Alone: I like to read about all your... - Lung Conditions C...

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Eve3066 profile image
24 Replies

I like to read about all your plans and remedies but mostly about the support from family members. I live alone and find it really difficult sometimes when even getting to the bathroom is a problem. Do others live like this

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Eve3066 profile image
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24 Replies
initial profile image

You're not alone, Eve, as there are quite a few of us who live alone and struggle with this disease. Like you, I too enjoy reading about others and their families. I praise myself when I achieve something I'd thought impossible, such as cleaning the inside of my windows. It was a struggle, but I did it. It took me two days to do, though, and I did have to be rather ingenious (isn't it terrific what you can do with a mop LOL ) but I did it! :) x

longlungs profile image

Hello Eve know exactly how that feels especially with the bathroom,I was having panic attacks thinking how I wouldnt make it to the loo, for me i gave up smoking which changed my early morning panic :) But there are many hurdles as Initial says and our small achievements are massive to us,I have to push myself all the time and force me to do some chore or other ,once done mentally Im on a little high lovely feeling.Im a little scared now im about to leave on my gertie to go to the hosp 4 miles away im hoping im making the right decision,my other option is to get a cab but then to get to the actual area is down miles of corridor which I wouldnt manage.So wish me luck Eve I'll let you know how I get on,See you soon :) Janexx

initial profile image
initial in reply to longlungs

Good luck with Gertie, I'm sure you'll do fine, but do wrap up, it's chilly out. :) x

oxytic profile image

Eve3066,Hi there, And well done to you initial for going it alone. I must say some times its good to be alone and sometimes it isn't. Aloneness makes you feel shut out, not out of chose,but in most cases out of the will and inability to do things. We, us that is who have no one, do feel what you feel Eve3066.getting to the bathroom is not the problem its bathing that is ! All on-going effort is .Going out shopping on my own and everything else on my own too. but its good to know there is the challenge. And its great when you master it and its good for us because the simplest thing for others is so difficult for us, and we win .chin up and fight the good fight .... for who else but you ? Bless you and good hunting Eve x

initial profile image
initial in reply to oxytic

Hello oxytic, necessity is the mother of all inventions LOL. I try to give myself at least one challenge every day, but some days it's a challenge only to breathe! It's why this forum is so important, I suppose, especially for us who live alone. Take care :) x

newlands profile image

Hello i also live alone ,i am fortunate that i have two bathrooms but still struggle with tasks like most of us do having a bath is a nightmare when i have got my nightie and dressing gown on i feel so proud i have achieved it.Cant have a shower cant stand long enough have a bath lift but still struggle .

When i have finished in the bath i have a sponge and before getting out go round the bath My neighbour's will pop in with a meal ,my daughter will also bring me a couple of meals a week ,the rest of the time i have ready made meals .

I love this site for company my family are so pleased i am on this forum when they come too visit they have found me laughing at post i have read so they are pleased for me .

Yes i get scared but again i have a care phone ( i have a bracelet with a button that i can press it goes to a call centre) This was provided by my local authority so there is help out there get on too your local authority and see how they can help you

Take care love Dorothy xxx

oxytic profile image

longlung Good luck with your battle to the hospital, great when its over and you are back home again :) Know what you mean .I've been dodging a blood test that the nurse has requested! .I know I will have to go, because I left the last one so long I didn't go in the end ! Mustn't do that this time, as I need to know if all is well .But as you say miles of corridors ...and to get to toilets along the way maybe ..All in all, one hell. And still we battle on and no one notices our pain. Life is not a bowl of cherries boo-hoo . where's that helping hand.

Eve3066 profile image

Sorry I did not mean to sound so tragic, I just mean I envy those people who have someone else to worry for them and help care for them and to do all those stupid small things that I keep looking at and cannot do.

