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Self isolation group Keep calm and carry on..

elanaoali profile image
32 Replies

I am setting up a group for those of us who are self isolating..

My time begins today mark 18th March ending 24th June.

Let me introduce myself

Hi I am in my early 50s with an amazing husband of 25 years and 3 nearly grown up daughters. I am a Christian of 33 years and yes I am human not floating on a cloud. I will find this challenge both physically and mentally.

My day started with getting up and not going to work. I work supply for nursery and schools so no income for me now.. However blessed with a husband with a really good paid job and an amazing church family.

A beautiful daffodil from my parents garden. Daffodils make me smile.

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elanaoali profile image
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32 Replies
Wheezycat profile image

I am also self isolating. I am nearly 71, but I still do a little self employed work. I have now had to say we may not be able to meet for some time, but we can maintain contact online, one way or another. I live with my husband, who is 70. I am the more vulnerable of the two of us. I consider us lucky, we have far fewer conundrums how to manage this than many younger people, we just have to keep spirits up. Luckily we have a garden, and we both have hobbies that we enjoy doing on our own. I try to make sure I keep in touch especially with people who are on their own, as well as remain in online touch with friends.

in reply to Wheezycat

I agree entirely. Me and my wife are also very lucky in that we both enjoy our garden and greenhouse,and have a number of hobbies which we can do if the weather is inclement, 2 lovely parks to have a stroll in, and the car which we can go for a ride out in fresh air but still stay self isolated[ My car is equipped with a modified air con unit which purifies and removes pollen from the interior of David & Tracy for looking after us.

Everyone should look towards a better future where people will look after each other and not create altercations

K8ty25 profile image

Hi im 26 and today called my job to explain I will be isolating for 12 weeks. Its been a really tough decision and was hoping to hold out until they had put measures in place for me to work from home but after a colleague of mine was sent home to isolate for 2 weeks I just cant justify the risk anymore. Im dreading this and have been agonising over my decision but ultimately I don't think a job is worth my life.

emmasue profile image

I am self isolating from yesterday. I am 43 and have severe asthma. I am a single mum to two kids, both with ASD, but their father does help out. My son had a fever and cough last week but the GP said it was just a cold. Now I have a sore throat, post nasal drip and I am loosing my voice. I also started coughing today. Fortunately, my kids' school is partially closed from today. Unfortunately, they want us to do homework. The kids both struggle with homework. I am feeling wretched and don't know if I can face it. Hopefully I feel a bit better soon. I am assuming that it's just a normal cold. 😔

Stay healthy everyone.

MMBJI profile image
MMBJI in reply to emmasue

Ooh, I do empathise! We are a family of 5, 4 of us have asthma, all poorly controlled for months. (I had another attack last week) Our eldest has ASD and a learning difficulty and today is her last day at college for the foreseeable = melt down after melt down. 😬 Yes, the concept of doing school work at home is pretty alien too.

I am struggling to get my head around the self-isolation thing, my husband (not asthmatic) will have to go out for food, so we can”t isolate completely. I am trying to shop on-line and get food delivered but availability is very limited.

Good luck, get well soon, you can only do your best.

emmasue profile image
emmasue in reply to MMBJI

Thanks. I hope you are all staying healthy. It's going to be difficult but hopefully the kids will get used to the new normal. Take care. x

Recordergirl profile image
Recordergirl in reply to emmasue

I am a teacher - if you want any help or advise regarding schooling at home, please let me know and I will try and help.

emmasue profile image
emmasue in reply to Recordergirl

Thanks. I am still trying to get my head around it all. At least I feel a little better today. x

Kcornett35 profile image
Kcornett35 in reply to emmasue

I hope you’re doing well! Thinking of you and your family!

emmasue profile image
emmasue in reply to Kcornett35

Thanks. You too. Take care and stay safe. x

WB2020 profile image

Well our self isolation started yesterday as my son was sent home from school. As he is sympathetic of Covid19 so we have to isolate for 14 days. My wife and older kid are ok, pray they stay that way. My asthma is mild but I do feel a little shot of breath. Probably psychosomatic. I am confident I we will all come through this I need to as I work in the NHS so as soon as I am permitted I will be back at work.

elanaoali profile image

Praying for you and your family. I prayer for God to send his angels to protect you. Thankyou Lord amen

WB2020 profile image
WB2020 in reply to elanaoali

Thank you 🙏

Recordergirl profile image

Hi, I am 52 and teach in a primary school. My asthma is usually mild and well controlled but it decided a few weeks ago to flare up like it hasn't done since I was in my 20s. Talk about bad timing. I obviously had 'a' virus of sorts, with a terrible sore throat and felt feverish, and it then went on my chest. I don't think it was 'the' virus as nobody in my house is now unwell. I stopped going to school on Tuesday after talking with my GP who advised me to stay off for as long as asthma was on the list!

