little help : hi i have a big prob with... - Lung Conditions C...

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little help

colind profile image
42 Replies

hi i have a big prob with bleach cant go near the stuff . lungs tighten up faster than Jeremy Clarkson wallet

dose any one have any tips to help ? and the same prob ?

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colind profile image
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42 Replies
KingoftheCocktails profile image

I have the same problem and my wife always warns me when she is going to use it anywhere. I don't think there is any know remedy, just like Jeremy Clarkson's wallet! Hee HEE


Your daily tonic

colind profile image
colind in reply to KingoftheCocktails

docs have told me im full band from being neer bleech not aloud it in house or in my work place

Hi Colind

I think hydrogen peroxide can be used as a substitute, it doesn't have that chlorine smell, and does pretty much the same job down the loo, sink etc. It can be bought online and from Boots etc. It has hazards of course so you would have to research uses etc.

Hope that helps


colind profile image
colind in reply to

should have said its most stonge smells as well

in reply to colind


as far as I can remember it has no smell, tho I could be wrong

I've heard vinegar is supposed to be a good alternative. I've never tried it myself though so I can't say if it works or not. I've had a quick look online and found this site.

colind profile image
colind in reply to


katieoxo60 profile image

vinegar is a good all round cleaner, for many jobs.It's well worth investing in one of the many books that tell all it's uses, including some medicinal ones.There are many old fashion concoctions that are as good as bleach, but bleach is a good, cheap all round cleaner that works and kills germs too. Unfortunately it's not so good for some of us with lung illnesses so we must try colind to find things better suited to our personal needs

colind profile image
colind in reply to katieoxo60

thats just it in a nut shell

appyalison profile image

Hi colind, I am very sensitive to many chemicals and have to be very careful around them. Good excuse not to clean but if I don't do it, no one does! I would try the vinegar and think of chips! :-) :-) Alson

colind profile image
colind in reply to appyalison

hee heee like that im the same . it was bleach that started all this for me but it is most stronge smells now

RichardAT profile image

Hiya, a possible alternative is white vinegar as it isn't too stringent with baking soda. Take care, Richard.

in reply to RichardAT

hi richardAT how are u not heard of u in time u ok,take care

RichardAT profile image
RichardAT in reply to

Hiya, I'm okay. Having trouble with swollen feet. Hopefully, I will be able to attend the next meeting. How are you? I hope you are keeping well. Take care, Richard.

in reply to RichardAT

ye richardAT im good,have to be don't we,my ex gp is bein looked at good as theres been other complaints so fingers crossed,2 like me for ignored copd an 3 others,i tell u some gps really are not fit to practise.if they were wouldn't be so many ppl ill or going a an e/,went breathe easy last month but not this as grandkids are on holidays an my youngest girl works so I have 5 grandsons ,they all help me so not to bad good lads,why u got swollen feet,my friend in town at 57 she as oxy 18hours day an her feet get swollen,take care

RichardAT profile image
RichardAT in reply to

Swollen feet are caused by heart failure. I'm used to it. Take care, Richard.

colind profile image
colind in reply to RichardAT

aaah baking soda tell me more if you can

RichardAT profile image
RichardAT in reply to colind

Sorry, my mistake, I meant bicarb of soda.

Hi Richard , Regards from me too Joyce

RichardAT profile image

I would assume so.

knitter profile image
knitter in reply to RichardAT

Don't think bicarb and soda crystals the same chemical makeup...better check

in reply to knitter

Hi, they are different, soda crystals are the same thing as caustic soda, whilst bicarbonate of soda and baking soda are the same thing. Both are alkalis tho caustic soda is more hazardous and better at removing grease etc. Its often what's in those oven cleaners.

