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Prednislone and feeling awful

Jenzzie18 profile image
29 Replies

Just a quick question have been feeling awful yesterday and today. The only other time I have felt quite like this is when I missed taking my pred a good 6 months ago. Trouble is I have taken it as I should currently on 30mg but chest is tight and wheezing along with a really bad headache and fuzzy feeling plus generally feeling weak. Any thoughts? I can't decided is this a virus thing because surely pred can't just stop working like that?? And ideas would be appreciated. X

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Jenzzie18 profile image
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29 Replies
WheezyAnne profile image

I don't know about where you live, but the humidity and thunder storms certainly gave me a headache, fuzzy feeling and my Asthma seems worse today. I think it is a multitude of things happening all together. Some silly (sorry) questions coming up. Are you taking all of your precentors and relievers, using a spacer where appropriate? Are you sitting with a fan blowing gently across your face? How is your peak flow? Are you monitoring it? Drinking plenty? Clearing your chest with breathing exercises? Are you sitting up?

As you say the Pred isn't working, something extra must be going on, and if you have another infection, then that could also explain it, but without a sputum sample, no-one can tell. I have also just learnt that acid reflux (or in my case Bile Reflux) can cause Asthma symptoms. Make sure you are taking any antihistamines and any antacid tablets if the medical profession has prescribed them.

You know what to do if you get bad.

The info given is based on my non-medical experience. You need a medical professional to assess you properly. Please don't leave it too late.

Erin001 profile image
Erin001 in reply to WheezyAnne

Can I ask what the difference is in acid reflux and bile

Are the symptoms slightly different?

WheezyAnne profile image
WheezyAnne in reply to Erin001

I had my gall bladder removed about ten years ago. Bile reflux is much more acid (I think) and really burns. I think. I have just had an Endoscopy and it specifically said Bile Reflux, but I don't really know for sure. I will have to do some research or ask a member of the medical profession next time I see them.

Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to WheezyAnne

Thank you. Yeah thunder storms here too. Have taken preventers and relievers. Had a couple of Nebs. Have managed to catch a couple of hours sleep sat up. No fan. Peak flow around 200-220 (550 is max). Have had quite a bit to drink trying to keep fluids up.

Think I may get it checked today if I can shake this feeling. Xx

WheezyAnne profile image
WheezyAnne in reply to Jenzzie18

I agree. I am on 40mg Prednisolone myself at the moment, but did manage to get the last course down to 20mg before it all went out of control again. The Community Respiratory Team were talking about admitting me last week, but because I don't make antibodies to Pneumonia amongst other things, thought it wiser to keep me at home. I am feeling stronger.

Let me know how you get on, what they do. You can always message me.

I find that Active Cycle of Breathing which I was taught at Pulmonary Rehab very good at getting the gunk off my chest together with drinking fluids. Do you know the technique?

A cool gentle fan blowing across your face fools your brain into thinking that there is more air movement, and that really helps me.

Right from an early age, my parents used to drive me around in the car, with me sat at the back with my head stuck out of the window - positive air pressure. (Think of the safety implications here). It still he!ps me though.

Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to WheezyAnne

Thanks so much. I don't know the technique but sounds like it may help. I will get our fan going too. Just so frustrating things hadn't been too bad for a week or so now feel like I ran into a brick wall. Xx

WheezyAnne profile image
WheezyAnne in reply to Jenzzie18

Have you managed to get an appointment?

Active Cycle of Breathing. If you look at the links on here, you should find some more info, otherwise go to utube and enter Active Cycle of Breathing. There are videos by the NHS Physiotherapists on there.

Sounds like you could do with doing a sputum sample for the docs as well.

Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to WheezyAnne

Thank you I will take a look. I've not phoned yet but will do kids to sort then me!! Xx

Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to WheezyAnne

I have an appointment for late this afternoon. The dr I spoke to on the phone wasn't that happy leaving me for another 4 hrs before being seen but I did say I'm well experienced in knowing when a&e is required. X

WheezyAnne profile image
WheezyAnne in reply to Jenzzie18

How did you get on?

Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to WheezyAnne

Bit of a nightmare really. The out of hours gp didn't really have a clue what to do. He phoned the medical registra on in a&e who said to give some antibiotics just incase and just keep going with Nebs as and when needed. Was told there wasn't much wheeze (which can be normal for me). So a&e wouldn't do anything other than Nebs anyway!!! Came home and seeing how it goes. X

WheezyAnne profile image
WheezyAnne in reply to Jenzzie18

Which antibiotic did he give you? I find that when I am on Nebs, I don't take my preventer/long acting bronchodilator as much, which is a mistake as I suffer later. Do you monitor your oxygen level and temperature at all?

Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to WheezyAnne

I do monitor my oxygen levels and temp yeah. They have given me clarithromyocin. Xx

Erin001 profile image

How long have you been on prednisolone for ? I didnt think being on that kind of dosage for a long time is good especially if you have a preventer inhaler too

Maybe a weather change a new trigger or an infection/virus like you said you should go get it checked out if it's bad and the change in your asthma has changed

But some of the things that WheezyAnne said might help

Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to Erin001

I have been on prednislone since May 2016 mostly at 40mg but have just managed to reduce to 30 with some struggle. My asthma can be very uncontrolled at times. X

green881 profile image

headache and fuzzy sounds like sinus to my unprofessional ears, sinus infection can be serious and need antibiotic.

Sounds like at least a call to the doctor is in your near future.

We are all hanging in there with you.

Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to green881

Thank you. Yeah I think it may need a call today. Xx

lhorne4 profile image

Hi Jenzzie:

Predisone is usually weaned down or else you can have some side effects from this drug. If I was you I would go to the doctor. Why are you on a steroid continually? I hope you get some relief...

Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to lhorne4

I am being weaned down by 5mg every 2 weeks but struggling. I am on prednislone continually as I have severe asthma which has been difficult to control without steroids. Xx

lhorne4 profile image

I have severe asthma and it stinks!!! I get well then I have an episode. I understand about the steroids they mess with you. I hope you feel better soon. I have had depression because of the steroids, bone pain, swelling, and weight gain. Have you tried taking powder magnesium? The name of it is CALM it helps some it comes in lemon and raspberry flavors.

Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to lhorne4

I will look into it thank you. Just a drs now who are talking to the medical registra as to what to do with me. X

lhorne4 profile image
lhorne4 in reply to Jenzzie18

I hope you feel better soon severe asthma is no joke...Take care of yourself.

Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to lhorne4

Thank you. It's really not and it's a pain in the neck! Drs just don't get it either. He threw around the well there's not too much wheeze and you have a neb at home so just use that!!! I don't always wheeze. They just don't get it. X

Janet2017 profile image
Janet2017 in reply to Jenzzie18

Hi jenzzie18,

I just want to chip in that before you take the magnesium flavoured with raspberry, make sure you don't react to salicylate as most berries contain it and it can aggravate your condition. I wish you get fine soon.But consider seeing your doctor now.

lhorne4 profile image
lhorne4 in reply to Janet2017

Hi, Janet2017

Thanks I wasn't aware of that. What about if I drink mixed berry smoothie for breakfast. This could be aggravating my severe persistent asthma. I am going to look into that.

Thanks lhorne4

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador

Hope you're starting to feel a bit better! X

Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to EmmaF91

Not too bad. I have another steroid drop on Friday that I'm not looking forward to as it's the threshold of when things go wrong but we shall see how it goes. Think the antibiotics have kicked in at least. X

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply to Jenzzie18

Think my pred drop lead to my admission too (plus my landlord decided to start panting the house unannounced yesterday 🙄). Good luck my fingers are crossed for you! 🤞🏻

Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to EmmaF91

Thank you x

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