supportive staff :): just rung work to... - Asthma Community ...

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supportive staff :)

7 Replies

just rung work to let them know i been discharged from costa, albeith too soon and still struggling ....

told them i got sick note covering me for the admission and at least another week.

waited for the hassle, and negative comments, only to hear the opposite from one of my ward sisters . she was fab, totaly supportive. after being i hospital for a week, and as i am still struggling, told me she didnt want to see me back in work for at least another 2 maybe 3 weeks, despite being off for past 5 weeks already :) what a relief! *sigh*

takes a load off my mind, after the hassle i went through with previous job and management, expected quite the opposite response from her!! she was fab, certainly put my mind at ease. i can rest assure my job is safe, dont need to worry bot work at all. i even said i didnt have next months off duty, which starts in 2 weeks time. for Goodness sake, she said, dont go worrying ur head over that, concentrate on getting better, we want u well, and i defo want u well when u come back!!

asked me to ring backend of week when she is next working so i can let her know i am okay :)

what a great colleague i work with, what a fab phone call !!!

x x x

7 Replies

thats really great news, im so pleased for you!

Hopefully now you can rest up and get better without that stress

take care


thats great, im really glad to see that ur colleauges r bein so understanding, helpful n supportive. get well soon, best wishes.


Asthma-girl profile image

I am so pleased that your work are very understanding, I bet it is a big relief to you, now you can concentrate on getting yourself better

Annista profile image

That's brilliant Snowygirl. When I ring my line manager and say I'm too ill to come in all I get is an accusing slience so I'm very envious of the support you've got. It must take some of the worry out of being ill - maybe you need to take some bikkies in with you when you go back, to show your appreciation.

thanks guys for your replies

its a huge lift to cheer me up knowing i have support from work i can tell you, and yes annista, one thing us nurses like is chocolates!! lol. does nothing for our figures though ;)

so i concentrate on getting better, which is taking its time at the mo, and certainly nakaring me out!

many thanks for your get well wishes

x x x

Good news

I presume you are nurse in nhs? It is good you have support. I worry about taking time off sick due to sickness policy so drag myself into wrk even when I shouldn't be there. (nurse in nhs) But your Sr is right you need to get fully fit. Which is what made me decide to take another wk off as it means I not pushing myself and risk going off again. Plus my dad and fiance both said I shouldn't. Sometimes we have to listen to other peoples advice. Especially when head says one thing but lungs say another. So get completely well, after all seems strange that a lot of time nurses drag themselves to work to care for sick when in fact they are sick themselves. Stupid sickness policy. My Fiance worked for CAB at one time and keeps telling me that under disability act if your off sick with asthma it shouldn't be counted. So enjoy your rest.

hi revcath.

i have just inboxed you now.

yes i do work for nhs. its nice to know our managers care!! in my last employment there were awful, so not understanding and sent unnecessary occ health referrals, lots of hassles and made awful comments to me wen i went back to work :( put me through hell. was glad to leave.

i know we covered by DDA so job not at risk re; dismissal etc.. but not sure re: sickness polic and sick time etc... i not sure wot u mean by not counted if asthma ?

its true, i am a victim of doing thast myself, dragging myself into work to look after the kids, wen not 100% and then getting sent home sick, i felt wellenough to be there, but obviously not!!

so at least i can 'enjoy' my time off sick knowing i can concentrate on getting well and back to full strength as i can, without worrying bout work until i have to :)

x x

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