Sucker: Has anybody seen the ads for... - Asthma Community ...

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14 Replies

Has anybody seen the ads for the dispatches programme? They have a pic of a kid with asthma with the caption ""Sucker"". I wondered what you guys thought about it.

14 Replies

I haven't seen the advert but it sounds offensive. Other then that the program itself is going to be very enlighting for sure as they are going to do some experiment with ""alergen free environment"" and prove how to save loads of NHS money, which now are obviously wasted on treating asthmatics. Just can't wait to see it. :/

Actually I disagree,

haven't seen the ad either but have seen what its about. I'm not saying drugs don't have a place in asthma, OBVIOUSLY they do. However, as long as dispatches acknowledges that (which grated after seeing their very narrow minded view of dyslexia they may not), it could be quite interesting. Anythign non drug related which could help is always good; i know for one that the surroundings im in change my symptoms massively and think its good they're highlighting this.

Moose1 profile image

I have seen a dispatches advert for the programme 'how to beat your kid's asthma' which involves a child struggling for breath and taking a reliever but i have looked closely and have not seen this caption :o/

Is it a different programme?


the actual programme will be fascinating but the fact that some one has put ""sucker"" under the child, i think thats sick actually

Is it my imagination, or is the programme website - - a lot less sensationalist than the advertising for the programme would have me believe?

My son is getting bullied alot at school, so much that I am having to move him. One of the names he is being called is ""Sucker"" could this advertisement for the chan 4 prog be why??? He is also having lot's of other probs eg mobility at school (as he has a wheelchair) Yesterday, he ended up hitting another child as he had just had enough of the name calling etc. Obviously chan 4 have no understanding of the influence that they have over children and I find it offensive to call any-one with such a life threatening condition ""Sucker"" or anything else!!!!!

I don't expect to much from this programm. It is nothing new that trigger avoidence is an important part of managing ones asthma. There is only this much though that can be done. I wonder if they are going to indicate that we should be walking with a portable breathing aparatus in the summer to avoid all the polens. Also what about asthma attacks that are not trigered by allaergens but for example by exercise? I bet they are going to use people with mild asthma who only use inhalers from time to time to prove that it can be managed without medications and that NHS is wasting money. Exectly the kind of publicity that people with severe condition needs. I will watch it out of curiosity and I hope to be pleasantly surprised but probably I will end up angry (what one can expect from sensation chasing programm after all).

As one of the parents involved in the programme I am saddened by the reaction to the advert which I think is a powerful image. Children with asthma are bullied - this I have learnt in the 7 years that my daughter has lived with quite severe asthma. If the advert shocks then maybe it will let people know what it can be like in the playground or wherever.

I hope people will watch the programme - I feel it was made with the very best of intentions - to help.

Best Wishes...Kay

In an ideal world, Kay, the advert would do just that.

Unfortunately this is not an ideal world, and if you're a child being bullied - or indeed one of those bullies - seeing ""Sucker"" splashed across an image of a child with an inhaler is either going to make you feel worse or make you think you are right to bully!

I'm sure the programme has been made with the best intentions, but unfortunately it's suffering from a typical C4 ""shock tactic"" advertising campaign. I thought C4 was meant to have grown out of these in the mid-90s...?

Moose1 profile image

Am I the only one who hasn't seen the word 'sucker' on any advert for this programme? I have stood right in front of the TV when the advert has been on, many times and haven't seen anything but a child taking an inhaler.

I understand the many views about this programme, as the 'asthma community' has seen this kind of thing many times before, people who don't have to live with sereve or brittle asthma making judgements etc.. but i do think it's important to watch the programme before passing judgement.

I am still confused about the 'sucker' caption tho :o/


Definitely; I must point out that my derision of the advertisement is in no way a reflection on the programme or its contents - that will have to wait until the programme is aired!

But... first impressions, etc...

Moose, don't worry, you haven't gone blind; the advert is a ""paper"" one, not a TV advert.

if you like on the auk homepage they show the paper ad in question.

Before anyone sees red don't worry they are criticising it!

Moose1 profile image

Thank you so much cathbear! I was starting to wonder, i know it's time for an eye test but i didn't think i was that bad! lol
