sponsored slim..: Hi guys I'm aiming... - Asthma Community ...

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sponsored slim..

yaf_user681_32991 profile image
28 Replies

Hi guys

I'm aiming to lose a significant amount of weight (over time, NOT fast!) in the hopes that I can improve my overall health.

At the same time I'd love to raise £100 for AUK so if you feel so inclined, please could you sponsor me, even £1 to help me with both targets.


Geina x

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yaf_user681_32991 profile image
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28 Replies

good idea...helping your health in two ways. :)

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

that's the idea :) that and i need new clothes baaadly- most of mine are at least as old as my oldest DD! and i don't want to be hunting for tent sized tee shirts any more!

Geina x

so how you going to do it...I am doing slimming world for the millionth time but have fallen off the wagon a bit recently...I struggle with a sweet tooth. Fruit just doesn't hit the spot. Anyway may join you like the idea...

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

Hi Honey

Oh do join me. The more people I have to figuratively kick my rear the more likely I am not to fall off the wagon!

I'm basically eating less and excersizing more. Loosely following SW for guidance. Lost 2lbs last week, hoping for the same this. Will find out in the morning!

Geina x

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

so, still only 2lbs down. keep telling myself must try harder. of course having the ability to cook again will help! had to rely on take outs for the past week thanks to a crook oven.

Geina x

but celebrate you didn't put any on....:)

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

also true lol. but i'm baking cakes and making rocky road today. :o/ ah it'll be fine, ones an order and ones for a friends birthday present AND i don't like rocky road!!

Geina x

you make cakes for a living....how lovely! I do like rocky road is one of my faves...what do you put in it? I personally put cherries, marshmallows, choc chips and raisins. YUM!

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

i'd like to!

i just did rocky road crunch today.

marshmallows & rich tea biccies with chocolate. as requested for my friends birthday present!

i'm making a ginger cat for someone this weekend which is my first order, and i've only charged for ingredients.

my neice is getting a red velvet cake for her birthday. cause in the nicest possible way it doesn't matter if the PO messes it up!

I want to try making cake pops next..

I have had a go at cake pops...messy but fun. There is a great you tube video clip that shows how to do it!

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

another 2lbs off

i wasn't confident of a loss after my experience friday but it's off. and staying off if i have my way.

anyone else sweltering here. cause if heat melts fat, i should have lost at *least* 10lbs yesterday!! it was 26* at 6pm!

Geina x

Congratulations! It's pretty hard to lose weight consistently (and not to be desperate to rush it and then end up losing too fast and put it all back on!), so I'm very impressed! I hope that you start to feel better as the weight continues to come off, and that you are super proud of yourself!

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

4th week....

Another week of no loss this week. Which after the week I had last week, makes me very, VERY happy!


4lbs down... 80 to go. getting there slowly and surely


wooo hooo well done you. I have losy 5lbs in 3 weeks not too bad...

Well done on the weight loss, you must be very proud of yourself. Dont forget to have milestones so when you say lose 1/2 stone you buy yourself a mag, lipstick, buy a new item of clothing etc. It does help with the perseverance. Let us know how your going. Go girl!

Well done on your weight loss,im also shedding a few pounds and lost 9lb so far xxxx

Well done on your weight loss,im also shedding a few pounds and lost 9lb so far xxxx

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

well done to you too..

honey and glynis :) we will win the battle :)

hmm i hadn't thought of rewards for the various goals.. hadn't even set them this time really. what i want is to be able to wear the swimsuit that currently is my muck around wtih the toddler suit for aqua fit.. that's an odd sentence sorry.

geina x

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

:-( i knew it would happen!

I gained 1lb this week. I should have known I would after all it was DHs birthday and we woent out for a meal and had banana cake with cream cheese frosting for tea!

another week begins. i will lose it.

Geina x

I will give you your total if you do it....GeinaIf you do it I will give you £100 myself !And coming from a Scotsman who are known for being tight that should be incentive enough!You will have to let me know in case I forget to check back and see if you did it with everything thats going on, but its a promise!Want to help you, and after everything ive been through lately any money for AUK is money well spent!Alex

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

Oh Alex, Bless you!

I shall keep this thread updated through out the whole process. I'm feeling the ONLY way I'll lose the amount I need to is to make myself accountable to everyone else, and who better than all the lovely folks on here?

Geina x

yep and now your accountable to me !!!! haha

Just dont tell Snowy its coming out of her obsessive watch fund (only kidding)... BUT who in their right mind needs more watches when they already own over 40 !!

She always says, for some women its shoes.... for me its watches, one for every outfit, I will never understand !


yaf_user681_32991 profile image

hee. hey, if it keeps me on track it's all good. 40 watches?! i don't even own one LOL nor do i own loads of shoes, i live in flipflops!

Geina x

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

well i wasn't expecting THAT! :o)

I lost 2lbs this week!!

And now I can't remember where I am over all, I want to say 7lbs off over 8wks?! I'll have to check. Anywho. It's another LOSS and another step closer to both my goals!

Don't forget you can sponsor me on my just giving page


And help me raise money for AUK while keeping my nose to the grindstone here as I plod through the mammoth task I've set myself.

Geina xx

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

another 1lb off this week. which i'm more than pleased with... asda own custard creams are addictive!!

i seem to lose more if i graze through the day rather than eat three meals.... thought for me to mull over.....

Just added something on your JustGiving page for encouragement - with so many struggling atm wanted to help AUK out even if just a bit and this is great as it's double encouragement!

And congrats on the 1Ib! Custard creams are not my thing but biscuits are dangerous in general...mints can be good to discourage you from eating things that don't go with mint flavour. Pred is not - for some reason I don't get the munchies with it but it tastes so foul I end up having chocolate afterwards to take the taste away - brushing teeth is not enough.

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

thanks philomela

i'm in this one for the long haul. so got plenty of time to raise money. decided once and for all that this weight is coming OFF (last 3 times i lost 2st, then got pregnat!)

chewing gum has become my friend. i'm not a fan of mint as a rule but the gum seems to be working at the moement......

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

:o( this is when i normally give up

i'd gained 3lbs this week. which is when i normally get depressed and quit.

BUT this time I have Alex to keep me on track, and friends on FB and my goal of raising £100+ for AUK so I WILL NOT QUIT!!

I've been eating junk this week while we've been camping so if I can manage a stay the same, i'll be happy. why is it ""chips wtih everything"" at pubs LOL


(who's covered in bug bites!)

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