Has anyone been prescribed 20mg Hydrocortisone tablets per day /10mg morning 5 mg lunchtime. & 5mg evening for asthma & if so have they had any side effects? All answers& advice warmly received..Thank you..
Primrose123: Has anyone been prescribed... - Asthma Community ...

Hi , no but I have been prescribed hydrocortisone for my adrenal insufficiency.. it’s unusual to be prescribed hydro for asthma has it disarm have the same inflammatory effect as prednisone.. prednisone is the much better option for Asthma flare
Thank you Mark for your kind & most helpful reply, I am at a loss as to why the locum doctor prescribed hydrocortisone tablets to me as I have had asthma for many years & I also have Bronchiectasis which does not bother me too much, I do always have a rescue pack on hand in. the event of a flair up, I have had regular blood tests & also breathing tests which for quite some time have been fine.. The locum doctor I attended did not send me for any tests, just prescribed the Hydrocortisone tablets which I find is making me extremely bloated & very nauseous,the worst that I have ever felt, I will have to stop taking them.. Thanks again Mark,& I wish you good health & much happiness in 2022..x
The dose of hydrocortisone you’ve been prescribed is so low . I very much doubt it will have little or any impact on your asthma.. it’s an adrenal insufficiency maintenance dose .. I would suggest you query this as it seems wrong .. unless they suspect you have Adrenal issues or low cortisol.? Have you had any bloods taken to check cortisol levels ?

HI, as Mark has said that would be unusual for asthma, particularly since hydrocortisone isn't as strong as pred - that dose is only about 5mg per day of pred!
It is however a typical dose for adrenal insufficiency, especially with doses split that way. Has anyone mentioned anything about your adrenals to you? If you've had a lot of steroids (usually oral steroids) for asthma, the adrenal glands may not be functioning well. This post may help: healthunlocked.com/asthmauk...
If this is supposed to be for asthma you need to go back to your doctor as it isn't likely to do much!
Thank you so much. Lysistrata for your most kind & helpful reply & also for your very interesting post, I have had asthma for many years,& I also have Bronchiectasis which does not bother me too much, I have had regular blood & breathing tests & for quite some time have been fine although I always have a rescue pack on hand in the event of a flair up..I was attending a locum doctor who prescribed the Hydrocortisone tablets, I was not advised or told anything regarding Adrenal deficiency, or sent for any tests whatsoever, what I do find is that those tablets are making me feel very ill, my whole body is very bloated & I feel extremely nauseous, so much so I will have to come off them..This locum doctor has said that he will seeme in the New Year..Thanks again Lysistrara, & I wish you good health and much happiness for 2022...x
You're welcome!! This does sound like a mistake - I find sadly it seems common for drs to mix up doses of hydro and pred and not always understand. Definitely go back to your GP...maybe a different one if you can?! If you're not having an asthma flare and you haven't developed adrenal insufficiency then you don't need any oral steroids I would have thought - so sounds like coming off is the right idea. But probably best to feed back that these made you feel bad and weren't needed.
Hi , I Remember chatting to you some time ago about my adrenals ? I’ve now had secondary AI confirmed after a few 9am cortisol bloods and also two sst tests which I both failed ... appears all the years of pred have shut down my adrenal .. anyhow I’m being maintained on hydro now 10/10/5 and given an emergency hydro injection if I go into crisis ... I seem to be managing quite well this last 12 months ..
anyways . Hope your doing ok ? And how’s the AI your end ??
I am delighted to learn that all is good 👍 & well with you now Mark,I hope it continues for a long time to come.. I feel that once I come off those Hydro tablets, I will be much better too.. Take care, & may God bless you always..x
Yes Mark, I have had many blood & breathing tests & to date all seemed ok, this locum doctor did not mention anything regarding Adrenal deficiency or send me for any tests, just prescribed those tablets & said he will see me in the New year..I know it is a small dose but they do not agree with me atall..Primrose123..x
Hi Mark, yep I wrote a reply in response to your post a while back, and then decided to make it a post by itself for anyone else asking!
Sorry to hear you definitely have AI but glad you're managing it ok. Mine is actually resolved now! I failed 3 SSTs and the 4th was then normal so I've come off hydro and doing ok now. It is possible with steroid-induced AI though I know can't happen for everyone. I mostly managed ok though, just one crisis which was due to a viral infection (RSV not COVID) which then set off asthma.
Fingers crossed yours can resolve and you do well on it meanwhile. And hope asthma behaving ok. The pandemic and not working in central London seems to be quite good for mine...