hello i was wondering if anyone suffe... - Lung Conditions C...
hello i was wondering if anyone suffers cramp like pain across the upper back & a burning pain in the lower rib cage. I suffer emphaseama

i suffer the same ,avoid cold air , i have emphysema too
I get a stabbing feeling in my left side in the same spot. At the moment I do not know 100% what I have until after my tests on Monday?
Hi. I also have Emphysema and I sometimes get a pain in my rib cage which radiates round to my back. It is unbelievably painful. Of this sounds the same as what you are getting it could be costochondritis.
Hello I suffer with cramp pain in my left side I also get a burning feeling in my back I have COPD
Hi christinerees.
I too have emphysema and get stabbing pains from time to time in the chest and back area.
I also get a pressing feeling on my back, which is creepy.
It's as if a hand is gently pressing on my back in the lung area. Doctors have no explanation.
Maybe it's a ghost!
Hi butter-fly that made me smile, but i too have had the pressing feeling on my back which i also found creepy. how long have you been diagnosed, i am 10 years
Hi christinerees.
I was diagnosed about 12 years ago but thought I just was out of condition for years before that because of my desk job and general laziness!
You are the only other person I know to get that creepy hand on the back feeling!
hi butter-fly yes i have had the hand feeling a few times. If you dont mind me asking how old are you. I am 59 diagnosed at 49
Hi christinerees
I am 67 and getting younger every day!. The pressing hand feeling came before and after a bout of pneumonia about 18 months ago. Also had pleurisy at the same time. No medical people seem to have heard of it. (The hand thing I mean!)
Hi C.
I get similar pain, especially if I stretch or move, or am in a tense situation like meeting new people.
Someone mentioned pulmonary hypertension. My specialist explained it as ribs already at stretch trying to make more space to counter bullous, so any extra is like a strain.
But yes, it hurts.
thank you Everyone for your help. Eased my mind knowing i am not alone .
Have emphysema, had pleurisy in lungs and that was extremely painful and even now I still get sharp pains in chest!