We've had enough...: I'm not... - Lung Conditions C...

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We've had enough...

swallow profile image
12 Replies

I'm not complaining guys but after waiting over 12 weeks since sending back my ESA form, I'm on IB at the moment, I wrote to The Secretary of State last night asking if they could look into my case and get it speeded up, the anxiety and worry is just becoming too much now and affecting my health terribly. I've not just got a lung disease I also have a disability, heart disease and diabetes.

To add to it all my wonderful husband of nearly 42yrs was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer last Thursday, such a shock it was found on the bowel screening that is sent through the post to everyone over a certain age.

Life for us will obviously not be normal again for awhile, it's become a matter of urgency for me now as I won't be sitting at home waiting for their phone call to give me their decision. I will be beside my husband supporting him through whatever treatment he'll require.

Yes I've put myself in the spotlight, but I hope it also highlights that this waiting game and how we're treated is not really acceptable, I doubt it will change anything as this is a faceless department some of us are having to deal and mainly without compassion. I'll let you know if I hear anything back, but I'm not holding my breath.....Jan.

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swallow profile image
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12 Replies
Poppymichael7 profile image

My heart goes out to you trying to get these things sorted out is a nightmare for people. I've applied twice for attendance allowance (as I'm over 70 ) but been refused. I wouldn't mind but all around me there are people getting disability benefit who don't deserve it. It seems to me that some people can get things sorted out so quickly and others have to wait so long. Anyway I hope you get things sorted out soon. My blessings to your husband and I hope everything goes well for him love to you both xxx

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

Sorry to hear of your problems. All I can say is good luck and hope it all turns out well.

chrissie53 profile image

So sorry to hear of your sad news,,,i do know that claims are months behind at the moment,,perhaps you could get in touch with you local MP,, explain to him and get him to intervene,,after all thats what they are there for. I do hope things turn out ok for you very soon.. xx

longlungs profile image

Hello swallow so much going on for you at the mo to say the least!Well done you getting a letter together im sure that when cancer is bought into the picture things will move along more quickly for you ido hope so takecare,keeping everything crossed for good outcomes with health and wealth.Janexx

peege profile image

I echo what flibberti says swallow and can see how fed you must be about the ESA and worried about your husband too.

I too hope the bowel screening has caught the cancer very early (what a brilliant initiative for saving lives). It's very treatable now. Both my in-laws and my mother had it, a small piece of bowel removed & full recovery without chemo or radiotherapy. This was some years ago so even more progress has been made for the best outcomes.

Wishing you good news all round - and soon! Good luck x

happyfeet59 profile image

A couple of years ago I was having trouble dealing with my mother in laws pension credit. I sent them all the paperwork they asked for (originals only), waited 2/3months, phoned them to be told they hadn't received the paperwork. Resent it (copies), another 2 months, to be told they hadn't received it. Then they had but needed the originals!!. Wasn't allowed to speak to anyone dealing directly with her case - eventually spoke to supervisor of the 'help! line'. Nothing more happened. I had kept notes with dates, who and what was said so I followed the official complaints line eventually writing to the chief exec. Still nothing after 1month. I never received a single letter or phonecall FROM them.

I wrote to my m-i-l's new local MP sending a copy of my notes, letters etc. Within 3 weeks I had a letter from the CEO (unsigned!!!) saying it was being dealt with. A week later ..... money in the bank! No letter, no apology!!

Keep notes - dates, name of who you talk to, what they said..... Go to your local MP - 3 weeks it took mine to sort it out..

KingoftheCocktails profile image

That's the right direction to go jan.


hopetorun profile image

The problem in this world is the im alright jack attitude. those people dealing with the claims dont seem to realise the effect it has on someones life. I does make me angry. They are healthy and working and dont recognise the difficulty people with long term conditions and disabilities are facing. we hear alot about how there are scroungers out there getting lots of money through the benefits system but we see very little about the people who really need help and have so much trouble getting it. We should not have to go to our MPs for help with such things the idea of the welfare state was to care for people who really need it . we all know that money is short but people in work arn't having there pay taken away because they arnt doing quite as well this week are they.

I am really pleased you eventually had your needs recognised and now have what is rightfully yours. I hope it has not taken too much of a toll on your health and you can now relax fro a while. sorry for the rant take careX

swallow profile image

Thank you all so much for your amazing support and advice I agree with each and everyone of you, it's such an unfair system for the genuine ill. I will write to my MP also and I'll let you know if I hear anything back....thank you. xx

onamission profile image

Hi Swallow i'm sorry to hear about your husband my brother has just gone through bowel and bladder cancer he is doing really well and i'm sure your husband will be ok. I'm not sure about contacting your MP we all know Atos was set up by the labour party and my local MP is in the labour party, i'm going through the same at the moment its like pulling teeth good luck I hope all goes well for you and your husband.

Offcut profile image

I had to go to my MP and it all went very quickly after he got involved. But they still [it my back dated money in a closed account.

swallow profile image

I've got to take some of my comments back, I heard from the Secretary of State office the following day asking for more details, it looks like they maybe looking into my case, we were both surprised even to get a response, it looks like there is some compassion after all.

I've never asked for anything in my life but I need your positive thoughts and vibes for me and my husband right now. The hospital have phoned 4 times today they want me in urgently for an endoscope beginning of next week, I'm not even going to have a prep appointment, I just pray it's a small ulcer as my GP was thinking, I need to stay reasonable for my husband.

Hospital also phoned for him from the scan department, they have been asked by the Dr to bring his appointment forward also to next week, he's is to have an MRI.

We're taking this in our stride but what a shake up, life can change in a minute, so enjoy yourselves and don't worry about anything.

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