Hi Everyone, I am new, joined within the last two weeks. Really appreciate reading this forum and learning from you all. I was officially diagnosed two weeks ago, adult onset asthma, I am 64, and had absolutely no knowledge of asthma whatsoever. I have been taking the above for two weeks and seeing my GP tomorrow. Main concerns are lots of headaches, mainly on waking, a very dry cough and have been sick three times after taking morning dose. Any insight into any of this would be very helpful. Thank you!
Clenil Modulite: Hi Everyone, I am new... - Asthma Community ...
Clenil Modulite

It can take a while to find the right inhaler for you. It is all very individual. I was on Clenil for a couple of years, but did not get those side effects. But I did struggle with it as it made me cough every time I used it. Good thing you are going back to the doctor.
Me too Wheezycat. Only realised it was an issue when I moved to Seretide and have never coughed once after taking it.
And how! Without a spacer my coughing was paroxysmal! Better, but still there, with a spacer. I never complained, it didn’t occur to me, only realised once I was put on a different inhaler due to asthma deterioration. Now if I should miraculously improve enough to cut back on inhalers to that extent, I would not accept Clenil. But it seems to work well for many people.
Thank you so much for your reply, that will definitely help my case. I am using a spacer but as soon as I take the first puff, even doing short in and outs, if you see what I mean, it makes me cough, and then sometimes want to throw up. I have been trying to do it at different times, before and then after breakfast and leaving it as late as I can in my morning routine so that it has the least effect. Thanks again.
Similar experience. I began to suspect Clenil was making my symptoms worse and eventually asked to be switched to a different inhaler about a year ago. The difference is astonishing! My asthma is very much improved and dosage minimal now. I wish asthma nurses & doctors were more aware of this, it took me years to identify the problem myself and get my medication changed.
But it works very well for some. For me it reduced my reactivity to walking. Just before starting with Clenil I had started getting that horrid breathlessness even quite with short distances, walking on the flat. With Clenil it went. And to be fair, I never mentioned how much it made me cough. I was clear it was the inhaler as it was instant. I also have a history of not noticing symptoms and/or ignoring them and learning to live with it - eventually to my own detriment. My current inhaler Symbicort is far better for me, but also is ‘stronger’. It does not make me cough.........but I do get oral thrush at reasonably regular intervals, in spite of rinsing and gargling.

I’m glad you’re seeing you GP tomorrow. It does sound like this pump just isn’t the ‘right’ one for you, so worth asking to try another one (esp with those side effects). The other thing I can suggest is using a spacer (if you don’t already and it’s an MDI ‘spray’) and also talk to you GP about an asthma action plan (and be downloaded here; asthma.org.uk/globalassets/... )
Hope that helps and good luck tomorrow
Thanks EmmaF91, yes have tried to get more practice help with an asthma plan but unfortunately my practice haven't seemed too bothered, long story. Will keep you posted. Hope you are doing better, I am sure it was your post I read the other morning in bed. This forum is a godsend, with no-one I know having asthma, without it would feel really isolated.
I’m now recovering at home and have a hosp follow up appt tomorrow so can’t complain 😅
Try printing it off and taking it with you (and stating it a requirement for all asthmatics). It wouldn’t take them too long (esp if there’s stuff you can fill out prior).
I wish I had found the forum sooner... it took me a good couple of years of severe asthma before I found it and that was really isolating so completely get you there!
Maybe give the AUK hotline a call. They’ll be able to give you the best advice in prep for you appt tomorrow!
Hi EmmaF91, yes I spoke to the asthma helpline at length last week and they were brilliant, I have got a copy printed off so will look at it now and fill in what I can and take it with me tomorrow. I am reluctant to change GP practice having been with them for 30 plus years but am fast becoming disillusioned with mine.... However, I know we are lucky with our NHS system, my husband had a heart attack in January and they were fantastic. Hope you are sitting with your feet up and finding nice things to do.
Tell the nurse or doctor.you may not be suited to it.They will try you on something else.
Hi ask your doctor for the symbicort inhale, it’s cylindrical in shape.
I had the clenil modulate and I was suffering with the same symptoms as you.
I have mild infection induced asthma, although if I get a cold or chest related infection i really suffer badly with breathing and tight chest, however I'm normally issued with some steroids for a week and I feel tonnes better. Good luck.