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pred and alcohol

6 Replies

what are the rules around drinking whilst on pred, im taking 30mg a day and ive had alcohol whilst on it before but wasnt until someone asked me the other day i realised i wasnt actually sure!! so if anyone could shed some light on this issue id be grateful :) x

6 Replies

I remember drinking when I was on pred earlier in the year, I got drunk quicker and I became really depressed and had suicidal thoughts and in the end I took a nytol to knock me out until the effect had worn off in the morning. Not something I'd recommend doing at all. Pred seems to make me very depressed and get suicidal thoughts anyway but the alcohol made things much worse, probably because it is a depressant anyway. Not sure how common that side effect is.

Not sure what the rules are about alochol and pred though.

ive had a drink why ive been on pred,i just think they say it can upset you stomach but i was fine with it,but i didnt drink that much,

you could always ask your doctor if your not sure.

take care

mel xxxxx

there are no absolute contraindications to taking alcohol when on pred - ie it isn't a hugely bad thing that is likely to kill everyone who does it. Pred can make you more likely to have stomach ulcers as can alcohol, so drinking a lot when on pred is a bad idea. Pred can also, as has been said, affect your mood - you can either be a bit 'high' or a bit low. alcohol is a depressant, and also disinhibits you, so a combination of mood changes with pred, and alcohol is not a good idea. Pred can also alter your blood sugar, as many on the fora know, and so can alcohol.

It really boils down to the fact that a drink or two is ok, but drinking in excess isn't, and that pred will lower the amount it takes for you to reach 'too much' for you at that time.

Pred and the odd drink is fine.


I’m taking pred atm and regularly enjoy a couple of glasses of wine, but always with a meal. Don’t drink beer, or spirits, apart from the odd laphroaig whisky, and the occasional rum punch! Both go really well with rich fruit cake!

Can’t say I’ve noticed any probs with the two, but that might be because I drink alcohol with food and also take pred tablets early in the morning with breakfast.

I think people might experience problems if they were to drink on an empty stomach while taking pred. Both, can and do have a negative effect re stomach upsets, and mood swings if there isn’t some sort of ‘lining’ there to slow down the rate of absorption.


I don't know whether anyone else has found this but I've always found that if I have more than just one drink when on 30mg or more of pred (I'm ok on smaller amounts) then I'm really sick the next morning when I have no problems if not on the pred so it certainly makes my stomach much more sensitive and I don't do it!!!

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