I keep getting a sort of acid that co... - Lung Conditions C...

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I keep getting a sort of acid that comes up into my throat. I have bronchiectasis, is there any connection?

mustcarryon profile image
19 Replies
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mustcarryon profile image
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19 Replies

Hi mustcarryon. I had this problem for over ten years. I was treated with acid inhibitors on and off but they did not seem to work. My oesophagus became more and more damaged until I could barely swallow. Finally it split ( messy and scary) and. found myself carried to A&E. They put me on Lanzapazole dispersable tablets 30mg bd. I immediately began to get better and 18 months later am eating everything and still on the drug. The worst is that the acid cause a new patch of bronchiectasis to develop at the top of my right lung. Bang the table and get it treated now before you end up like me

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to

Good advice Stillstanding. Im sorry you've had such a bad time though - it sounds horrendous, and a bummer you've been left with another bronchiectatis patch. I have various reflux complications too so i relate to the stress of it. Im glad you can eat ok now.

mustcarryon profile image
mustcarryon in reply to

Thanks for that stillstanding. It's a bit scary, I will do as you say. It's strange how mine is, I can get it a couple of times a day for two or three days, then nothing for ten - twelve days. I will get it checked. So sorry you had such a bad time, it's when you hear this sort of thing that you realise you cannot ignore anything. Sorry to hear about your new patch, hope things go ok for you.


tigershay1 profile image
tigershay1 in reply to mustcarryon

Im sorry to hear this. Im in need of your advice as my chest feels very heavy sometimes burning and id eaten some chinese food last week when for no reason up it came. Very embarressing it was too. Im on Lansoperole at present but im concerned i maybe getting reflux ....(my gran had this terribly and couldnt eat solids for the last year of her life) ive always been funny with certain foods but not experienced this before. Any info or advice would be appreciated judith xx

poppyval profile image
poppyval in reply to tigershay1

Hi Tigershay, I had reflux even before I had the IPF, but it is a lot worse now. I use Gaviscon liquid if I have to buy it, or Peptac Liquid that I get on prescription, but it is just as good. Try to eat smaller meals I find that helps, and use a grabber so you don't have to bend down. Hope this helps. Cheryl

O2Trees profile image

Sounds likely to be reflux, mustcarryon. Its often a problem for people with lung disease. For more initial info, you could call the BLF helpline (click red balloon top right hand side for number) and talk to them, and you should definitely discuss it with your GP.

mustcarryon profile image
mustcarryon in reply to O2Trees

Thanks for that 02Trees. I will get it checked out, I've just said to stillstanding that you hear these terrible things and we must not ignore them.

pergola1 profile image

I am wondering if it would be a good idea to ask for an endoscopy. I had the same and was being sick. A hiatus hernia was found, which i have had for years. I take meds and choose what I eat. No fish and chips - they cause upheaval in more ways than one!

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to pergola1

I had the same pergola, I take Lanzoprazole twice a day. I was told my a mouth specialist to eat every mouthful, then rest to let it go through and start again.

I find ginger helps me and cumin.

You should speak with your GP about this asap. Do not delay as the consequences of it being left untreated are just not worth it. Hope you get this under control real soon.

cofdrop-UK profile image

Hi mustcarryon

Many folks with bronchiectasis get acid reflux and lots take a ppi (pro proton inhibitor) such as the one stillstanding takes eg. Lanzaprazole, Esomeprozole. Lots of us have hiatus hernia. Your GP and/or your consultant will take this seriously, so best to mention it next time you go.

love cx

zube-UK profile image

Sorry mustcarryon and every one else who has this awful problem, I had it very badly 5 years ago. My gp sent me for an endoscopy which revealed a sliding hiatus hernia caused they said by coughing and he gave me Esomeprazole, Gaviscon etc. Gaviscon burned the enamel off my teeth and left them sensitive.

I do a lot of reading and found out that these medicines are not good if taken long term as they reduce stomach acid which is necessary for digestion and also controlling infection, it's natural and I believe in nature.

Just by chance I came across a very old method of reducing stomach acid production naturally as I eat and it works 100% for me, I have not taken Esomeprazole ect at all for the last 5 years, I never have that burning pain now, an added bonus is it is easy to stay slim without feeling hungry.

This method is to combine foods so that they digest easily and do not cause the stomach to produce more acid than is necessary, it's very easy, used to be called the Dr Hay System or food combining. One of the best books to explain this is "Food Combining For Health" by Doris Grant and Jean Joyce, I see we can buy it on ebay 99p now, and in charity shops sometimes. I wonder if anyone on here can remember Dick Joyce who was on tv back in the 70's "One man and his dog".. Jeans husband but thats by the by...

I agree with all the others as well, to see your GP and get it sorted and hopefully very soon.


O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to zube-UK

Hi zube, food combining is what I'm doing at present, so glad to hear someone else finding it useful - it definitely helps me though i still have to take 60mg lansoprosole a day but since Im trying to avoid having a fundoplication operation, Im happy to do anything that might help. Its a difficult one to fathom as like you say we do need our stomach acid to digest food, and yet for some it can do permanent damage if it gets into the oesophagus, larynx and top of the lungs.

For those who haven't come across food combining, the idea is to eat starch at one meal and protein at another, and not to mix them up at the same meal. Then there are foods which you can eat with either starch or protein, e.g. vegetables and fats i think. The theory is that we use different digestive enzymes to digest starch and proteins, and digestion is more effective if you don't mix them up. Food combining is also very good for weight loss.

Zube will put you all right if I've got anything wrong here. Its years since I read the Grant and Joyce book - when my hiatus hernia was first diagnosed 28 years ago and the food combining regime stopped the violent pain within a week :)

There are many more versions of food combining now but i tend to stick with this one.

zube-UK profile image
zube-UK in reply to O2Trees

You are so right 02, it is a dilemma and I would be doing the same as you with both meds and diet to try and avoid having a fundoplication op, sounds like a complication with fun but's no fun at all ! wish you success with the management of this complicated problem.


O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to zube-UK

Thanks Su! :) jean

mustcarryon profile image

Just want to thank everybody who responded to my question and offered me sound advice.

kirsty72 profile image

Thanks Mustcarryon.

I was going to ask the same question, although the acid that comes up in my throat, I thought was brought on by my nicotine replacement therapy.

I take the chewing gum and occasionally the mini lozengers, and afterwards I belch or hiccup and feel a burning sensation in my throat.

Is this just coincidence with the NRT, or is it the Bronchiectasis?

in reply to kirsty72

If this is something happening on a regular basis, whatever the cause its something you need to speak with your doctor about sooner rather than later, as I mentioned above the consequences if left untreated are not worth it and could in fact cause you more severe health problems.

doublecee profile image

I have this problem and find the best way to combat it is by dietary means. Leave out, or at least reduce your intake of acidic foods. Also say goodbye to anything spicy. I've tried lanzaprazole but I'm allergic to that family of PPIs.

I've always found Gaviscon a great help, especially during the night-time. I began taking it in the 70's when it came in chocolate flavoured granules. Horrible to chew they were too.

The watchword is definitely WATCH WHAT YOU EAT.

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