Everywhere I go there s snow. Haven't got a clue what's meant by body
Does anyone have any tips for incredi... - Lung Conditions C...
Does anyone have any tips for incredibly dry skin following oxygen 24/7 . The water based moisturisers don't appear to help. End stage COPD

Body is that thing that your legs dangle off and tends to feel cold if not wrapped up when there is lots of snow about.
I think there was a post previously about this but I see search is not working again. I recall someone mentioned, double based cream but I can't quite remember if that is suitable for oxygen users.
BLF helpline may be able to advise you further on this, click red balloon top right for contact details (although of late not sure if anyone is at home).
Best wishes BC
Hi, I wonder if you can also try moisturising from the inside as well?
Some extra omega 3 and olive oil?
Good luck with the answers which will surely follow xx
good point peeg Also drinking lots of water, 1.5 to 2 litres a day may help too.
we use the doublebase gel cream (bought two large bottles from Ebay) and it has been superb, also think peeg is right in that we need fluid and olive oil or something similar. Good luck
A moisturiser containing hyaluronic acid (HA).
HA will pull moisture from the air onto your skin and keep it there.
In a very dry environment it would have the opposite effect, pulling water from your skin, but that wouldn't normally be a problem in this country . . .
Hi , my husband has similar prolem, DoubleBase is good for his body, but he swears by E45for his face. Probably shouldn,t use it but I only put that on his forehead. I got some Nivea oil free moisturising daycream for the rest of his face. His scalp was terribly flaky,s but improved with using TGel therapetic shampoo with coal tar.
Thankyou all for your very helpful suggestions. I will definitely try some.
I've always used Vaseline intensive care as a dermatologist once told me forget about all the expensive stuff vaseline is the best thing for your skin - so I guess he'd know. As others hope it helps xx
I also use Vaseline intensive care its very good, but I don't think standing on your head is too good for you.
Hi, I use Dermol to shower with (never soap) and Oilatum Cream a few times a day, both on prescription. Seem to work OK.
Aqueous cream is very good. I also have sleep apnoea and so wear a mask at night, using O2 as well, so get very dry skin. i recently bought cream from a website called hope2sleep.co.uk and it seems to be very good. Worth a try. :o)
Aqueous (don't know if spelt right?), My mother used to have that put on her very dry legs. Or baby oil is good.