Just had a short weekend break in Valencia which was great but am wondering has anyone else had difficulty with their asthma on a flight? This is the third time it has happened to me and thank goodness only on relatively short flights but nonetheless it is very disconcerting. Interestingly they have all been Ryanair flights.
Flying and asthma: Just had a short... - Asthma Community ...
Flying and asthma

There's your problem. All those extra Ryanair charges took your breath away
Joking apart, air is much thinner at altitude & although the plane adjusts the air pressure (& whatever else it does) it may not do it quickly enough. I tend not to have problems personally but I have heard of others that have had.
If it's not too bad probably just an extra inhaler puff might help?
Yes! Not every time, but sometimes a flight will affect me negatively for a week or so afterwards. For me the worst thing is passing through duty free with the lack of ventilation and fug of perfume. I've had several attacks from that alone. Wearing a scarf over your mouth and nose, even on the plane if you can bear it, does help.
I had to use my inhaler quite a lot on the flight but the cabin crew were excellent. I think I was worrying too much about the constant coughing and other passengers.
And yes it's a game of dodge the perfume squirter as you pass through duty free. Didn't think about using a scarf on the plane - thanks for the suggestion 👍
Hello Chrissie
I take 2 blue inhaler puffs 15mn before boarding that usually helps. And sometimes on descent I feel breathless so have another couple. I never fly further than Europe any more.. Take care
The last time I was on a plane I had an nebuliser and a doctor with me only because I was in a Spainish hospital for 5 wks for my asthma while there and need to fly bk to the uk most air line have oxygen on board if there is an emergency but talk to your gp and see if they write a letter so the air line now how bad u are and what to do if u can't speak for ur self and otherwise it just use your inhaler and hope for the best