Well so much for what I was going to do yesterday. I didn't even manage to finish the housework let alone wrap Christmas presents and write cards. I also brandied a couple of Christmas cakes. My son turned up in the afternoon so that was that. Never mind there is always tomorrow. I finished the housework today and wrapped a few presents. I went shopping and went to my Daughter in laws as it was her Birthday today.
Housework and Christmas.: Well so much... - Lung Conditions C...
Housework and Christmas.

Evening Mavary, !!!Happy birthday to your daughter in-law!!! I seem to have had months of deciding what I am going to do and with all the will in the world, it just dosen't happen. I thought this morning that I would change curtains in lounge, Got iron out, had to have heating on because it was cold, but had to have door open, the steam is too much. Got them ironed. Then sat supervised husband putting them up. It made feel a bit better for the change. Nannyb xxx
I just don't seem to be able to do so much now my Husband can't help. I get tempted to change my curtains just to brighten things up. It's good to change things.
I had geared up to going and buying some presents today but my hubby has gone down with a bad cold.
You look after him. Blow anything else. They are more important.
You misunderstand, HE looks after ME so if he is unwell I can't go anywhere!
Oh I see. Trust me to get it wrong. I know a lot of the names but I don't always know if I am talking to a lady or a man. Please accept my apologise. My hubby is not well today. I hope your Husband is feeling better now for your sake. I know mine can't do a lot without me. He hates it as I am sure you do. I've got my shopping in for the next few days because of the weather we are expecting.
It can be very difficult can't it? But I am female. And because the weather is worsening I probably will not get out this week either. Still, I can always shop on line if I have to.
That's one of the things I haven't tried yet. It will have to come. As with on line banking. When my Husband is ill I don't like going out and leaving him.
I will not do online banking as I am advised by my children that it is very unsafe. Online shopping on the other hand has safeguards that I trust. I hope your husband is feeling better. Mine is recovering and will probably be back at work tomorrow. x
Hi Toci. I don't do either. My son said he wouldn't trust me. That doesn't give me much confidence. My husband is a little better tonight. I was shocked at how quickly he went down. The Dr came in and gave him a second lot of antibiotics and some steroids. That should do the trick. Glad yours is better now
Much better to spend time with your sons than doing housework.
Agree with you silversurfer,enjoy time with your son,plenty of time for other things when alone Mavary.It all gets done in time!

You're quite right Wendells. It was lovely to see him.
I'm a great organiser my husband works all over the world so everything is left to me but this year has flown I got flu in may and took months to get over that and Christmas is around the corner. I have brought a few presents but my daughter has her first baby in February so when I'm out shopping I can't get past the baby aisle it is only me the old man and the labs for Christmas so as long as I get a turkey and joint of gammon ham all will be happy
I know what you mean about baby things. I very often look at the children's clothes or toys and think I would love to get that for so and so. Having nine grandchildren restricts you a bit.
My daughter has had this all day sickness for about 20 weeks so she has not done much I can't believe how much things have changed in 29 years since I had her
When I had mine I was sick for about seven and a half months out of the nine and I had four babies. They say if you are sick it is a strong pregnancy. No wonder I have a hiatus hernia now. I am wrapping Christmas presents at the moment and am going to wrap my husbands while he is out the way. He has gone to bed. He had a coughing fit earlier and I had to give him his oramorph. Hope you are ok.
Hi onamission. It is my Husband who is ill. He has Idiopathic Pulmonary fibrosis and the outlook is grim. I have asthma very mildly so I am here for him not me.