the posts today , thought they were interesting and dont see that they should have been deleted :-( , Very interested in your lung op as might be having it myself later this year but not sure what they will be doing yet . What was your fev1 when you had it done please ? :-)

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to zaney

Thanks for the support.I'm still there FTTB, currently slugging it out with Kay! Oh god, my fev1? I only realised last night that I haven't been paying attention to the COPD stats. I blow and they tell me if it's good or bad. Or they don't. I'm in the process of boning up on the internet about it. I'm also going to ask for the data on my follow up appointment on March 5th.

MrHappy profile image

Hi notlocal!

Thanks [in a way] for removing yourself from fbcopd uk, otherwise I'd never have known about this group.

I've messaged you on fb, so you can reply me there or here.

I've re-read that whole thread & I've the impression that Kay & others seem quite narrow in outlook in a number of ways, indeed she's reprimanded me on a few occasions just for requiring source materials for verification of some statements/pronouncements/assumptions.

Anyway, enough blather, good luck with your convalescence & look forward more conflabs with you & others on here

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to MrHappy

Cheers MrHappy! Yeah, i pulled the plug tonight (not without some hesitation) but I think she has control issues. I didn't get your FB message...May your tubes be free!

MrHappy profile image
MrHappy in reply to notlocal

Hiya Bob!

Just been on fb copd uk. Kay's stood down as admin. Some bloke's took over.

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to MrHappy

Yeah, John Ratcliffe told me earlier! I felt something wasn't right yesterday, picked up on lots of negativity. In the end I had no choice but to leave, she'd painted herself into a corner, but I wasn't admin so it had to be me who left. Pity that. Maybe she'll feel lighter now. I hope so.

LittleUsker profile image
LittleUsker in reply to notlocal

Kay is still admin there.....I find her nice and informative.

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to LittleUsker

Good. I have no further interest there. It's a big wide world....

Toci profile image

Good to hear the progress continues. I could just see you doing those stairs. Keep up the good work. :)

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to Toci

p.s. As to the drugs, I don't think there can be anything wrong in a discussion, as long as you are not offering to supply!

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to Toci

:) Who me?

montalbano profile image

Hiya, pleased to hear you r doing well, after your OP, sorry you left , but will b looking out for your updates

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to montalbano

Hi! Yes, that 'joke' about women's mental health was the final straw for me. I was only there for a few weeks but I feel good about making the break.

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to montalbano

Is that thread still up there?

johnwr profile image
johnwr in reply to notlocal

It was a few minutes ago (Sat 15.50)

johnwr profile image
johnwr in reply to notlocal

Sometimes I think Kay needs a 'Snickers Bar'.

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to johnwr

:) It feels like a FB page run by and for women sometimes, 'hun this and 'hun that. Today I feel free!

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to johnwr

Oh and thanks for that copd nz tip. Nice page, need to get used to the time gap though.

montalbano profile image

Don't think so

montalbano profile image

Thought it was an open discussion site

junespoon profile image

Hi , That really is excellent news, I look forward to your posts, great news, know what the 13 steps to the loo are like ! you will soon be doing two at a time, Heather,x

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to junespoon

Hi..thanks. For some reason my sob not so good this morning. I expect there will be good days and..not so good days. Am going to brave Tescos later (I'm out of rum and chocolate :) )

out-for-lunch profile image

So pleased the valves are all looking good.

The dope bit ..... absurd. It is important to be open & honest about it. It's an integral part of our society, so why be in denial.

Ho-hum .......

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to out-for-lunch

I know - I've left that group and it feels good. Was like their own private kingdom, a touch claustrophobic. Hope you're well as can be in the Wye valley, may get up that way when this bitch of a winter subsides. Like your profile...

out-for-lunch profile image
out-for-lunch in reply to notlocal

I'll Friend Request on FB ..... maybe meet up in The Anchor?

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to out-for-lunch

Do that. Where's The Anchor?

out-for-lunch profile image
out-for-lunch in reply to notlocal

next to Tintern Abbey

notlocal profile image

Will do, twiceshy3..thanks. Bob

notlocal profile image

Hah! A close friend just asked me that 5 mins ago on skype. No, can't feel a thing there. I heard a few rattly sounds mid week, could have been from them but nothing since. Is the op a possibility for you?

notlocal profile image

Hey, I'm moderate (no one's ever said, but I'm not on oxygen or anything). Mine was totally free on the NHS and my consultant said it saved the NHS money in the long term. He said that the actual cost is 5 - 7 grand. Where are you and do you think your local health authority is doing its job? And yes, the op is totally reversible. (They've done about 20 of these here in Bristol in the last year).

notlocal profile image

Oh and my name's Bob!

notlocal profile image

You're doing fine twiceshy3, keep on keeping on. Consultant is definitely the next step in this process. Look forward to talking again, and I will be posting stuff here and not only about the op (which a lot of people are interested in). Ciao!

in reply to notlocal

yes it gives others an insight on what can be done without the knowledge of people mentioning other options there in the dark on treatments ,I would rather know the ins and outs of everything than nothing,keep us all informed ,Ciao to you,xxx

johnwr profile image
johnwr in reply to

twiceshy3, If you are in Manchester, they do the valve op at Wythenshawe. I believe the consultants name is Mr. Barraclough. Very knowledgable man. You will need a referral.

in reply to johnwr

thank you johnwr, yes I,ve heard of him, I do a lot of research call me nosey but without it what else is there for us,i,m also a trialer at the medical evalutions unit near Wythenshawe hospital, do you no it,there trialing a spray for the cough with copd .while I,m still at this level I,m doing what I can while I can,i don't think the dcs like us when we go to them with something and they say what is that,i was backward before but not now,in may I have my review and will ask for a referral,thank you,xxx

hunnie profile image

Hiya sorry to hear u left FB group I'm intreasted to see how things go with you regarding op, I didn't see the msgs on there which Kay was unhappy with, they was already deleted b 4 I got online, shame I would have liked to have read them as ev body is allowed an opinion :) anyway see u on here with your updates, u take care, Saph x

13lavinia profile image

Hi not local, just to let you know met my consultant today re: Endobronical valves. He is arranging lung function tests at my local hospital. Then to go back to Jimmy's Leeds for a Nuclear scan? If suitable he will do the op. he also stated that if this doesn't work he may carry out LVR . He said my lungs are in a very poor condition and recommends I do this. By the way my name is Jan. hope you are still improving.

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to 13lavinia

Hi Jan, bad news and good news huh? Unfortunate about the state of your lungs. What's your present fev1? My news is not so good, the parts that were supposed to collapse after the valve insertion just haven't and my fev1 is the same as before. My FVC has improved a lot though, by 20% so it's not all bad news. I posted this about 10 days ago. Good luck with the 'nuclear' scan (Lung Perfusion scan I think). Warning, the mask is really tight and you have to not panic! It takes exactly 14 minutes so just concentrate on breathing in and out. Ciao, Bob

13lavinia profile image
13lavinia in reply to notlocal

Hi there Jan again, have not had any Lung Function tests since last August that is why the consultant obviously needs it all again. I am a bit ignorant in the jargon but reading my results from August myFEV 1.05. FVC1.66 (48% and 64%) predicted respectively. FEV/FVC ratio 63%. Gas transfer measurements severly reduced. Sats dropping to 77% post exercise. I hope you understand all that as I don't.

Thank you for replying. Take care

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