initial profile image
initial in reply to Eve3066

I didn't think you were being tragic, only lamenting about living on your own. I do think the members of this community do care about others, especially if someone who regularly participates is absent. It's that camaraderie I find endearing :) x

newlands profile image
newlands in reply to Eve3066

You don't sound tragic it must be awful for you not to have anyone Yes the stupid little things we cant do like having to wait for someone to come to open a jar of jam ,but your toast is readyxxxx

oxytic profile image
oxytic in reply to Eve3066

not tragic Eve some are lucky to have some one to help and some don't .I have a niece who on a Wednesday hoovers and may go shopping with me .but there are still many other chores to get on with so we all know what you feel and that is aloneness as well as and it is tragic . but we could see ourselves lucky not to be caught up in floods and wind damage :) chin and smile my pet ....Eric x

mike25 profile image
mike25 in reply to Eve3066

I know exactly how you feel, I cant remember the last time anyone knocked my door, let alone having someone even offering to help, so yes, just like you, I envy those who do have someone, but saying that, good luck to them,(how nice it would be though if we too had someone)

oxytic profile image

Newlands.... Hi well done you are managing. And that's part of life set out for us all. Nice to know you don't eat in the bath and you have your mind not to :) Bless you x

newlands profile image
newlands in reply to oxytic

Thanks for that ,i do some stupid things sometimes but i suppose we all do lol xx

rick1 profile image

Well done Eve, wish I had your determination to do things, I live on my own as well but have a carer at morning to assist me in the bathroom, make my breakfast and have a cleaner comes once a week, age u.k. are very helpful give them a ring.

Eve3066 profile image

At the moment. I am fine, stats of 95% this morning! haven't had that for at least a year if not more. So I am doing what I can whilst I can....

It's those times when I seem to spend half my life leaning on the kitchen counter wondering if I can get to the loo, in time, can I make tea, can I get dressed. Theyare awful times and I guess they are coming again.

When I am well like now I cannot imagine what it's like, I had to sleep downstairs last February after a. Week in hospital with pneumonia and dragged myself around, lurching from one leaning post to another. Is anyone else like this. My local shop is not far and I can walk there today but sometimes not and then I am embarrassed because I cannot speak when I get there. OMG I am having a good moan this morning, especially silly when as I say I am very well at the moment.

libby7827 profile image
libby7827 in reply to Eve3066

You sound just like me Eve. Don't worry about having a moan, it's good to get it all out! I'm housebound these days and, like you, after my last bout in hospital a few months ago, my bed came downstairs and is still here, made life much easier. Fortunately, I have a downstairs loo. I'm pretty good at the mo, but then it strikes for no reason and then struggle to do the simplest thing. Even a cup of tea has to be made in stages! My sats are generally pretty good, so long as I don't move! After having pneumonia myself 5 or 6 years ago I was never the same again. I do get very down when I'm bad, it's perfectly natural. Don't hesitate to phone your gp or respiratory nurse when you are bad, I have the community matron service, they come about once a month now, or phone to check on me, and |I can call them any time and they will come out pretty quickly to check for infections, etc. Best wishes, Libby x

newlands profile image
newlands in reply to Eve3066

Hi Eve i think most of us spend a lot of time over the kitchen worktop , I have to have a wheelchair outdoors my daughter takes me on a Thursday to shop and you are not moaning you are explaining your life to us and we listen Eve

As i said i have a bathroom downstairs and a little en suite upstairs that's a god send still doesn't stop me having accidents but that is the myasthenia not copd take care Eve come and talk anytime love Dorothy xxx

hopetorun profile image
hopetorun in reply to Eve3066

Dear Eve it would be good if you contacted your local social services to give you an assessment or at least help with equipment to make life easier. Do take care of yourself and keep warm and as rick says age uk are very good. best wishes Irene

initial profile image

Not moaning at all Eve, only saying it like it is most of the time, which is hard. Welcome to my world LOL. If I'm not leaning on the worktops, I'm leaning on the door frame, or the back of a chair. or propped against a wall. I think it's on the good days, few and far between that they are, that we realise our frailties. That is not moan, that's realising. It's learning to adapt I've found the hardest. Take care, and it is good to talk about how we cope, so thank you for raising this topic :) x

kimmy59 profile image

You sound like most of us Eve, but the others are right your not alone. I have a large family but still feel isolated like you say especially when you feel ill.

So have a good moan do you good.

Kim xxxx

KingoftheCocktails profile image

It pays to talk, as they say


Your daily humour tonic

Mavary profile image

Hi Eve. Please don't feel alone. There is always someone here to talk to you. X

Eve3066 profile image

Thanks everyone for your kind support. I know I am still in the lucky area of sort of managing ok so I will stop moaning, for now !

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