Smoked 4 20+years recently diagnosed... - Lung Conditions C...
Smoked 4 20+years recently diagnosed with emphysema what can I expect in the future

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Jump to repliesHello and welcome.
Everyone is different, you didn't say what severity you are but if you take your medication stop smoking and exercise you can stay well. Best advice ring BLF helpline they're brilliant and ask your doctor to refer you to a Pulmonary Rehab course, they teach you how to exercise safely and everything you need to know. Oh and don't google you'll just scare yourself and it's not how it is.
Good luck
Kim xxxx
Need some real answers less than 70% in right lung with a family history of copd doctor at VA is not very informative just want to know what to expect
Hello and welcome to the community Steve. COPD is a progressively degenerative disease, but that progression can be slowed down with diet, exercise and not smoking or being in polluted atmospheres. This link can explain the stages of the disease but your own perspective on life plays a major part. I reached stage 4 before I was diagnosed. It is, as I've already mentioned, a progressively degenerative disease, and over time, I just learned to adapt to life in what I could and could not do. You have the chance to maintain your level (suspect it's stage 2) for quite a while. Call the helpline. To get the BLF helpline number, just click on the red ballon on blue bar above. Take care.
First, you can expect to stop smoking, right NOW, if you didn't do that already. Then you may expect to take more exercise, starting right NOW... because that will slow down the progression of the disease.
As you have read, COPD is a progressively degenerative disease, but with the right lifestyle and advice, you can slow it down; you learn what you can do and what you can't do -- and what you can do if you take things steadily. What your diagnosis is NOT, is a death sentence. Don't consult "Dr Google"... consult experts.
Expect been treated as a child that does not have a dictionary and that says what degenerative means.
it is up to you . if you smoke then stop . take your meds and exercise
I asked my consultant, how fast it will progress and he said it is up to me. That I must exercise.
Take care of yourself
Hi Stevemac, Welcome to our group. The British Lung foundation site has leaflets, and you can phone their helpline. Go to the top of the screen, under the title British Lung foundation you have a blue menu with questions, polls, members and about us. click on about us. It will redirect you to their helpline phone number 03000 030 555. I think they are open during the week between 10 am and 1 pm. If you phone them, they will get in touch with you and you can explain your worries. You can trust their knowledge. Worth it. Good luck. and tell us more too!
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