sacrifices made for your chronic asthma. - Asthma Community ...

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sacrifices made for your chronic asthma.

27 Replies

having now done everything to reduce the symptoms of my asthma - ive come to the only sacrifice I can think of. I work as a contractor and my contract possibly coming to an end every now and then is what is a major stress in my life. Im now changing work to reduce and remove that stress (im basically only looking for permanent work only). What I am curious to know is what sacrifices have you made for the sake of your bad asthma?

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27 Replies

The outdoor activities I did with the kids cycling and horse riding. Was quality time for the family. I found out I was allergic to a horse!!!! Ooohhh nearly forgot had to give up alcohol..... Glayva and lemonade, It didn't agree wie the medicines I was on terrible nausea and hangovers !!!!

I left England and moved back to Ireland.

I gave up playing camogie and gealic football, which were 2 of my biggest loves when I lived at home.

I've had to re-take my final year at school.

Asthma sucks.

i finally give into this - im due to see a chest physian at the local hospital. and it dawned on me that i have not once told my employer that im a chronic asthmatic and that im at the severe end of treatment. what was i afraid of? contract being terminated.

my gp always asks what are you stressed over..and i say nothing but its this contract ending that i worry over. the thing is that im re-evaluating everything have been doing. Can someone workaholic lifestyle cause a mass deteriorating in their asthma?

After many years of battling, when my diagnosis was finaly made by Prof Ayres that I had Brittle Asthma he told me that ""my job was killing me"", the stress was triggering the life threatening attacks and it did not matter about the money as I would not be around to spend it !!, how right those wise words were!

I resigned the next day and have never looked back, yes it was hard back then as my hubby didnt earn as much as he does now, but we cut back and got through, and I no longer have to live with the decisionsand guilt and stress about missing work over health, I know not everyone can do that but I gave it all up for my health and dont regret it one bit.


hi- i unfortunately had to give up a number of things so that my asthma is more controllable(and yep i know its brittle at the mo but im hopeful). i can no longer cuddle our old,very narky but lovely guinea pig or spent much time at my parents house because of the cat. i have given up on wearing my favourite perfume. i have a house that is like a morgue as its so cold due to windows being open (not good for teen as very skinny and gets cold as she has raynards)as i can no longer use any air fresners/plug ins etc. but one of the worst sacrifices-well or best decisions depending upon how optomistic im feeling-is that i have had to give up on some good friendships as a couple of people who ive known for years think i should just get on with life the way i used to when my asthma is bad, even when ive just spent time in hospital and cant hold conversations as im so tired and sore-some people just cannot understand that for individuals asthma is life changing and life narrowing. asthma is a bummer.

yep stress definately makes asthma worse xxx

I am brittle, and as a result of my Asthma I no longer have my beloved pet RATS, boy do I miss them, gave up work after being told by a GP it just isn't worth it. Chose not to have a family, can't climb mountains any more, horse riding it out (though now I am size 22, wouldn't dare get on a horse's back for fear of breaking it LOL.

I don't call not using perfumes and air freshers around the house a sacrifice because never liked air freshers anyway and not being one to dress up and do the whole girly perfumes only ever factored into my life on special occasions. And besides it gives me the opportunity to use my spare cash on books, CD's and going out to see top UK comedians when one is playing near me. Instead of looking at everything I have changed to try and improve my Asthma as a sacrifice, I try to look them as ""life enhancers."" Might seem crazy for anyone who is just starting down this path, it did to me and I always felt for many years Asthma was the bane of my life. Because of my Asthma I joined this message board, one particular person told me to have a go at studying with Open University, best thing I have ever done, opened up my world and improved my confidence, and skills. I have time to appreciate the simple things around me while others are rushing around trying to work, bring up families and all the other things that the modern world challenges us with on a daily basis. And best of all for me I can have my dog Lottie who love dearly by my side 99.9% of the time.

So to anyone who is feeling down and thinking why me, its not fair. Look for the positives, I did, and I am never turning back.

Cheers Katina

I feel like I've sacrificed my life for wretched asthma. I no longer live in abraod, as I cannot fly long haul. I don't do sport or go scuba diving.

My career as as a health professional has been curtailed and I've lost a whole group of friends who can't cope with my severe health problems. I can't go out late into the evening as I need Bipap at night.

On the plus side I have gained a whole new outlook on life. If I'm well I do as much as I can, even if it means spending a week in hospital afterwards. I have also done a degree with the Open University and I'm doing a 2nd degree wtih them now and I have a new passion for reading, which I never had before.

Asthma has changed my life beyond recognition, but I'm one of the lucky ones, who had a packed life and fantastic experiences before I was struck down with asthma symptoms 5 years ago, so the sacrifices are easier to bear.

cconsta1 profile image

I just found out that I have lost a job i have worked long and hard for and was a rare opportunity due to my absence in my probationary period also the fact that it isnt under control means i cant guarentee I wont be hospitalised with it again in the near future.

