Harrys op.: Hi all! Just a very quick... - Lung Conditions C...

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Harrys op.

26 Replies

Hi all! Just a very quick one, before I go back to the hospital.Thankyou so much for your thoughts and prayers,much appreciated xxx.

Things have not gone as well as they could, & he landed in icu.The good news though, is he is going to a ortho. ward in the morning.So off the danger list.

He is massively confused, which is worrying me,& keeps begging me to take him home.The staff are not bad, but I wish they would keep me in the picture more,have to drag anything out of them,if you know what i mean.Very frustrating.

Anyway,off I go again, thank god i drive,or it would be the pitts,but dont ask about parking!!

Love to all, will keep in touch xxxx

26 Replies
Fusion8d profile image

The confusion could just be a result of the anaesthetic and should wear off. Sorry to hear about the ICU trip and hope he recovers quickly back on the ward. Hugs!

Beth xxx

Hope that he is on the road to recovery and that road is not too long. Our prayers are with you both. Big hugs and kisses.

Berwick xx

Lynne1955 profile image

As Beth says, the confusion is probably all the drugs. I'm glad he is improving though and coming out of ICU.

Lynne xx

libbygood profile image

Thinking of you both, on the road to recovery and hopefully soon home. . Thoughts and prayers for you both.

Lib x

Sending good wishes your way so pleased op is over and hopefully you can take him home soon. Love& xxxx' s

cofdrop-UK profile image

He has had a rough time, but hopefully now he is out of ICU things will improve enough for him to he home soon. Agree with your pals it could well be the drugs making him confused.

Love and best wishes to you both.

love cx

pollyjj profile image

Hi Wendells so sorry things have not gone as smoothly as you expected. I hope now he is out of ICU he will recover quickly and you will be able to bring him home.

Lots of prayers and good wishes coming your way.

love polly xx

Sending good wishes for a speedy recovery. Stay strong :)

Sandra x x x

Good Morning Wendells, Wishing you every good wish and a speedy recovery for Harry. With every best wish and lots of love TAD xxx

Very pleased to hear about Harry's progress. Good to hear he is better, but perhaps once he is at home, he will feel settled and less confused. Nothing like home surroundings.

Wendells, if you haven't done so already, ask for a interview to out your questions forward.

All the best - Annieseed xx

scrobbitty profile image

Thanks for letting us know how things are. Hey, at least he is out of ICU - that's a great step forward. Some hospital staff do need surgery to extract information - but some good advice from Annie, our practical one :) xx Take care of yourself and give Harry all our best. xx

Hi Wendells, coming round in ICU, full of drugs is very confusing. Once you have him safely home things will settle. You are a vital part of his support package so take good care of yourself, physical and mental. All goo wishes for you both.


wowsa profile image

Superb advice and comments on here for you. I send prayers for comfort for both of you.

mattcass profile image

Hi Wendells That's the worrying part over, mostly on your part but I'm sure Harry is a relieved man as well, It's up and at them now it's the start of another road to walk, Good Luck to you Both from Me and Fran.

Toci profile image

Hope all is well again soon. x

jandan profile image

Thinking of you and sending loads of hugs and prayers your way. Look after yourself too because you need to be strong for Harry as well as yourself



Hi Wendells thanks for updating us, you both remain in our thoughts.

Take good care of yourself as well as the good care you take of Harry.

Good news to hear Harry is now off the danger list and coming out of ICU.

Sending get well wishes for Harry and soothing calming, rejuvenating thoughts for you both.

BC x

Pepsicoley profile image

Hi Wendells

Love and hugs. I hope that everything comes good.

Best wishes



Still in my thoughts and prayers. Take care, pleased it looks a bit better. He may come on leaps and bounds now.

Love Tina x

Thinking of you sweetheart. You have had so so much to cope with. I think with the combination of the brain damage Harry aquired in the accident anaesthic and unfamiliar surrounding its not suprising he is confused bless him. Hopefully things will ease when he is back home. Please remember to take care of yourself too Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, take it one day at a time

Love Julie xxxxx

libby7827 profile image

Thinking of you both Wendells. Libby x

dall05 profile image

Hi Wendells, not so good news about Harry's visit to ICU but good news he's out of danger and is getting out. I had 10 weeks in ICU when I first fell ill and I now call it the place of miracles as they certainly worked a miracle with me. I was told by the staff when I left for the wards, i was their new record holder for the time spent in their care. Gulp! it kind of brought it home how i'll I had been.

It'll take Harry a while to recover from that as they tend to pump you full of drugs which can stay in the system for a while, Sharon told me I used to talk more rubbish than I normally do when I first escaped, I don't know what she meant by that, Ha Ha

Make sure you look after yourself and send my best wishes to Harry when you see him.


Gidge profile image

I think confusion is common in ICU .When my husband was in ICU he thought he was on starship Enterprise,and was convinced the Filipino nurses had no legs, they just glided around- also they didn't have skin but some special material on their arms.....he was also sure that if you went out the door you ended up in a forest (on the Enterprise???). The good thing was, after a couple of months they asked him back and showed him around, because they had found many people get disturbing flashbacks of ICU and going back when you were better was a great help. They even went through his notes and showed him the consent form he had signed, as he had no memory of agreeing to the op. (he had a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurism). Let's hope Harry is soon on the mend, and really can come home. Take care. Gill

sillywitch profile image

Hi Wendalls,I,m so pleased Harry is coming out of ICU, i,m sure as everyone says it,s just the anastheics & as soon as they leave the system you should see a big improvement,

Please take care of yourself



KingoftheCocktails profile image

Hi Wendells.I wish you well.You are in my thoughts and prayers.


sassy59 profile image

Thinking of you Wendells and hope today is a better day. xxxx

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