Hi everyone, my doctor says I must change from accolate tabs twice a day to singulair tab once a day , I was wondering if anyone had done this, how did they feel.Also any side effects? pam
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Hi - I changed the other way round, singular to accolate. For me the change to accolate meant I could breath through my nose which I’ve never been good at so I stayed with accolate. With both I was a bit headachey for a couple of weeks but that passed and I don’t think I get any side effects now. Good luck with it and hope it helps xxx
Thanks. My doctor says accolate will be discontinued shortly. I was nervous because I have been on accolate for such a long time, but it sounds as though both are alright. Thanks for replying .Pam
Hi - My doctor gave me Singulair and Asthmanex to control my cough-variant asthma. The Asthmanex seems to help, but I don't see that Singulair makes all that much of a difference. The odd taste I had from it was caused by taking Zolpidem at night for sleeping. I switched to Melatonin and the odd taste disappeared. I almost feel that I could drop Singulair without any noticeable difference. I've never had Accolate. Best of Good Luck.