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Kick Asthma Holidays

17 Replies

Calling all volunteers/parents of participants/participants! We'll try and answer your queries here.

17 Replies
KateMoss profile image

Hello Steve!

I'm doing Northampton Littlies this year!

Am a bit of a veteran, holiday wise!, as have done 5 holidays as a volunteer.

Any newbie volunteers, ask us what it is like and we will tell you what fun you will have!

I must enjoy it as this will be my 6th - must be bonkers!


I am going to Harrogate (pending references and CRB). It will be my first time so if somone can tell me more about how is it like and what volunteers are expected to do it would be apriaciated.


Just thought i would make myself known as a feelow volunteer

I am going to be going to Southampton this year as a volunteer for the littlies, it will be my first year as a volunteer (only 18 so first year i have been able to!!) am really looking forward to it.

Libby - good to hear from you. I'm also doing Southampton. Always good to have new enthusiastic volunteers onboard!

Anna - as a volunteer you're responsible for making sure the participants manage their asthma (and potentially other allergies) properly but most of all making sure they have fun. There's always medical staff on every holiday to turn to and ask questions - as well as other experienced volunteers.

Look forward to meeting you Wizross!

I know the general principle. What I am curious about is the details. For example how eraly do you have to get up in the morning lol. What kind of activities are there? Do you sleep with the campers in the one big dorm, with other volunteers or do you get your own room (that would be miserable) ? How is the food like etc

I guess I will see when I get there but I am realy curious how it is all organized.

I suppose I should say what I'm doing too...!

I will be one of the two leaders of the Southampton holiday for the older age group - Wizross is doing likewise for the younger group, Libby, so be extra nice to him :)

Anna - I was rather worried the first time I volunteered, and if anything the training weekend can make things worse as you wonder how on earth you'll remember everything. Don't fret, though! It all seems much more straightforward when you are actually there doing it, and the leaders and managers will always be happy to help out and offer advice. The actual ""admin"" side of thing only really becomes apparent first thing in the morning and last thing at night - the rest of the time you'll be too busy having fun with the kids to notice!

I've not been to Harrogate so I don't know what the sleeping arrangements for volunteers and kids are there; perhaps someone else can enlighten us!

I'm volunteering on the Southampton 6-11 year olds too! I can't wait and for once I won't have to trek 8hrs + to get to the holiday !!!

I did Harrogate last year and the sleeping accommodation was a bit of a nightmare to begin with as teenagers and their volunteers had to sleep about 400m away from the main centre. However this may not be the case this year as there are two accommodation blocks nearby - it was just that one was being occupied by another group last year.

The rooms sleep mainly 4, some are 2's. There is about a 5-10min walk to the canteen (depending on the speed you walk!) which was a bit of a pain last year, however it was a good way to walk off dinner and Patrick was excellent at giving children (and volunteers), who needed it, lifts in his car!

Warning alert!!!!

Warning to all with the Southampton littlies.

You have got my Chloe!! 1 mad blond curly haired bundle of hyperactivity coming in your direction!

Saying that she did peak last yr and apparently was well behaved and she loved it. Good luck:)!

Re Chloe!

Oh dear - now I'm really worried! ;-) LOL! I'm sure she'll be a little angel!

well sounds like southampton could be fun cos not only have you got chloe but sean is going as well. Any kids or volunteers who have been taunton little ones for last couple years will know him, he is loud nutter and a right clown. He throws himself into everything 100 % and spends ages practicing his stand up comedian routine.........

If anyone wants him now to practice volunteering your very welcome :)

Julie x

yaf_user681_26749 profile image

I must be mad, but I am glad to hear that both Chloe and Sean are coming back again this year.

Unfortunately I am not doing a full holiday this year due to my health, but I am planning to return for a few days to a couple of holidays to do my Rocket Workshops. As well as bringing along a few more weird and wonderfull gadgets.

Peakpete / Rocket Man

Rocket man- Chloe has already asked if u will be at Southampton so u sure made a good impression on her, dont know where we will put rocket no 2 tho!!

Julie- sounds like Chloe and Sean are a match made in heaven!!! how old is he? Chloe is also available for practice for volunteers mayb it could be 2 for the price of 1!!

Hmmm, may have to reconsider if Sean's going to Southampton!

Only joking! He's been no hassle on the last couple - apart from his taste in football teams :)

yaf_user681_26749 profile image

Always good to hear people enjoyed the rocket workshops.

Im happy to do them as long as the Holidays want them.

May try to bring a few bigger rockets along this time for a demo, already building a few 4-5 foot long rockets that are low level flyers, so can demonstrate them.

depending on the weather I hope to be test flying a couple this Sunday, but I dont like the look of the weather forecast.


first time on a asthma uk holiday

hi my son reece is attending harrogate this year it will be the first time he has had a holiday without me, im panicking already and only just recieved his acceptance letter, can anyone tell me what activities he will be doing as he is panicking incase he doesnt like something.

Im more concerned about his behaviour at the minute as he has just been put on steroids long term and is showing signs of not sleeping very well,hes hyperactive and very moody but hopefully in a different environment he shouldnt cause too many problems for people.

thanks andrea

yaf_user681_26749 profile image

Here are just some examples done on past holidays.




Arts And Crafts


Water Fights (normally between Staff and Children)

Climbing And Abseiling

Fancy Dress

Ten Pin Bowling


Visiting A Theme Park


It's A Knockout



Cinema Trip

Model Rocket Building and launching

Dance Mat Games

no-one is forced to do any activity and the staff find other activities for the children to do if they do want to do a certain activity or they can just sit and watch.

I hope this helps

Pete the Rocketman

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