Hi. I was just wondering if anyone could shed any light on my CT results. I haven't seen or heard from my consultant as yet, my scan was over 2 weeks ago. From other previous tests i heard back in 2 days! I actually have my results as i was an in patient for something else at the time and they took me to my out patient appointment and the CT results are on my discharge letter. It says:
1. Bronchiectatic changes in both lower lung lobes.
2. Linear atelectatic band left lower lung lobe.
3. Calcified nodule at the lingula left side 4mm.
4. Dorsal spine degenerative changes.
I have had a google and found...
1. Scarring possibly permanent.
2. Partial lung collapse.
3. Scary sounding lump.
4. Arthritis of the spine.
This all seems a bit scary. Anyone had similar results? What happened? I'm really surprised my consultant has yet to be in contact.
Thanks for reading!