My husband works from home which is good, but he is still currently going out to shops etc. I worry so much each time he is out that he will bring 'it' back. My teenage son is at college and works part time in an airport! Very scared for him. He is currently staying at his girlfriend's house to keep away from me. I miss him!

I am trying to work from home to sort out online resources for our pupils, but I teach music so it is going to be challenging!

All my hobbies are music based and so choirs, orchestras etc have all been cancelled. I am going to try and join one of those online choirs if my breathing gets better. (No breath at the moment to sing or to play unfortunately)

I think this is a really good forum for support and am so glad I have found it.

WB2020 profile image
WB2020 in reply to Recordergirl

Remember we are always here for you.

in reply to Recordergirl

Hi so sorry I completely forgot to reply to you from my post the other day with all the madness! Having a bad flare up out of the blue must have been very frightening for you but thank goddess you are now doing ok. Scary for you also that your son is working at the airport. I truly hope he stays safe and well. I have been let go from work now for 12 weeks which is a relief! There is only me and my husband at home but like you and all of us here it’s the worry of them and others around them not abiding by the social distancing.

It was particularly worrying yesterday when I took my mom shopping for the last time in the vulnerable and elderly hour. Not one person seemed to be acknowledging the social distancing rule! So I worry that my husband will experience the same when he goes shopping although he is doing his best to try and keep me safe. I just pray we all stay safe and wellxx

Recordergirl profile image
Recordergirl in reply to

Thank you. I really don’t know what to do. One option is to go and live with my 85 year old dad. But he has heart and lung conditions and should I go while I’m ill? I’m also terrified my school will make me go in to work after seeing to list of key workers - it’s basically everybody so school will be overwhelmed with kids and if staff go off sick they will call on me. I’m terrified even to go outside, let alone to school😩😩😩😩😩

in reply to Recordergirl

I thought the same about moving in with my mom but I would miss my husband too much! As for school you have an underlying health condition that makes you vulnerable. They have a duty of care to keep you safe. I just keep telling myself that all the worry in the world isn’t going to chance the situation it helps! Feel free to private message me take carex

Recordergirl profile image
Recordergirl in reply to

Thank you. Having a bit of a wobble!

in reply to Recordergirl

Totally relatexxx

elanaoali profile image

Glad to be of help. Lots of job for me to tackle firstly the study ... I think someone needs to tie a rope around my middle and hang on to the end incase I don't come out😉

WB2020 profile image


elanaoali profile image
elanaoali in reply to WB2020

I came out alive from the study. I found loads of interesting things old photos and so much stationary! 📇📐✏️📋Lots of paper to be recycled. Lastly a leaflet of La league with me and my baby daughter (1st daughter) on the inside. She is 21 now 👶👩

Who knows what other treasures I will find.

Next project my middle daughter's bedroom ... I will let you know what happens.

Im also self isolating due to uncontrolled asthma I was on fostair 100/6 for only a week and 3 days of that week was pouring with sweat,I had to stop it.the asthma uk nurse said it had dilated my blood vessels and to avoid formetol.

she recommended I try revlarI but its not on my health authority prescribing list so had to go back to Seretide 250.

at my appt with the locum dr he got annoyed with me when I refused symbocourt as that has formetol in it, I mentioned side effects of certain drugs and to my amazement he told me the asthma nurse at the practice knew more about asthma than he did.he did agree to refer me back to glenfield hospital but there is a 6 month waiting list,that was last wed so the list will be longer now due to corona virus.I have an appt to see the asthma nurse on the 31st.the dr suggested I try Ventolin through a spacer but I cant see how this would work as Ventolin has never worked for me,Im really disappointed as I was expecting great things from fostair.

does anybody think I could have an add on inhaler.He did mention monteculast but I read on here it only works for 25% of patients.

anyway I hope everyone stays healthy for the next 12 weeks,and finds things to to pass the time quickly.good luck everybody,and best wishes.

