C.E.V and teir 3 🤷
Is anyone aware of what the clinical ... - Asthma Community ...
Is anyone aware of what the clinical extremely vulnerable are to do if we are in teir 3 or do we just go back to normal again.

I don't think it's been updated yet. I would expect it to be as before as T3 wasn't shielded then. But just an assumption. Hopefully they'll update guidance soon.
I cant speak for anywhere else, but in Scotland tiers 3 and 4 are meant to be working from home unless your job can't be done from home. A GP should provide you with a fit note if needed. But we are meant to be having no official shielding again (I think).
I believe, Boris is thinking about it. My understanding, if you are able to work at home then you are and if you cannot work at home then you are to go on furlough. If you are on the clinically vulnerable list then you should receive a letter with instructions on what to do.
They updated the guidelines yesterday to this
The short version is no shielding unless people hear otherwise, and that would be targeted small parts of T3 areas if they have particular Covid problems at the time.
I think we have to wait on an updated letter depending on which area you live in within the tier 3 region. I have to admit that it’s a bit of a worry
I don't think all T3 are getting a letter - only if they decide a small part need it. So assume not unless you hear type thing.
Sorry if that's what you meant!
Haha it is 😃 it’s like waiting to find out if you are being thrown to the wolves. I’ve retired but my husband still works (although he’s being shielded at the moment) but within the last 2 weeks one of his works departments has had a covid outbreak and a covid related death in another department
Eek that's not good. Hopefully even if not continued shielding in your bit, there would be some leeway with GPs and they could sign him off if it's particularly bad at his workplace.
I work in retail as a cashier (so can't work from home), l was admitted to hospital overnight just before the 2nd lockdown my discharge letter states to self isolate as I'm high risk but GP'S will not write sick notes and say it's up to the sheilding letter to cover us. I must admit l do enjoy my job but my family say they don't want me to return as they worry that I'm more vulnerable with being on long term high dose steroids.
My current shielding letter says, "We will write to you again with further information before then", i.e. 2nd December. Assuming we all got the same letter it sounds as though we will be getting further advice. Probably at the last minute as always.
You're quite right Twinkly and thanks for sharing the link. Those of us in Tier 3 will just have to wait and see what (if anything) pops in to our inboxes and through our letter boxes ... 😊