Hi has anyone every been told that their cortisol levels were low after taking steriods. Anybody understand this or hav similar problem?
Cortisol level: Hi has anyone every... - Asthma Community ...
Cortisol level
Yes, I had to go on steroid replacement therapy, i.e. hydrocortisone tablets, and will need to take these lifelong, as my adrenal glands only produce about 2% of the necessary amount of cortisol. Have you had a Short Synacthen Test?
Thank u for yr reply. Its good knowing that there is medication to help. I am getting that test u mention next week. Is low levels serious
It's potentially very serious, but ONLY if left untreated, so no need to worry. Once you're on replacement therapy, set an alarm on your phone so you don't miss doses. Also you'd need to wear a medic-alert bracelet, in case you're involved in an accident (your adrenal glands would usually protect you by massively increasing cortisol production, but if yours aren't working, you'll need injections instead.) There is a tiny compensation - adrenal insufficiency entitles you to free prescriptions
I really hope i dont hav this but hav been on steriods for quitw a while fir my asthma.
yes same here, I have an appointment with the endocrinologist March 1st.
Got short synacten test and result was ok thank god. This test measures my cortisol level then injects a man made hormon. 30 minutes later they recheck my blood. If cortisol levels rise then my adrenal glands are working ok.