I have worked hard all my life particuarly having my children young meaning I have had to work in jobs i hate and study at night to get there. and now thanks to my asthma i have lost it.

I feel sad now, but Im sure once my asthma is under control I will be able to pick myself up dust myself of and try again

Its rubbish though, when things dont go the way you want them to because of something out of your control!


Yes that how I'm feeling I can't help but feel powerless. And that my asthma has fully taken over.

I had to give up my place in the county rugby team and in countless school/club teams.

I've had to give up going out with my friends because it's too much pressure on them if i have an attack.

I've also had to (though admittedly unwillingly) take a more sensible approach to my life, including not pushing myself in pe, not putting too much pressure/stress on and learning to know my limits. It may sound silly but when your a teenager you should be doing the opposite.

Had I passed Part 3 of my driving instructor's course, I would have been trying to set up my business just as first diagnosed with asthma and on first course of prednisilone. I've found pred, causes havoc with my eyesight and basically I can't drive for about six weeks after taking them. Not much good for teaching someone to drive.

Late last year, about to start the ADI course again, booked first exam and started cramming. Then we had that awful cold snap with freezing cold air and, bother it, back to pred. and time-out on the driving. Cancelled my exam date, and more or less accepted not going to be a driving instructor any time soon.

Wish there were less L-driver cars round our way to remind me.

PS I too lost a job due to being absent. Not with asthma, but with leg break - fell in the carpark. By the time I could properly work again, some eight months later, the position had come up and been filled. Hmph!

At this precise moment i feel like i have sacrificed everything for all of my medical condtions!

Only got out of hospital last night so very weak and drained.


I try and look at the positive side of the illness (yes it hard but there is some)

Without it I would not have made so many good friends who understand what im going through in many aspects.

My faith would not be as strong as it is now ( refound after a very close scrape with death)

I have found out who my TRUE friends are - the ones who stick around when im poorlly, visit me during endless stays in hossie,and are there for when i need cheering up when i get home not to mention go out when im up to it!

I would proabaly not be as involved as i am in Guiding.

I may not have had my son as I would have been working .

Even when i was on alot of meds as a teen i still did my Duke of Edinburgh and Queens Scout award and started nurse training -i still try not to let it stop me just have to pace things alot more!!!

I have made many sacrifices due to the brittle asthma including 2 careers - SEN asisstant and a keep fit teacher, i cant do what i want with my kids and hubby, i cant go too far away as the insurance is too expensive, cant go to some friends houses due to their pets and so many other things .

I have my 'why me' moments but then i think of those who may never of had the chance to do some of what i have done before i deteriorated and i feel lucky. Yes i have brittle asthma and it severely limits me i also still have type 1 diabetes ,2 serious heart conditions osteonecrosis but I am ALIVE and eternally grateful for that.

Stress doesnt help us but then nor does feeling sorry for ourselves- as you see from peoples posts there are so many things we CAN do both for ourselves and others despite the stupid lungs so get out and od it.

many charities are more than happy to have people volunteer and only help when they are well, there are OU courses or easier ones- many hobbies we can do - please guys stay positive for your own health

similarily lke you have mostly all said i feel like there this like i need to be living in a bubble - since starting aminophylline i just feel like sleeping all the time. Its annoying me that im totally sitting back and waiting for some miracle medicine to stop everything and the thought that that might not happen is making me so depressed.

im annoyed but with that i need to make some serious changes in my life. I think i've spent too long trying to please my employeers (in the hopes my contract gets extended) that i've always been treating my job higher than the state of my own health. Im looking to switch to a permanent place now with a more organised environment (therefore reducing the need to do overtime) im actually going to start looking for a regular retreat area that i go to so that i can detox on a monthly basis.

i just think that if i changed the little things there might be a massive result - and if not that may help me to deal with my asthma and actually come to terms with the severity. Im dreadding going to the hospital and having them confirm it as brittle.

My asthma has taken a few things from Me. Like out door activities. But on the other hand the whole family now go out once a week for a meal or have a take away depending on the asthma. Although asthma can get u down I'm not out yet.after another assessment of things I just gotta look for a different activity which puts less stress on me and asthma .looking at new employment and options at the moment. Shortness of breath and husky voice i wont say what has been recommended but inbolves the phone ha ha ha ha .

People point out how bad my asthma is and can be. Which I don't see at times. I see people worse than me.


I feel since my last admission this week i have been given the opportunity to start afresh. I know this is a very different way of looking at it but if you think about it. I have been really ill and now i am on the mend therefore i am starting to build back up again so i can start my life again from scratch.

As i achive new things i can be happy that i have achieved something with my life. I want to be positive in the mass of health troubles. I agree with hopalong we need to try and stay positive it is important!

Yes i do get sad when i know i am missing out on things but without out my illness i would not have made such fantastic supportive and understanding friends.