Yes,bicarb of soda & vinegar,go together well. Sprinkle the bicarb,& have the vinegar in a squirt bottle,to sprinkle on top,works well.Good in bathrooms & kitchens,

Love Wendells xx

Have a look on Youtube for some old 'How Clean is Your House' progs, Kim and Aggie used to use alternatives for cleaning I think, tho how good they are is a different thing


Toci profile image

Hello, colind. I found this site very helpful in finding alternatives for household cleaners. Good luck with them. x

chrissie53 profile image

coke is brill for cleaning the loo,,,,,

naturelover profile image

Sorry colind,

Do not have answer for you, bleach is a horrid smell anyway. I use domestos but just for putting down the toilet and soaking my dishcloth in. Otherwise I do not use it. I am trying to stay away from chemicals as much as I can as my breathlessness is terrible just now.

dirose profile image
dirose in reply to naturelover

Buy some disposable face masks, and they will protect you from the fumes and odores.

naturelover profile image
naturelover in reply to dirose

Yes good idea, thank you dirose

Towse1950 profile image

Try Milton, I find that's a great cleaner and must be safe as its used to sterilising babies

Bottles. My son used it for cleaning his shower came up like new..x

dirose profile image
dirose in reply to Towse1950

Good idea

dirose profile image

Buy a mask, as sold for the builders and decorators, or from some pharmacies, for germ protection, or people with respiratory problems. I bought both, as I cannot stand cleaning product fumes, expecially oven cleaning fluids. I also have a parrot that makes a lot of dust. and cats that shed hairs everywhere! Oh! Dear!

naturelover profile image
naturelover in reply to dirose

Interesting, you have a parrot and a cat. A few years ago my first consultant said I got the allergic intrinsic alveolitus from my bird feathers. My bird died not long after this diagnosis from old age, bless him. But this new consultant does not agree....but does not know what has caused it? the first one said it would not go any worse.....he was wrong, it gets worse every day! I would like another cat.....a rescue one....but am scared in case the hairs make me worse..I have my little collie dog, he is my companion and I would not part with him for anyone. How do you cope with the hairs and feathers then?

dirose profile image
dirose in reply to naturelover

Right, nature lover, I alma great nature lover too. They didvarioustests on my bloods for on Alveolitus etc, and they were negative. It turned out to be Pulmonary Fibrosis, causingtheinfections. The consultantsknew I had cats nada dog as well as my parrot. Dideverytest they could think of. All clear. must besomethingelsez,,,this iPad is out of control,sorry. Dirose.

dirose profile image
dirose in reply to dirose

PS! Don ,t give up your pets,therearewaysaround allergies anyway.

naturelover profile image
naturelover in reply to dirose

Hi again, thank you for getting back to me. No I would never give us animals for anyone. Funnily I looked up pulminary fibrosis on the internet and I have all the symptoms. I was last in hospital with pneumonia, and they did a bronchoscopy to try and find out the cause and what was in my lungs with the inflammation. I was actually too ill to have it and they did washings in the lungs instead. They found tamiflu! but the results did not come through till I got home again. No wonder I felt so ill. I had to take 5 flu tablets in an emergency.

My last consultant appointment appointment was a bit emotional on my part. I have to have oxygen in my house at some point. my breathlessness is getting worse and I have been given doxycycline antibiotics for 3 months to try and get rid of Aspergillus fumigatus lurking in the lungs. I am still coughing up yellow so have no faith in the antibiotics, but am doing what I am told. Have showed the consultant the very fumy hairspray I have been using for years, but he said it would not be that and dismissed it, but I checked it on the internet and yes it is harmful to the lungs and causes fybrosis! I am going onto alternative therapies, I am a therapist myself and use my essential oils, anyway I have rambled on long enough, is lovely to have a conversation with you. Take care.

dirose profile image
dirose in reply to naturelover

I too am very wary of products in aerosols, and once you have got fibrosis, you are vulnerable to all infections. Iwas tested two years ago for Aspergillus, at my request, because I use manure inthegarden, and I make compost. It was negative, as it was for the pttsiticosis. I study alternative medicine, and always look for natural help, as well as what the medics prescribe. I am glad you told me about the hairspray, as I have wondered about using any, whether itwouldbesafe, I actually askedthenurses in the hospital about these, and deodorant sprays, they were a bit 'vague'. I know it is common knowledge that chemicals, inhaled can be dangerous for our lungs, so it makes sense to avoid sprays as far as we can. I use a natural spray deodorant, without a propellant now, Quite a few companies do them; Elisabeth Arden for one. Coming off the Nitrourafoin (antibiotic) cured my fibrosis, I then had to take antibiotics for the pneumonia. It took two months for a diagnosis to be made,by three different hospitals, to discover the cause of my problems. It was not any of my pets, thank goodness. Dirose

