I know I moaned a bit yesterday about... - Asthma Community ...

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I know I moaned a bit yesterday about the housework, but..

14 Replies

I maybe about to moan again.

Having spent the earlier part of the day on housework (rest of the hoovering, inc. stairs and sorting the dishwasher), now I am all showered and dressed and ready to face the world, I'm not sure my lungs will allow it :(

It's a beautiful day here and I wanted to go for a walk along to the shop for some chocolate, but I think I have used up all of my spoons and will need to use the car, which isn't the same.

N.B. If you don't know what I mean by ""used my spoons"" it relates to ""spoon theory"", as described here: tinyurl.com/33ga8xx

14 Replies

Hey piglet!

I've just read the spoon theory online and just wanted to say thanks for sharing this link. I've been finding it really tough to get my head around some of the changes that I'm having to make at the moment, this explains it beautifully.


This is great! I am having to take the decision to resign from my job. I have read some of this to my family although they live with me daily they are not me.

Thank you and I hope this helps them to understand.

Lisa xx

yaf_user681_27480 profile image

thanks for sharing the spoon theory, not sure myself and spiritedstream have many spoons left either today. Hope you're ok.

Moan away! i know that feeling and thanks for sharing the spoon theory. A friend with fibromyalgia once shared that but the link didn't work and I didn't pursue it after trying a few times - I'm afraid back then I was still in the 'this doesn't apply to me and never will' world.

At least I understand a little better what my friend goes through now. I'm very lucky compared to many on here and to the commenters on the 'spoon' post, but now I know exactly what this theory means, and wish I'd had it when trying to explain once to a colleague who didn't get it why I was so cross that the printer was playing up - the multiple short trips along the corridor cost me two day's worth of spoons! Thanks to montelukast I have more spoons now but still remember (and sometimes know) the cost of everyday things and having to choose between doing something like chores or something at work and social things. Plus people not getting it - my ex-housemate, despite her own sleep problems, was always more of a party animal and never got things like why I sometimes just didn't go out when I'd been saying I wanted to see people, or why one bad night had a knock-on effect.

Anyway, sorry for ramble...Piglet, spiritedstream and islandmedic, plus anyone else who's run out, I very much hope that you replenish your cutlery drawer asap and are able to enjoy the weather more tomorrow. It can be little things like that that just wear you down.

gosh, i know this is an asthma thread on an asthma forum but i have a friend with Lupus and although i knew things could be bad for her i didn't realise quite *how* bad :-(

I am so lucky that my asthma VERY rarely makes me count my spoons - and my blessings!!!!

piglet i recognise this spoon theory in me at present!

Islandmedic read it to me as i was resting having helped with housework and been to the GP today (this used up most of my spoons). it made me cry. it would be worth sharing with some people i know but they are unlikely to read it (the take a horse to water but cant make them drink practice), i might share it with my family though.

i really hope you found half a spoon and enough O2 in your lungs to be able to enjoy the sun (none here today). we had to put off visiting the ""dippy"" ducks a couple of days ago as we were too tired after a brief trip out into the village, so i can recognise the need for sunshine and fresh air (with the obligatory scarf over nose and mouth to protect lungs).

take care everyone and remember to save as many spoons as you can so that some of them can be used for fun leisurely things xx ><>

I think it's a great way to explain to people how things can be. On a good day I can have what feels like 100s of spoons, and then on a bad day I feel like I run out at 3 (these are days when both my asthma and my bipolar are causing a fuss).

Today is a decent day, spoons-wise, so I'm making the most of it - I cooked lunch for OH, I'm finishing a job application, and we're going to go to the metrocentre once Mr Tesco has been. I have to say, Mr Tesco is great for preserving spoons - I LOVE not having to waste them trundling round the supermarket!

After a full 8 hrs at work yesterday (last shift as manager as they couldn't get anyone to cover it), I feel a serious lack of spoons today but have the dubious pleasure of Steve and Nellie this morning.

Me thinks its going to be a looooong day today........

Winge over, off to borrow some spoons from somewhere, maybe I can prise Steve and Nellie off with a big one?!?! :-)

Angelica, i'm not laughing at the way you're feeling but the way you describe it really made me laugh! Anyone who's not ""in the loop"" would wonder what on earth you're on about hahaha

As an aside, i know who Steve and Nellie are but fortunately don't have the pleasure of being personally acquainted with them. As a sufferer of (mainly) cough-variant asthma i'd say my visitor is called Rover (or maybe eeyore after being accused of 'coughing like a donkey' at the baths this morning!)

lol, yes love your description Angelica!

There's just too much wildlife around! I like being here but the dust and smoke and caves and climate are not good for an already grumpy chest. Plus I am grumpy because I can't use the hotel spa (I tried and it made me worse, too humid).

There are a couple of other asthmatics here and we're all coughing away lol.

Hope you all manage to beg, borrow or steal some spoons to whack Nellie and Steve with. I wonder if I can persuade Steve that he likes it here and would like to stay...

Just read it back and it does sound a bit strange.....oops! Ha ha :-D

I can now picture eyore at the pool in his swimmers hacking his lungs up jinglefairy, funny mental image!!

The cough must be really irritating, I know I get fed up when I've got it just for a few days....

Sorry to hear you are struggling in italy philomela, I hope you are getting lots of yummy food and wine to make up for it :-)

Luckily my hubby and my best friend took all of us to a lovely park locally thus afternoon with the kids, I got to sit and watch while they all played rounders, rugby and footbal so replenished some spoons relaxing.

Take care both of you.


just read this post and thought it was great, having spent the last five days in COSTA and thinking that I'm still so weak that work is out of the question this helped me put it in perspective. I am low on spoons so going to have to ask for help and do less whilst all the infections leave me. Thank you for helping me see this I had been thinking about trying go back to work to soon x

Hi Amanda! :-)

Sorry to hear you've been in costa and that you are struggling :-(

If there is one thing that I've learnt in recent times its to listen to my body and not rush the recovery process because you only end up doing yourself more harm than good.

Take the time to let your body heal itself and look after yourself.


thanks for putting this up piglet, i'm going to show it to my other half. he struggles to understand why i sometimes don't want to do some of the things that i said i wanted to do. on friday i ran out of spoons so went to bed for a couple of hours too replenish while my lungs were behaving, so he was upset that i didn't want to spend time with him. he was not realising the toll of many days and nights of grumpy lungs have on your body (and mind), hopefully he'll have a better understanding now.

amanda80, sorry to hear you've not been well. keep asking for all the help you can get so that you can rest and recover well. Take care

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