Hi every one, I bet you thought I was gone for good its been such a long time since I posted anything on here. I just thought I'd share some exciting news . For years now my loved ones have been urging me to getaway for the winter to warmer climes, this was never going to happen because Lilian was still working, we have the two dogs and we simply couldn't afford it, How things change, recently Lilian took voluntary redundency along with a modest lump sum, so we looked at the feasibility and voila we are off to Portugal on the 18th November. Great you might say , but it gets better , we are going by road, No not on the motorbike, but by motorhome. The four of will be travelling down through France , Spain and into the Algarve region at the bottom of Portugal . It has cost a small fortune for travel insurance, and our family GP has said he can supply is with meds for only three months, but our local chemist has done some research and found out what our equivalent meds are in france, spain and portugal. We think ( if all goes well) that our return will be sometime around 18th April 2014. IF this is successful we intend to do it again next winter. Hope everyone is keeping as well as can be expected. BIG hello to my friend Annie.
THIS TIME!!!: Hi every one, I bet you... - Lung Conditions C...

Sounds very exciting. Well done! hope all goes to plan and you have a wonderful time! M
Absolutely delighted, Chris, at your news. It is a wonderful escape for you and Lillian to go away with the dogs for the winter. I feel quite envious. I remember you had a lot of hard thinking to do when you couldn't bike in Europe. It shows that when one door slams, another one will open. Will you able to send messages to us whilst you are away, at least an electronic post card. And very BIG hugs to you, Lillian and the dogs Love Annie xx
That is fantastic Chris, what a great break away you have to look forward to. Here is wishing you a great trip, happy Christmas and all the very best for 2014. Stay well, breathe good and enjoy Report back and let us all know how you got on.
Very best wishes BC
Bon voyage. Say hello to the sun for me. x
Enjoy and have a great time, keep in touch and a few photos to rub the salt in the wounds. Lol Berwick xxx
I'm looking out of my window at a very grey wet scene and I've got to say 'good move CC' have a great time.
A helping hand.
Click each country you intend passing through.
Great to hear good news, have a wonderful time.....xx
Fantastic news Chris, have a wonderful time
What a great post to read.Have a great adventure.Absolutely brilliant happy days ! Janexx
OH SOOOO JEALOUS!!!! France! Spain!! Portugal!!! You must come back on and tell us all about it when you return. Would love to do that myself - no holiday this year because of problems and wondering how we will manage next summer with oxygen. Perhaps you have shown me a way! Good luck and have fun x
You lucky B-----S !. My Badger said he would like to come as a carer for your doggies.
What an adventure. Enjoy!!!!!! x
Very bold decision Chris - hope it all goes well for you all. Don't forget your fishing rod. You might enjoy it so much you don't want to come back, and who could blame you. We'll all be huddled together in one room, keeping warm, courtesy of the robber power companies and this deplorable government.
Have an amazing trip! Let us know how it goes update your progress if you can. Enjoy ! Lots of love TAD xx
Great to see your name on here again Chris and hope you, Lilian and the dogs have a fantastic time. Stay well and warm. xxxx
Bet you will have a great time, will look forward to hear about your travels, Take care X
ooo Chris you'll all have a great time. What a coincidence, today I was having a tidy up & found a friends book 'Europe in a Motorhome'. A mid life gap year around Southern Europe
, by H D Jackson, ISBN 141208141-6.
It's full of tips and historical information.
Hazel said it was a dream come true so I hope you will all have a great adventure. Can't wait to hear about it. Bon voyage!! Peeg