We encourage you to test two applications created to help patients suffering from asthma. By using this applications you can learn more about asthma, better manage your disease and meet people with the same problem.
These applications are: <links removed as below - part of survey/research> Also, you agreed on signing up to 'Post your message under the relevant thread'
Please install applications first.
Try to use then, find some useful information, test functions and tools and get some feedback.
Please, share with us your opinion. We kindly ask you to answer few questions regarding your experience about using these two applications. Please assess each application separately using following two sections.
The direct link to the survey: <details removed by moderator, as per forum terms and conditions you agreed to on signing up, please do not post messages to ask for participants for ANY research, be it asthma-related or not: Asthma UK insists on vetting all such requests, and so you should contact them via telephone or e-mail webeditor@asthma.org.uk in the first instance> Also, you agreed to 'Post your message under the relevant thread' Off-topic is for all chatter that's not about asthma!
The survey is anonymous. Results will be used for our research. We would like to evaluate the quality of modern solutions supporting patient and help to improve them in the future.
Please, share your opinion with us. We appreciate your help!
Life4Science Foundation
Małgorzata Plechawska-Wójcik
Joanna Rybka