Yes we all have to make sacrifices but we also really appreciate and value the achievements we make!


hi gussy,

your so right - its the damn new husky voice i have thats irrating me more. I am so trying to stay positive and i see aminophylline like my saviour but im still drug dependent and its the little things i cant get over now.

i turned 29 on thursday and ive never ever been this depressed at a birthday because this stuff started when i turned 27,I feel like this damn crazy asthma has stolen two years out of my life. Its like something somewhere switched on in my body and im gutted at the thought i'm stuck like this.

plumie, your right that this whole episode made me reflect on everything ive been doing wrong - literally neglicting a life long issue and allowing my doctors to put them down to a bad cold (why did i ever believe that - who has a bad cold every month?!?) take care of yourself plumie.

I had to give up one of my favourite hobbies - airsoft - because of my asthma. I'm also suffering so much that my nurse training may be at stake. Mostly, though, i feel i have lost my dignity and pride through the endless stream of hospital admissions, meds, nebs, wheelchairs and walking sticks.

Not a great club to be in, but positivity will hopefully save the day!

Confused have u sat down and spoke to Anyone about how you feel. I wasn't coping in January. I'm usually upbeat person. But just had a year from hell. Changes in diagnosis and failed treatments made me miserable. I finally said to the asthma nurse at the hospital how I felt. just by saying it helped. She gave good advice At end of my rant. That was my turning point. Plus i stopped listening to susan boyle. The asthms nurse still checks to see how I'm coping now at the clinic.

Re medication I try any medication to see if it helps. To save disappointment I remind myself it may not work but won't know till I try!!

I to, have had to make sacrifices.

I had moved away from home to university to study nursing when my asthma, that had been controlled for years went mental, due to this I had to move back home, and give up my course. I also had to give up my real passion, which was running.

But what i found worst of all, was having to give up my freedom. I couldnt go out for long, as I found it really hard work, and basically couldnt do anything that a normal teenager would do.

But I am one of the very luck ones. I never let myself think i wouldnt get over the 'bad spell', and i think this help me over come it. I am now in my 2nd year back at nursing, and although i stayed in my home town, i have now left my parents house and have a relatively normal life. I just hope i continue to stay as well as I am now.

I left my uni course about 5 months before finishing and becoming a paramedic a career that is my dream I had to move back home. Was offered a job for 4 months in San Deigo but couldnt go...... lost friends as they couldnt cope with the hospitals.. lost jobs.... and everythign it seems

number of things that got me here.

HI gussy,

thats the thing i have been on this mission to find something that would be some kind of radical result it hasnt all been the case. Its a number of things that has made me so low. firstly i turned a year older last week which started the whole depression as it marked the 2/3 year anniversary of the deterioration, then it was the fact i thought aminophylline would be like a wonder pill and that it would erase everything. First i was given a 2 week supply then a it was extended at the next flare up as a 2 a day tablet ( one in the morning as i was not sleeping at all) now its three pills a day (two at night now) my levels were not high enough and im still suffering.

i put all these medicines in a possible cure category and now that im not getting the results from anything im so down that i maybe stuck like this. I just feel a little let down by the gp practice i am with it took a junior registrar doctor to notice how its affecting me. i have another month to wait to go to the hospital. im just down and cant snap out of it this time.

im so glad i stumbled across the asthma uk site a couple of years ago as without this place I would be very alone.

you know one thing that hasnt been mentioned and i am amazed it hasnt been posted about, is a sacrifice that has been a bummer over the last few years for me which has been ahem having to limit getting intimate. this is because my asthma is triggered by exercise and any type of breathlessness makes me ill so it kind of puts a dampener on nocternal activites. having said that i cant honestly say that it hasnt been used as an excuse at times-its beats the headache excuse lol

Not been able go the gym or swimming nearly last 2 years,get puffed walking around the house and up stairs and night time fun need I say more.

Had a new med added and had a good few days,not getting to excited in case just having a few good days and crash quick but time will tell xxx

need to get my self fitter as my OA joints realy need it now,getting stiff now.

I said I'd exercise induced asthma and DH nearly fell over with laughter. Wanted to know how I came to that conclusion when I never did any exercise. :p

I have had to make sacrifices, but they are worth it if they keep you out of hospital more and help you function better!

I had to give up a job I I loved but was very stressful but since then I had managed to stay out of hospital for the longest period in years, this was alongside starting sub v=cut Bricanyl too.

I have also in the past had to give up playing football which I think came more of a blow than work!!

I look at it that I will get back to work at some point and I may be fat but I am still here to enjoy other things

Well, I gave up Thai chi, some night out with friends, dairy products and some holiday destinations for the asthma. I've recently come to the conclusion that my type of work and very long hours at work are not helping me so looking for a new job.

I like to believe everything happens for a reason which is sometimes a hard thing to do.

Love Lydia x

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