Kcornett35 profile image
Kcornett35 in reply to

I use to have uncontrolled asthma until I went to a lung specialist. He put me on Breo Ellipta 100-25 mcg 1 puff a day, Spiriva Respimat 2.5 mcg 2 puffs a day, and Singular 10 mg a day along with my usual Ventolin HFA as needed and I haven’t had any attacks for several years!! I was so worried at first to take all this medicine but I did and it worked! Hope you get better soon!

Shazmick profile image

Hi I also have decided to self isolate for 12 weeks which has been a really hard decision. I am 62 and have severe Asthma. Lots of things going round my head at the moment. I work on a checkout for a big supermarket chain and I feel I am letting my colleagues down. Some people may think ooh 12 weeks off but it's not going to be a fun holiday. It means I cant do things like having family over and shopping with my daughter and all the normal things I do.

I have a wonderful husband but I feel hes had a lot to put up with. He worries a lot about my health bless him.

I know I have to think of myself and am doing the right thing but just feel guilty .

elanaoali profile image

For you both I now add you all to my prayer list. I pray for the peace that passes all understanding guards your hearts. In the name of Jesus Amen

elanaoali profile image

Hi all

One of my daughter's came down with a fever and aches and pains. Sounds very much like flu but to be cautious and sensible our family is self isolating for 14 days.

So this will means my husband came home from work and got my youngest from sixth form. So she missed all the fun of yr 13 doing kariocy and being with her friends. Feel bad for that.

My oldest daughter ( who is ill)was a little better this evening no temperature just achy all over.

I am not going to panic or stress out our suitation. I know my church friends will be there for me and they know about it.

I turn to the Bible and read my God's words to build up my faith and talk to God. He is my friend and we just have a chat.

Psalm 121 The Message (MSG)

A Pilgrim Song

121 1-2 I look up to the mountains;

does my strength come from mountains?

No, my strength comes from God,

who made heaven, and earth, and mountains.

3-4 He won’t let you stumble,

your Guardian God won’t fall asleep.

Not on your life! Israel’s

Guardian will never doze or sleep.

5-6 God’s your Guardian,

right at your side to protect you—

Shielding you from sunstroke,

sheltering you from moonstroke.

7-8 God guards you from every evil,

he guards your very life.

He guards you when you leave and when you return,

he guards you now, he guards you always.

Tomorrow is another day with new challenges and adventures.

God bless you my friends.

elanaoali profile image

Evening or goodnight this has become my habit walking up in the Middle of the night. I thinkhink my brain is so active it likes to wake up and process my day.

Yesterday's I think the situation is starting to get use to ...

I have started a regular daily walk out and about in my area. I am finding places that I didn't know existed and now having the time to enjoy the world.

I am really missing my friends much that I love family I need my family too.

Part of being able to touch base and see my church family will happen tomorrow morning. We using Zoom to do this.

I will get able to tell you how it goes.

Asthma wise all good here only minor irritation from the dust that being created moving stuff and cleaning.

I have my prescription medications up to date. So all good there.

Thankyou for your honesty, advice, encouragement, you support me through thick and thin. 🌞

If I can help anyone with answers to questions please ask.

Till we met again.

Kcornett35 profile image
Kcornett35 in reply to elanaoali

I’m so glad you get to use zoom with your church family. My granddaughters teacher used it the other day to read a story to all the kids and it was the best thing ever! What a wonderful tool for those of us who have to self isolate!!

elanaoali profile image

We used zoom yesterday for church. I was technically challenging to get everyone (about 30 mins) to get everyone on. That made me smile 😃 people couldn't work out how to get the sound working (inducing me and my software engineer husband!?).

Anyway we made it and it was so good to see my church family with my pastor telling us how we are going to manage 'church' . Also catching up on what our city churches are doing in this crisis.

What I come to realize that some form of routine and normality is key for us to cope with life as it is.

I am looking forward to using Zoom again for my weekly meetings.

elanaoali profile image

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