Just need a vent. Had a long awaited consultant appointment last week. They said my fostair would be increased from 200mg to 400mg. They wouldn't give me the perscription there, said it would be sent to my gp. My chest has got really bad, had an ambulance out on sunday night. Still feeling very rubbish, but have been holding out for the stronger dose. Ive called the gp/hospital for the last few days to find out where my perscription is. Was told today its just been written up with my notes and that the stated dose is 100mg. Half of what im on. I did explain this to the Secretary but was told Thats what the letter said. So a week on. Feeling very poorly and theyre reducing my meds. Im an so cross and worried now. Im going to have to fight to get what i need. Why cant it just be easy! Just needed a vent!
Soo frustrated!: Just need a vent. Had... - Asthma Community ...
Soo frustrated!

Poor you! I would be on to the consultant as soon as possible. Hope you feel better soon. x
Yes phone the number on your appointment letter and ask to speak to the Consultant's secretary. I have found that they are the best person to chase things as they have access to both the information and the consultant. Alternatively the Sister in Charge of the department maybe helpful, but not if you have been discharged back to the GP.
How frustrating for you - actually more than that as it puts your health at risk. If you don't have the energy to push it through yourself PALS - Patient Advice and Liaison Service at the hospital. Part of their role is resolve concerns or problems and is confidential.
If you have a Fostair inhaler can you take it more frequently during the day until you get it sorted? My GP said over the summer that I could increase the frequency of taking the Fostair from two twice a day to two three times a day (I am on 100 /6).
Call the consultant’s secretary asap. You should be able to find the number on the hospital website. It’s probably a typo. I’ve had this problem in the past. Also if you have had an emergency admission you should be seen ASAP by your GP. You should tell the receptionist that you’ve been in hospital and need an appointment ASAP.
It’s quite obvious from your post that someone has made a horrible mistake. If none of this works quickly call the Asthma UK helpline ASAP
Good luck
Yes I was gonna say phone the consultant sec asap and say it's urgent as feeling very unwell. Also ring gp says it's urgent and at risk of unplanned hospital admission. Don't take no .... off the receptionist!!

Sadly though many secretaries are amazing and helpful you also meet some annoying jobsworths who don't want to actually engage brain (as you get in any area)! I say that because I had an issue once where the consultant left off some meds from my letter that I'd been on for ages - because apparently it makes sense to rely on the pt remembering a longish list rather than checking on their record?! It then went to the GP and even though the letter hadn't actually said to stop anything and cons had not told me to either, someone decided to remove the meds that were left off the letter from my repeat prescription and refuse to put them back. I had to call the cons secretary and explain - I was very clear saying it was my fault (ie not saying she'd done it) but it was a mistake and would she mind getting it corrected because it was causing some issues? She was like a defensive broken record saying if that's what the consultant wrote then that is what she wants...
I got it sorted with GP in the end I think but in this case sounds like you can't wait. Do you have a supportive GP who could help by just giving the higher dose till letter is sorted, especially as you are struggling? Or maybe try calling the cons sec again and explaining that you were told a different dose in the appt and can she please check with the consultant. if this doesn't work you could perhaps get PALS involved as this really isn't on especially at the moment when you are not well. Hope you feel better and get it sorted.
I ended up in a and e 😞 got lots of help and am feeling on the mend. But hadnt realised how poorly i was 😬 I'll be going to the gp tomorrow/today and hopefully get some help. Thanks for your replies. Nice to know im not alone x
Wow, that's absolutely awful!!! If you're getting nowhere with GP then go to the practice manager. If I have any issues then that's what I do, normally sorts any issues out. I'd also complain to NHS complaints department too once it's resolved to avoid it happening to anyone else x
Don't get this. There appears to be no 400mg version of Fostair. According to the BNF (bnf.nice.org.uk/drug/beclom..., you can take 800mg Fostair per day, so you can achieve 400mg by two inhalations of your 200mg version, or 4 inhalations of the new 100mg version. And you could safely double the dose if you're having a real problem, though your consultant/GP/asthma nurse should explain all this.
That is so unfair on you, as it is you who has to go through it! my last visit my consultant wrote out my rescue script and gave me the prescription. Consultant should of sorted a new prescription for you. I am very lucky as I have contact with my consultant through WhatsApp! and can contact any time and if there is a problem it is sorted by the end of the day. Have you any contact details? if not I would contact consultant and leave message saying that this is very important and also contact your gp as they will have notes on your visit with your consultant. Good luck and hope you feel better soon. Let me know how you get on.
Thanks everyone. The gp i saw this morning was very nice and proactive. Altho as the consultant i saw is in a different district it will take longer to sort. The gp was very confused about what i was told. She said she definitely wouldnt reduce my dose and has requested from the consultant further add ons. Ive been begging for an action plan for ages but as im 'not controlled' i havent been given one. Shes requesting this too as im in the dark about when to get help. My pf was 220 last night when my pb is 550 which apparently is bad 😬 but i didnt know. She also said my asthma is brittle which is a term thats a bit scary! Anyway. Hopefully will get my meds sorted soon.x
Still waiting on answers 😞 feeling like im going down hill so had my pred extended. Hate taking them, they dont seem to do anything. My gp said they still need to wait and see what the consultant said. Long story short after many chasing phone calls from myself the hospital hadnt sent my letter in a format my gp could recieved. So its been left floating about somewhere! After me passing on the email address to the hospital as the 'gp practice was too busy to do on my behalf' the email was sent and received yesterday after more calls from me to confirm. As if this evening. It has not been seen/actioned by gp. They wouldn't even read it to me 🙈 i feel i am in the verge of another bad attack (all this stress doesnt help!) With no help and will end up in hospital again! Sorry for the rant!