Hi - just wondered if anyone with severe/brittle asthma has an asthma passport that they use in an emergency? I know Guys trialed this a number of years ago, and I had a chat with one of the Asthma UK nurses a few weeks ago, and she though it would be a good idea for my team to put one in place for me. If any of you have one, have you found it helpful?
Asthma Passport : Hi - just wondered if... - Asthma Community ...
Asthma Passport

Hi LottieB36
I am not sure about an asthma ‘passport’ but I do have an admission protocol when I need to go to my local hospital.
It is a letter from one of my cons listing the treatment and other practicalities that should be followed if I rock up at A&E.
I’ve had it about 2yrs and it’s been used prob about 4 times during this period.
It’s very useful as there are no questions they just initiate the relevant treatment straight away and admit me to a respiratory ward instead of a general ward etc..
Is this what you meant?

Do you mean an asthma plan.
A written asthma plan is very useful, it sets out what to do if your asthma deteriorates first slightly, then moderately, then severely.
I find it very useful, as my brain gets a bit slow when my asthma is getting bad, so having things written down helps.
It is also really useful to have a copy in your wallet with the latest consultants letter and on the fridge as if you are having trouble talking you can give it to any medic, and the two together act as a bit of a passport to getting the care you need.
I suppose it’s a bit like an asthma plan, but it was trailed by Guys & Thomas back in 2013 I think to enable you to be sent straight to resus rather than being left in A+E
It is a lovely idea, on one a and visit by ambulance, they put me in a bed in a triage area by a linen cupboard. Dusty linen and my asthma do not get on, but i could not speak and my asthma went into overdrive. So having a document to make a hospital take it seriously would be great.
I had an 'Asthma passport' from Guy's when they 1st came out. The nurse that thought it up won an award for this.
I have tried to get a new one to update the new details but the don't do them any more.
It started with the line 'I am having an Asthma attack and may not be able to talk to you and answer your questions'. It helped quite a few times when I had had a bad attack and had to call an ambulance.
this is a great idea to have something printed off to hand that’s easy to keep on you. I also can’t help but wonder if these sorts of things could also be kept as notes on our medical records for A&E / hospital staff to pull up easily? Although I don’t know how practical that would be!

I had the Guys one and liked the idea but it was hard to update (and my handwriting is awful). PLus you can't give them a copy to keep.
I'd already developed my own version out of frustration, especially with being asked loads of questions when I couldn't talk. This has mostly gone down well in A&E - sometimes it's ignored but those drs were never going to listen and clearly thought they knew best. I shared it with the asthma nurse when she gave me the official one and she said it was basically the same thing and I was ok to use either.
I do find it gets more attention when printed out vs shown on a phone and they can keep a copy, rather than copying down things which may get changed or missed. I usually try to take two in case they steal/lose it and I need it again.
I tend to hand it over as soon as possible, and deliberately put my medication list in the middle so they don't look at that and ignore the rest. I formatted it like a CV and made it look as professional as possible, which helps to make it look more official (though if asked I will say I wrote it. I do write about medical things for my work which helps, and honestly I think I'm better at presenting than my consultant would be - consultants I work with are not necessarily good at making easy to use information sheets!)
I've refined mine a lot over the years based on things that happen in A&E (eg if they focus on something I haven't addressed or find something confusing.) But it stays as 2 pages and includes key information about me including my presentation with no wheeze and not dropping sats, and my peak flow best and how it behaves. I also made a separate one with just medication for people who need a list of that for the system but not the rest of it (eg the pharmacist).
I don't have an 'asthma plan' as such but last time I used my summary they put it down as an asthma plan. This is great, happy if they use it but my consultant will hate it. Pretty sure he saw an earlier version and decided it was me demanding treatment, even though I am very careful to say this is what works for me usually but it's their decision in the end. I will continue to use it because it helps me when I have an acute attack and my consultant doesn't. Generally it's very well received in A&E as it helps them and saves time.
I would be happy to share a version via direct message that can be adapted. I did a more detailed reply with what was in mine ages ago but the search function is not being helpful in finding it!