dirose profile image
dirose in reply to naturelover

Just going back to this again. I was really terrified it would turn out to be Alveolitus or pttsiticosis, from my africangrey, as they are so 'dusty'. The tests were sent to Aintree hospital, for diagnosis,where they specialise in lung diseases, and their causes. Gemma, my grey, was my daily tonic, and Iwould'talk' on the phone to her from the hospital ward. To let her know I was still about,and had not died, which would betheworst fear a grey would have. I know parrotownerswho install a powerful extractor, for parrot dust, and Iwas thinking I wouldneedto do this. Thank goodness all tests on this subject were negative.

naturelover profile image
naturelover in reply to dirose

I had tears in my eyes reading about how you talk to your parrot, I too am at one with animals, and it is lovely to meet another person who is the same. A lot of people in this world think animals do not have feelings, and of course they do, just like us. God bless you.

You have told me some interesting stuff dirose, and I thank you for it. I see my consultant again on the 29th August...and shall mention the antibiotic you have told me about. I am a very optimistic person and feel deep down there is something somewhere that can help....I don't want to slowly die...which seems to be what is happening to me just now! I too use a safe deodorant, it is a crystal roll on from Boots, a bit expensive but lasts a long time, and above all, safe to use. I used to burn a lot of scented candles, the good ones from Yankee candle....but found out that long word beginning with in them, that I know for a fact is bad for the lungs. I use unscented tee lights now to burn my oils. I will share any tips I can find with you, and the people on here, there are a lot of frightened people out there with lung problems and it is great that we can talk to one another. I am intrigued that you mention Aintree hospital...although I have lived in Scotland for a lot of years, I am from Liverpool originally, will never forget my roots. I have to go just now as promised my daughter I would be round early. (takes longer to get ready these days, lol) Will be in touch again., and thank have cheered me up.

dirose profile image
dirose in reply to naturelover

Aaah! How lovely to meet a kindred soul, a genuine animal and nature lover like me. I too believe there is'something' a natural product that can help us, I am researching..... One thing is beta carotene, a 'lung food'. I am using now, in moderation with vitamin A and Omega three, evening primrose oil, Q 10' (do you know of this one?) vit C of course for the immune system, and others for the heart and other conditions. My specialist who is excellent and very caring, was amazed at my rapid recovery,(I almost died) after thepneumonias, I put down to healthy eating, knowing this would heal the body. Proteins and veg, and fruit, in that order, you can make an improvement. !!


dirose profile image
dirose in reply to dirose

PS, yes it doesindeedtake longer to get ready these days now, we do have to make an effort, keep trying, keep going,do not give up, an athlete has to 'push' it, we have to 'push' to keep fit too.

naturelover profile image
naturelover in reply to dirose

Hi dirose, I am back to you at last, I am sorry not been in touch my friend, but a lot of stuff going on here. illness as well as family upsets. I managed a lovely birthday on the 25th though, I am glad to say., and it is the things that do not cost money that mean the most...... I have news for you., I am going the alternative routes I may have mentioned, and have found a native american herb in one of my native books. It is called lungwart and it deals directly with inflammation in the lungs. I have been onto a herbalist in Edinburgh (recommended by my lady around the coast as she does not stock the herb)and they are lovely to speak to. I will get back to you and let you know all about it. I am getting oxygen in the house today, I don't want it, but know I need it, so here goes.....I am getting a lot of support from the folk in my church and have been told to think of "hope" and that is what I am clinging to now. I am not being negative about this disease, my lungs are dying unless I find a solution but I am thinking positive and do believe there is a solution, I am saying my prayers a lot too and asking for healing. Will def keep in touch with you, and once again sorry for the delay. , and hope you are ok?, Regards.

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