My 5k run is slower than usual is anyone having trouble with pollen asthma now?
Done a 5k run today but felt out of b... - Asthma Community ...
Done a 5k run today but felt out of breath easily than normal is anyone having issues with pollen asthma now?

Not me. I don’t think even the tree pollen season has started yet. But surely a 5km run in 24mins is good, on a cold & windy day?
Do you have some form of health anxiety? You seem barely affected by your asthma, yet you worry about it a lot?

Thanks for the reply, yes I do worry about my asthma as I feel I can’t breath properly which makes me panic yet like yesterday when I felt like I couldn’t breathe my Peak flow was 800! Soo??
If you don’t mind my asking, what meds are you on?

I’m not taking anything at the moment I haven’t taken my preventer inhaler or blue inhaler since July as I only get issues normally during pollen season.
Oh ok. What meds do you need during pollen season, Lee, when the asthma bothers you most?

I take fedofexidine and also have been on fostair pump buh I still seem to have breathing difficulties when exercising!
You might feel as if you’re having breathing difficulties, but with a pf between 700-800, without any medication atm, it seems like your lungs are working just fine. It doesn’t sound like anything to worry about
I'm reacting to something - my eyes are really itchy off and on and I can feel it affecting my chest - I looked at the pollen count thing and it said cypressa are flowering now
HiWindy weather is my nemesis and I’m definitely feeling ‘something’ (tightness maybe?). I think the pollen is starting. Well done for your run though!
I am having issues with pollen now. I went for a 15 mile walk on Saturday. The next day my face was incredibly itchy. I had to take anti-histamines for the first time for months. Yesterday I went on a 12 mile walk. Last night I woke up twice in the night with a blocked nose.
My asthma is always at its worst in the hayfever season. My peak flow was down last night. I put all this down to pollen. I'm not sure exactly which pollen. Both were sunny days. And when the sun comes out, the pollen won't be far behind.
Spring is said to be a month earlier now due to global warming, so it makes sense that pollen issues will also be arising a month earlier.
I'd google exercise-induced asthma. Cold air in itself can be a symptom trigger.
17:20 5k PR in my pre-asthma days. I would be happy to do it in 30 now.
Hey, my asthma has been bad the past two days but has really flared up just prior to the storm. Fourth night in a row. I usually have asthma badly if it's really windy and wet outside. Do you think it's the weather?