hay fever: hey peeps, when do you... - Asthma Community ...

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hay fever

9 Replies

hey peeps,

when do you normally start taking your hay fever medication? i've got the symptoms of hay fever but i keep getting told its too early but i seem to remember getting told that i need to start my medication earlier as i am reallly sensitive to it. my throat,m eyes etc are so itchy and its driving me crazy!!!

Lauren jayne xx

9 Replies


I start to take mine about now - but this year where i live (southampton, New Forest) i had to start in February as we have some tree pollen (my trigger) out!

So it depends on what you are allergic to and where you live!!!!!

Hope that helps and that you get you medication soon. I can't believe that mine's bad already - but hey ho i suppost that's another side effect of global warming.

Take care


I am quite convinced that it is pollen season. Ive been getting worse too, and i am on antihistamines year round...

A few years agon I was snizzing all the time, running/ichy eyes, I had an allergy test and found that I was allergic to plants and trees, I was also told the reason that I seemed to have hayfever all year round was as trees/plants went out of season another lot was coming in, hope this info helps

yaf_user681_30003 profile image

Saw bit on the telly this morning that was talking about season definitely having started early. Looks like we are in for a long drag this year.



I take antihistamines and so on all year round, as I have perennial rhinitis with allergy to all the usual inhaled allergens as well as hayfever. I've definitely been sneezing/itching more over the last couple of weeks, though. Even my fairly non-allergic husband has been sneezing over the last couple of weeks. Something has evidently flowered or released its pollen or something earlier than it usually does. Where's our resident ecologist to tell us what's going on?

It could be a long summer, I'm already on full rhinitis treatment so there's not a lot I can do except perhaps to restart the nasal saline irrigation that I used to do (yuck), to try to minimise allergen exposure and to unblock those sinuses. I know from past experience that if I get bunged up sinuses due to allergy, it seems to be an excellent environment for secondary bacterial infection to develop.

Happy sneezing, folks

Em H

KateMoss profile image

I'm here!

Yes, things seem to be flowering earlier each year - look at the Phenology network project that has been compiling data for years!

I found Hazel catkins in flower at the end of December and there has been plenty of other catkins flowering since - most trees produce flowers that are wind pollinated so lots of pollen.

Not noticed grass flowering yet!

Anyway, spring has definately arrived (you should see what is going on in my garden at the mo on the bird table .... hint ........2 collared doves!)


Will find out more if peeps want it.



am glad i'm not the only one withhay fever at the mo - my friends thought i was imaginig it! lol


*sticks hand in the air*

And Its started here too. meh. Bring on the runny eye and noses!

*sticks hand in the air*

And Its started here too. meh. Oh such fun hay fever is! We all love it!

Happy nose blowing people!

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